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Deh Today.........


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Now i consider myself a fairly easy going person without unrealistic expectations. I`m also well aware that as i live in Gloucester and play golf pretty much every saturday morning there will be occasions when my attempts to meet up with the old man for a pre-match pint in the DEH will depend on how late i get to the ground. I know there`s a limit to the number of people allowed into the hall.

So walking around to the bar at 1355 today with my daughter i was a little perturbed to find myself stood in a queue that had reached the Dolman turnstiles. Christ, must be really busy today, i thought. So i give the old man a quick call on the mobile as he`s already inside. He`s a little surprised to hear that there`s a huge queue outside seeing that the place is only about HALF as full as normal. So with Natalie keeping our place in the queue i wander up to the two knuckleheads at the doors to find out whats happening to be told that the bar was at capacity and they were operating a one out one in system. I pointed out that if they turned around and looked inside it certainly didn`t give the appearance of being anywhere near capacity, being able to see a clear path to the bar was a dead giveaway. But they stuck to their guns.


On the basis that the club have blatantly oversold bronze memberships i shall be writing to the club to request that mine and Natalies` fivers be refunded.

I don`t have a problem with not being able to get in when the place is full, i knew there was that risk when i paid my fiver. But if todays farce is a taste of things to come then they can stick the DEH where the sun don`t shine..........

........and i don`t hold out much hope of getting our money back either.

Other than that, a great result, second half wasn`t pretty, i`ve played in higher quality park matches but today i`ll gladly take the points over the performance. Onwards and upwards you reds.


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Yep, that may well be the case and in this H&S `where there`s blame there`s a claim` world we now live in i fully understand if thats the situation. However, unless there were a few hundred punters all gathered around the corner out of site and by that i mean a few hundred more than would normally be sat watching the footy, then the capacity must have been reduced to a ridiculously low number.

That makes my request for a refund even more valid i reckon.


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We walked down the length of the huge queue too, people looked like they had been waiting for ages. I've never seen more than a handful of people outside before. We wondered what was being given away free!!!

I don't know what the reason was. We've had bigger crowds without queuing. As for a one in one out policy, well that doesn't really work does it, as once people are in there they don't want to leave until a couple of minutes before the match, they are hardly thinking 'I'd better drink up so some other person can come in'.

I haven't been in there since they started charging for what was previously a ST Holder 'perk', yes it's only £5 but should be free, or so I thought until now! Can you imagine the queue if all ST holders could get in there!!!

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The capacity of the DEH is set at 1000 on matchdays plus 200 in the gold bar.

With a gate of only 15000 or so I'm very surprised that you weren't able to get in. I can only guess that the capacity has been reduced and we haven't been told.I can't think of any other explanation.

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