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Hair wax - I think

So it is, just googled it, its a hair wax product.... read some reviews everyone says on the positive side its cheap & it does a good job,

Mr Moomin should be happy....

.... Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention, - on the negative side everyone says it wont wash out, & is a pig to get rid of, so if you thought it was hard to get out of the tin that was the easy bit Mr Moomin - wait til you try getting it out of yer hair!... :shocking:

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so hows the Dax working out then? not needed to shave yer head or anything yet I trust?... :)

It's great, I wash my hair and have no need to put more on the next day, hair looks great andeverythings cool

HOWEVER, I am getting a tad fed up that it doesnt wash out. I need to wash my hair every morning other wise it looks a greasy mess and when you need to put more on your hands are really sticky because the stuff is water proof.

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It's great, I wash my hair and have no need to put more on the next day, hair looks great andeverythings cool

HOWEVER, I am getting a tad fed up that it doesnt wash out. I need to wash my hair every morning other wise it looks a greasy mess and when you need to put more on your hands are really sticky because the stuff is water proof.

Gawd knows how logging onto OTIB led to me searching the web to find info on removing a hair product that I've previously had no knowledge of & am never likely to use... but hey ho... googled it & found loads of forum debates on the best ways to remove the Dax wax seems its a widespread problem .. Dax make their own shampoo (didnt sound overly successful though in removing the wax -unless you wash wash & wash again) .. but this (copied/pasted from one of the forums) seems to be a popular solution that apparently works :

Posted: Jan 29, 2007 6:14 AM

Sideshow Tom wrote:

Have to say, the oil should do the trick. This was told to me by my barber's father (also a barber). I use Dax red tin (heavy duty stuff) and brylcreem and it works just fine - this is my routine:

1) Work in either some plain ole vegetable oil or baby oil and comb it through

2) Leave for a few minutes (the oil seems to break down the waxy pomade)

3) Comb out any excess and pat dry with a paper towel

4) Shampoo (WITHOUT water) and lather so the detergent in the shampoo emulsifies the oils - I tend to use cheap shower gel for this part

5) Rinse and shampoo again (with a better quality shampoo!)

6) I use a conditioner as a last step not only to keep the hair in good condition but the oils in it also help remove any last residue

Try this out and let me know how u get on


I'm a convert too. It worked pretty well removing the build up. I forgot the conditioner part so I'll have to try this when I do it next. I seriously would have never thought oil would remove oil but it does work. Thanks for the tip.

So there you go Mr Moomin.. good luck, but don't blame me if yer hair falls out :shocking: or you end up smelling like fried haddock fillet :fish: & chips!..:rofl2br:........could try veg oil or oil based hand cream for your sticky hands maybe?

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