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Wheres Brazil

Guest bristol south end

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Guest bristol south end

I know its nothing to do with BCFC but does anyone know what has happened to Alan Brazil on talksport in the mornings,i heard last week his sidekick Alan Parry say he dosen't work here anymore,i always enjoyed his knowledge and banter with porky Parry

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Its a real shame.Brazil was a geat foil for Mike Parry and the banter between them was really funny.Brazil also had a great radio voice and sharpe sense of humour.He was knowledgable as well.

Dunno if I feel strongly enough to complain to Talksport though'.

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There's absolutely no way that Porky Parry can carry on with the breakfast show now. The only reason the listeners tollerated him was because of Alan Brazil.

I think that both parry (programme director) and mackenzie (owner) have made a massive mistake here. goodbye talksport.

It summed it up for me when someone phoned up on the monday after alan brazil left and parry said something along the lines of 'no mr brazil doesn't work here anymore'. talk about friendship, not!!!

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And listeners can look forward to more of his hilarious on-air blunders, the most unfortunate of which came the day after actor John Thaw died a couple of years ago.

Brazil: "I was sad to hear yesterday about the death of Inspector Morse, TV's John Shaw."

Co-host: "John Thaw, Alan".

Brazil: "Do you know, I've been doing that all morning. John, if you're listening, sorry mate."

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Don't bother with it personally as Parry's crude and boorish attempts at trying to be controversial are so transparent and are, quite frankly, beneath anyone with half a brain. Shame really as Alan Brazil is actually rather good.

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Guest bristol south end

Brazil made another goof only 2/3 weeks ago,Gary Bushell was on,talking about a evening gala the night before where all the celebs were invited in memory of the late Bob Monkhouse anyway Bushell droned on for about 2/3 minutes mentioning everyone who was there and then when he finished Brazil piped up "how is Bob these days" there was a 3/4 second silence until Bushell cracked the ice & explained that Monkhouse had been dead for 3 months,i nearly choked on my shreddies,poor Brazil didn't know where to put himself,glad he's back though, brings a bit of sanity to the radio in the morn,whereas that lunatic "there should be 1 team in Bristol"Parry just constantly plays devils advocate

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