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Reading Want Johnson


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IMO LJ hasn't played that well so far this season. I've only seen a couple of away games and others claim he plays better away (which I can believe) but in the games I've seen his passing has not been as good as last season, he's been a bit too casual with the ball which has been punished, and he's not created much.

The statistics would seem to bear this out:

According to the football league site he has only managed one goal, one assist and half a dozen shots on target in 21 league games, despite taking the majority of set pieces.

For comparison, Bradley Orr has managed 2 goals, 2 assists and 7 shots on target.

Last season in total LJ got 12 assists and 5 goals - it's no coincidence he got far less criticism - he was playing much better.

I agree he is a bit unfairly maligned because he's not the all action tackling sort that we love but if he was changing games and creating goals for us, which is what he's in the team to do, then people would not be on his back so quickly.

I think he has the ability but he's not really been playing to it so far. If he were to be sold in January and we were to bring in replacement I would wish him well, I don't think I'd be overly happy or disappointed either way.

My sentiments exactly.

I'm not slating him but just think where certain existing players I had a few doubts over previously have stepped up magnificently, he hasn't. Players like Orr and Basso I thought would cost us a few goals this year but they've done superbly well and progressed both as a team and individuals.

The key word you've said there is casual, and that's what I think sums him up. He set high standards last season as a creative midfielder and I think people are a bit quick to get on his back because he isn't currently showing it. Maybe he'll have a storming second half the season like he did last season and prove me wrong. I hope he does.

And for those of you who question me 'not being a proper city fan' or not being 'one of those fans that goes away' then you're very wrong. This thread just goes to show how fickle some of the people on this forum really are, especially given all the drivel written about him on here over recent weeks - none of which came from me I might add!

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This is a forum and people are entitled to an opinion and it will be different to other peoples opinions and when opinions are different, it gets silly.

I haven't slated LJ and i think he is a good player but if Reading are to put in an "offer" for LJ then i think we have cover for him.

Noble has to improve his fitness and when he is fully fit, he could be one of Citys best players on the park.

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Ive heard a few comments about Noble and the 'sauce'...

Is this true? I thought the drinking culture was gone from the club? Is this any coincidence that he's Keogh's housemate? Are they both partial to a few?

Id be surprised if Johnson kept playing Noble if he was a p155head...

Care to lift the lid on this?

Does this shed any light? It was messy!


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With all this LJ v Noble debate we all seem to be missing the point.

GJ started the point a little over a year ago when he stated the following.

Artus is very very close to selection. 6ft, around 13 stone, in his 20th year and recently rated the best player by far in the reserve match v the sag.

This City Academy player has been rated as the best prospect for several years, yet all he has so far is promises. Just how old and big does he have to be for a chance in the squad. He is a tough tackler, can pass, shoot and good with his head, add that talent to Elliot and I ask why are we talking about signing a midfielder from outside the club.

The Academy players can see whats going on. The last academy players to get a run were Cotterill and Skuse, for the best part of 2 seasons, just promises.

Whats the point of an Academy if the youngsters get promises but no selections. IMO GJ needs to address the situation with a squad selection for Ribiero or Artus, or at the very least make a press release about the Academy with some encouragement for their futures with BCFC.

Noble and LJ both have some talent, but I don't think the midfield would suffer one bit if Artus had a run from the bench. Try Middlesborough in the FA Cup.

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With all this LJ v Noble debate we all seem to be missing the point.

GJ started the point a little over a year ago when he stated the following.

Artus is very very close to selection. 6ft, around 13 stone, in his 20th year and recently rated the best player by far in the reserve match v the sag.

This City Academy player has been rated as the best prospect for several years, yet all he has so far is promises. Just how old and big does he have to be for a chance in the squad. He is a tough tackler, can pass, shoot and good with his head, add that talent to Elliot and I ask why are we talking about signing a midfielder from outside the club.

The Academy players can see whats going on. The last academy players to get a run were Cotterill and Skuse, for the best part of 2 seasons, just promises.

Whats the point of an Academy if the youngsters get promises but no selections. IMO GJ needs to address the situation with a squad selection for Ribiero or Artus, or at the very least make a press release about the Academy with some encouragement for their futures with BCFC.

