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Radio Bristol Callers - What Are They Like These Days?

Big Red Rich

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I rearely get to listen to Radio Bristol after games for one reason or another but in years gone by I did try and tune in, mostly just to laugh at some of the idiots who phone it. Some of the callers are cringeworthy, I remember a sag phoned in a while ago who just didnt have a clue, he didnt watch the game and after a period of about 10-15 seconds silence where he had no idea what to say he replied "I love rovers i do geoff"................Hmmmm thanks for that gimp!

Anyway, no matter when I listen the callers are always the same. A girl called Ron phones in every week it seems and there is always someone slating Lee J as well (not that Im in complete disagreement but enough of that) but the thing I really want to know is this:

Are they still loads of "City Moaners" as my sag mate calls them that keep calling in? Kelvin was always a hillarious one, I wonder where he is now? I can remember this other old timer making a bet with Geoff that City would get relegated in GJ's first season!

So, what are the callers like these days? Even though we are 3rd in the league are there still plenty of moaners who call in?

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Thats THE Ron who used to be on here.

Pretty much the same callers every week though.

That's probably because noone else can be bothered to phone in, but a few seem happy to berate those that do on this forum.

If anyone is at home on a Friday night between 7 and 8 pm and want to voice their opinion about City to Geoff Twentyman, then for god's sake, call him.

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That's probably because noone else can be bothered to phone in, but a few seem happy to berate those that do on this forum.

If anyone is at home on a Friday night between 7 and 8 pm and want to voice their opinion about City to Geoff Twentyman, then for god's sake, call him.

Now that is a concept I struggle with.........

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I always wonder why the hell do these people feel the need to share their views with everyone on the radio? Baker and Kelly aside, radio phone ins on football add absolutely nothing to anybodys enjoyment or understanding of the game and are just a cheap way to fill airtime. I would (almost) rather listen to the 10 minute interviews with Yates manager or, god forbid, rugby reports.

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That's probably because noone else can be bothered to phone in, but a few seem happy to berate those that do on this forum.

If anyone is at home on a Friday night between 7 and 8 pm and want to voice their opinion about City to Geoff Twentyman, then for god's sake, call him.

After the Ipswich game I tuned in to radio Bristol and listened to the dulcet tones of a certain City follower, only then to switch to Talksport and almost immediately hear the same guy talking about the exact same thing. I almost didn't dare switch again to 606 on 5 Live......... :tongue:

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After the Ipswich game I tuned in to radio Bristol and listened to the dulcet tones of a certain City follower, only then to switch to Talksport and almost immediately hear the same guy talking about the exact same thing. I almost didn't dare switch again to 606 on 5 Live......... :tongue:

Crikey Stu, that guy ought to get out more. Some people are just are just anoraks, or have been married for seventeen years. Err.. that's what I've read anyway. :whistle2:

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After the Ipswich game I tuned in to radio Bristol and listened to the dulcet tones of a certain City follower, only then to switch to Talksport and almost immediately hear the same guy talking about the exact same thing. I almost didn't dare switch again to 606 on 5 Live......... :tongue:

It's at that point I turn the radio off.

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I don't know, I like it - whenever I switch my car radio on after the match, its Mark then Ian, so regularly that I suspect geoff t is calling them direct so get some formal, considered, intelligent viewpoint. But it is a shame you don't get the drongos as, like you say, they add plenty of humour to proceedings... mind you with us doing well and gas sinking fast back to league 2 its all pretty predictable. I find the "we're sh*t and we know we are, and we're jealous of City" from the gas fans pretty heart warming to be honest.

you should wash you mouth out about the egg chaser comment though.

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I rearely get to listen to Radio Bristol after games for one reason or another but in years gone by I did try and tune in, mostly just to laugh at some of the idiots who phone it. Some of the callers are cringeworthy, I remember a sag phoned in a while ago who just didnt have a clue, he didnt watch the game and after a period of about 10-15 seconds silence where he had no idea what to say he replied "I love rovers i do geoff"...Hmmmm thanks for that gimp!

Anyway, no matter when I listen the callers are always the same. A girl called Ron phones in every week it seems and there is always someone slating Lee J as well (not that I'm in complete disagreement but enough of that) but the thing I really want to know is this:

Are they still loads of "City Moaners" as my sag mate calls them that keep calling in? Kelvin was always a hillarious one, I wonder where he is now? I can remember this other old timer making a bet with Geoff that City would get relegated in GJ's first season!

So, what are the callers like these days? Even though we are 3rd in the league are there still plenty of moaners who call in?

Theres a load of moaners on here as well.

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After the Ipswich game I tuned in to radio Bristol and listened to the dulcet tones of a certain City follower, only then to switch to Talksport and almost immediately hear the same guy talking about the exact same thing. I almost didn't dare switch again to 606 on 5 Live......... :tongue:

Is that genuine or is it a joke I'm missing? Who the hell is sad enough to do that? Is this person on the forum or just some genuine oddball?

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There was some guy from Yeovil who used to ring in who used to comment on how many points Yeovil were ahead fo City etc. Was pretty sad.

I like phone-ins- you get to laugh at idiots who have just called up with no real points or issues to raise. I quite like Alan Green- he doesn't stand for any non-sense and always talks sense to me.

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Whenever I listen on the way home from the gate there always seems to be some gas that phone in that have listened to the game on the radio 'yeah I think we did well Geoff'. Wtf, why am I listening to some idiot talking about what he listened to on the radio, at that point I turn over to Talksport but then I realise that Manc idiot Terry Christian is on and all he does is waffle on about his hate for Man C and Liverpool so I tune in to 5 live and that's always over run with whinging Spurs fans so I go back to 95.5 and as I tune in I hear 'No Geoff listened to the Gas on the radio, not going to go until we start winning', at that point I realise that music might be the better option.

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I always wonder why the hell do these people feel the need to share their views with everyone on the radio?

As opposed to feeling the need to share their views with everyone on a forum, for example? :rolleyes:

I enjoy listening to various opinions of other supporters after the game and hearing them talk about local clubs. Especially when every Gashead you head sounds like they're about to stick their head in an oven. :whistle:

We have very good local sports radio on Radio Bristol.

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i agree with red top, the local radio is pretty good and Geoff for a gasman is very fair minded and holds it together well.

occasionally he gets a kid on and its a nightmare, but mostly I nod along in agreement on my long drive home. including with the LJ moaners of which I am one!

i thought Kelvin was good value for money and spoke well, I did not always agree with him, but if i want to listen to just those who shared my opinion I would simply talk to my mirror!

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do feel a bit embarrased being a city fan when:

a) someone rings up and says I think Steve Mclaren should be looking at Basso, he should be in the england squad... twentyman - oh i thought he was brazilian... city fan - yer he is...... NOT GOOD!

b) City fan rings up and says I thought Lee Johnson was rubbish today... listened to it at home on the radio and he was awful... get him out!

this jus embarrases me!!!

not good...

sorry if it was any of u that rang up!!

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