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Half Time Entertainment !

Guest zider_head

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Guest zider_head

Is it just me or is the half time entertainment at the gate poor to say the least, surely we could get some decent stuff in, surely with our good crows artists would love the exposure.

I mean trying to hit about 10 inchs of handle bar from 20 yards is hardly rivting viewing is it, in this weather with no boots on all the 3 contestants seem to do is slip over, its very poor indeed.

I know its a little moan but we could be doing alot better I'm sure.

Decent cheer leaders etc

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Is it just me or is the half time entertainment at the gate poor to say the least, surely we could get some decent stuff in, surely with our good crows artists would love the exposure.

I don't like singers at football. They very seldom work and I have seen too many booed off to want to subject anyone to that at Aston Gate. I think footie related entertainment works best and that's what most people want.

I mean trying to hit about 10 inchs of handle bar from 20 yards is hardly rivting viewing is it, in this weather with no boots on all the 3 contestants seem to do is slip over, its very poor indeed.

Clearly you don't like it, and that's fair enough, but loads of people do, and judging by the hundreds of emails I get from people wanting to take part it has proved very popular. I also have to say I can't remember anyone slipping over either. But I'm a firm believer in going out at the top, so we'll be starting a new competition at the Blackpool game.

I know its a little moan but we could be doing alot better I'm sure.

That's fair comment, and we will always try and do better. If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them. Bearing in mind they need to have wide popular appeal, not cost anything and not damage the pitch or use the goal areas.

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Is it just me or is the half time entertainment at the gate poor to say the least, surely we could get some decent stuff in, surely with our good crows artists would love the exposure.

I mean trying to hit about 10 inchs of handle bar from 20 yards is hardly rivting viewing is it, in this weather with no boots on all the 3 contestants seem to do is slip over, its very poor indeed.

I know its a little moan but we could be doing alot better I'm sure.

Decent cheer leaders etc

Plenty of decent soloists / duo's out there that would love to perform for two or three songs and get a bit of exposure ( steady tiger ) .

Would'nt cost the world either I'm sure for a short slot . Where else would they get to perform in front of 15,000 plus in their lives with a chance of being spotted , if decent .

Burnley bought ex-player out last week , like many clubs do , waved to the crowd and then back on the mantlepiece until 2017 when needed again . How about Sweeney , Tainton , Cheeseley , Ritchie , Fear , Merrick and many others from 80s and 90s that were fans favs ?? answering supporters questions or telling a few jokey stories from there playing days during the break .

I'm sure the majority of cidereds would find this of interest , having played for the club . We are all different and I'm sure some would disagree and think this is a ' naff ' idea .

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Is it just me or is the half time entertainment at the gate poor to say the least

What are you talking about?! Eamer's recent attempts in the crossbar challenge have been worth the admission fee alone!

Fancy being beaten by an eight-year-old (8!) and falling on your 'arris in the process...

No offence like, Eamer, but it 'twas funny.

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Is it just me or is the half time entertainment at the gate poor to say the least, surely we could get some decent stuff in, surely with our good crows artists would love the exposure.

I mean trying to hit about 10 inchs of handle bar from 20 yards is hardly rivting viewing is it, in this weather with no boots on all the 3 contestants seem to do is slip over, its very poor indeed.

I know its a little moan but we could be doing alot better I'm sure.

Decent cheer leaders etc

maybe byfield could get his missus to do something at half time?

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:city: Half time is becoming a joke,crossbar challenge,half time draw,mascot draw etc.


The only reason that most of us come to Ashton Gate is for the football and the half time scores are very important but lately they have been read out as an afterthought at the end of half time and have not appeared on the scoreboard at all.

Lets make the half time scores the main event of half time. :sign09:

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What are you talking about?! Eamer's recent attempts in the crossbar challenge have been worth the admission fee alone!

Fancy being beaten by an eight-year-old (8!) and falling on your 'arris in the process...

No offence like, Eamer, but it 'twas funny.

I was just about to say I think I was quite good in entertaining you lot.

also, he was seven actually.

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I don't mind it actually I think its alright not to bad could be much worse don't want to see singers, really don't want cheerleaders and for the record hate music being played when we score. :laugh:

Stick to a bit of a kick about (I hate the draw tbh bores the socks off me but its only a few minutes :P) and the half times thats fine by me.

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Sorry to be a bit sexist, but a dancing troupe of fit, lithe young things in differing states of undress, gyrating to funky pop tunes would work for me. It would also make use of our gert lush new PA system.

And if they were female that would be even better.

How about a 'throw the welly' competition, or something more 'West Country like', cider jug, dried cowpat, etc.

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I seriously think half clad Cheer leaders would work well, everyone likes to ogle over fit birds, even birds!

Badger baiting, everyone has chased a Badger at some point in their life, lets make it a competition?

Cross bar challange is ok, but a bit predictable, how about if you miss, you get a 5 yr ban from AG, if you score you get a free ST.

Space hopper race, blindfolded.

Welsh person baiting, we put a Welsh person in the centre and hurl abuse at them for 15 mins.

Beer drinking competition, 50 fans selected at random to get 5h1t faced for free, courtesy of Thorn.

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Is it just me or is the half time entertainment at the gate poor to say the least, surely we could get some decent stuff in, surely with our good crows artists would love the exposure.

I mean trying to hit about 10 inchs of handle bar from 20 yards is hardly rivting viewing is it, in this weather with no boots on all the 3 contestants seem to do is slip over, its very poor indeed.

I know its a little moan but we could be doing alot better I'm sure.

Decent cheer leaders etc

To me half time entertainment is unnecessary. I got to football to watch the game, at HT all I want would be the scores read out over the tannoy. But I forgot, we have the "matchday experience" nowadays and HT entertainment is included in that, what b***ocks!

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yeah, thats all I want too

some bloke reading the half time scores and the winner of the prize draw. nothing else

who cares about some rubbish crossbar competition or some pop shitlet singing her latest song while everyone ignores her or looks at her tits


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To me half time entertainment is unnecessary. I got to football to watch the game, at HT all I want would be the scores read out over the tannoy. But I forgot, we have the "matchday experience" nowadays and HT entertainment is included in that, what b***ocks!

Spot on. But I don't really care if other people enjoy it as long as I get to hear the scores.

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