Noble and LJ both have some talent, but I don't think the midfield would suffer one bit if Artus had a run from the bench. Try Middlesborough in the FA Cup.

This is an excelent point, and is backed up by the fact Artus impressed in his last reserve outing Vs. the sags.

I do hope he gets the chance this season, possibly over the Christmas period.

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With all this LJ v Noble debate we all seem to be missing the point.

GJ started the point a little over a year ago when he stated the following.

Artus is very very close to selection. 6ft, around 13 stone, in his 20th year and recently rated the best player by far in the reserve match v the sag.

This City Academy player has been rated as the best prospect for several years, yet all he has so far is promises. Just how old and big does he have to be for a chance in the squad. He is a tough tackler, can pass, shoot and good with his head, add that talent to Elliot and I ask why are we talking about signing a midfielder from outside the club.

The Academy players can see whats going on. The last academy players to get a run were Cotterill and Skuse, for the best part of 2 seasons, just promises.

Whats the point of an Academy if the youngsters get promises but no selections. IMO GJ needs to address the situation with a squad selection for Ribiero or Artus, or at the very least make a press release about the Academy with some encouragement for their futures with BCFC.

Noble and LJ both have some talent, but I don't think the midfield would suffer one bit if Artus had a run from the bench. Try Middlesborough in the FA Cup.

I totally agree that it's time to stop bringing players in and to give our youngsters a chance, when the opportunity arises (suspensions/injuries etc).

We've pretty much set ourselves up for survival, with possibly more, so why throw away more money in January when we could build a cheap, prosperous, homegrown future?

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This is an excelent point, and is backed up by the fact Artus impressed in his last reserve outing Vs. the sags.

I do hope he gets the chance this season, possibly over the Christmas period.

This is a growing issue for the club. (Albeit not at the front of anyones mind at this time)

The status of the 1st team is rightly paramount and is quite a success story this season.

However, this is currently being achieved with a direct negative impact on our ability to develop the younger prospects into 1st team players.

Obviuosly not a problem in the short term. This may change as new city acadamy players choice not to sign for a club which is unlikely to play them until they reach 20 / 21. May be even a problem if existing young pro's get picked off by other club's with the lure of a chance at 1st team involvement.

How long will players like Artus and others believe they really are "close", without actually being selected.

The club is aware of this issue. Only time will tell whether the current practise continues or whether the "necessary circumstamces" arise in which the young players may get a chance to represent thsi great club.

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21 year olds should be good enough for first team football, if they're not then they never will be. Shame that these lads don't get a look in but when do you introduce them? Usually in desperate situations, and currently we are not in one. So unless we fall away badly from the top of this league, I can't see them even making the bench.

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What David "gets knackered after an hour" Noble?

Great for the role just behind the Striker,

wouldn't have the legs for Lee Johnson's role.

Just for balance sake. Are we talking about the Lee Johnson who strolled around, not getting involved in defensive work, which even had Byfield and Trundle back defending, running to get there, rather than Lee's stroll, and subsequent lack of tackling, whilst the rest of the team did, during the Leicester game?

Johnson minor has a most irritating inconsistency in his play, one blinder, one total turkey.

This does tend to bring out the anti Johnson posts. He has talent, he does not, however have any consistency. when he palys well, the team does, if he don't, neither does City. A problem n c'est pas?

We all know Noble cant hack more than 70 mins. Neither could Doc, and everyone thought he was the nads too.

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Your talking absolute tosh Tin I'm afraid, Johnson Jr is a super player who will always give 100% to the cause, delivers decent dead balls, has a great eye for a pass and in the last few games has added tackling to his repertoire!

What a load of borlicks. You quite obviously werent at the Leicester game, or wear a fantastic pair of blinkers.

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Funny how people see things differently. Talking to mates that were also at the game, thought he played well. Out of interest Alex, what in particular did you think was poor about his performance.

Gave the ball away too much, didn't tackle enough, didn't create much and Elliott had to do most of his work. Luckily he did and was MOM for it.

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