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Half Time Entertainment !

Guest zider_head

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I don't really care about the half time scores, to be honest.

I care if City are winning, but i know that if I'm at the Gate!

I'd love it if they came on the tannoy and said "If you want to know the Rovers score ... get a life, we're in a different league!"

As for half time entertainment, my Dad's band played at half time in the 70s - they were good!

Also those fellas on crutches playing footy were phenomenal a few years ago - anyone else remember them?

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The best half time entertainment I have ever seen at AG was a couple of years back the army I think it was was on the pitch and did a show. It was excellent.

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How about copying another Soccer Am thing... Skills school. Where bascially two players from the academy showboat their skills against each other (with the winner staying on till the next week until they are beat). This would enable fans to see any talent we have on the books and also hopefully give the academy players confidence in front of a crowd.

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If we are going to have cheerleaders, please let's not have kids. There is something very wrong about 10 year olds dancing for a crowd of mainly grown men, I just can't stand it.

They had that at Burnley and it was peeing down, freezing cold,strong winds and these young kids out on the pitch, how stupid.

Bring back the police dog's, give the OB something to do instead of hanging about outside KFC.

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I used to like the milk float going around the outside of the pitch and lobbing pork pies into the crowd.

One time against the rovers a gashead was being escorted out of the ground for lobbing his pork pie at the city fans in the open end - it was a very unwise thing to do by the policeman as the police officer and gashead got pelted by pork pies as they made their way to the exit.

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Has to be adult cheerleaders with next to no clothes on, anything else is a waste of time and more often than not very annoying!

I still havent got over that bint at Wolves, god she was crap!

I thought something like this would ne nice, naturally changing the colours to red & white, this would definitely keep my attention at half time :tounge:


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Lets make the half time scores the main event of half time. :sign09:

Just the half/full time scores would be fine.

To me half time entertainment is unnecessary. I got to football to watch the game, at HT all I want would be the scores read out over the tannoy.


If we are going to have cheerleaders, please let's not have kids. There is something very wrong about 10 year olds dancing for a crowd of mainly grown men, I just can't stand it.
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Have to agree, HT scores has to come first and foremost. Most weeks several combinations of fixtures can affect our position depending how we're doing so this is absolutley paramount.

Also, Dave - could you clarify why not using the goalnets is a necessity? Is it in case anyone is warming up/training?

Could a makeshift net be erected for a "real" crossbar challenge, or for training and use the real goalnets?

Oh - and agree about any children dancing, it's just wrong - like Brother Ernie said - when you're seeing 10 year old girls dancing for crowds populated mostly with grown men. Urgh.

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Is it just me or is the half time entertainment at the gate poor to say the least, surely we could get some decent stuff in, surely with our good crows artists would love the exposure.

I mean trying to hit about 10 inchs of handle bar from 20 yards is hardly rivting viewing is it, in this weather with no boots on all the 3 contestants seem to do is slip over, its very poor indeed.

I know its a little moan but we could be doing alot better I'm sure.

Decent cheer leaders etc

The crossbar challenge was good but is a bit tired now. hopefully the new game will be fresher.

How about getting the Bristol City Ladies playing the Rovers at half time?

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Also, Dave - could you clarify why not using the goalnets is a necessity? Is it in case anyone is warming up/training?

Partly that, and also for very sound footballing reasons. The pitch is there so that Bristol City can play football on it (a bit obvious I know) but Craig the groundsman and his team work very hard to produce a superb playing surface that suits the passing football Gary likes to play. The goalmouths are the most heavily used areas of the pitch and therefore we have to protect them as best we can.

The last thing I would ever want to do is come up with a piece of half time entertainment that took a divot out of the pitch in the penalty area that meant that one of our players scuffed a second half shooting chance. I'm not sure who would be first in the queue to punch me: Gary, Craig or the 15000 people in the ground. Actually I am sure - it would be Craig, and quite right too.

Thanks for all of your thoughts on half time entertainment. Clearly I can't please everyone, but we do our best. And in the end, it is just a bit of fun that a lot of people really enjoy, so if you don't want to watch it, please feel free to queue for a pie a pint or a pee instead, or just chat to your mates. And we always give the half times just as soon as we have them.

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