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Barrs Court Red

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A great use of public money. I can see the huge benefit Bristol will gain from this.



Bristol is set to create a slavery legacy commission to ensure ideas emerging from Abolition 200 are carried through.More than 100 events were held in the city last year to mark the bicentenary of the Parliamentary Act that led to the abolition of the slave trade.

The community-led steering group involved in the activities has now produced a report on the year, which recommends forming a legacy commission to oversee a series of suggestions.

Members of Bristol City Council's ruling cabinet, who will debate the report on Thursday, will also be asked to support the commission with a budget of £250,000 during the next financial year and confirm that Bristol will mark International Slavery Day on August 23 each year.

Paul Barnett, head of cultural services at the council, said some 200,000 people attended the events in 2007 - the "most impressive community-led programme in the UK".

He said: "Much of the credit for the success of Abolition 200 must go to the steering group, who have provided leadership, guidance and advice to the council officer team.

"They have grown in confidence as the year progressed and have been excellent ambassadors for Bristol, both with the communities of the city and with others around the country.

"They have undoubtedly been instrumental in the change from 18 months ago, when there was a lot of hostility to the idea of Abolition 200, to now when a recent public meeting to consider the steering group's legacy report was a positive and constructive debate.

"The report makes a series of recommendations to help ensure that Abolition 200 leaves a truly sustainable legacy.

"The council should seriously consider these and to focus first on the proposal to establish a legacy commission who can have the formal role of ensuring that these actions really happen."

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For ****'s sake, what is the matter with these morons?

Same with all councils now . There is a fear factor within those that run our towns and cities to keep anything that has a race relating topic , and the slave trade obviously has , at the top of 'the agenda' . This helps to show all that manipulate society , in which ever way , that the councils are including and involving all sections of the community and I include specifically those perceived by many on councils to be 'minority groups' . A fear factor has grown and festers , with certain persons who have been elevated into prominent positions of supposed power in society , forcing the race topic in to whichever agenda they can .

The slave trade for which our forebearers were a part of , is now in society a totally abhorrant image . Few would disagree with that statement .

Many today fear any race and immigration open discussion because of their lack of understanding of much to do with the topic . They suppress their views and discuss their dissatisfaction of happenings in society in their houses , in quiet corners of pubs and to close friends at work . Many have the view of dissatisfaction of whats happening in society but lack the confidence to stand up and challenge their issues for fear of breaking guidelines and laws forced on us by government .

The slave trade and its abolition I believe should have been recognised without question , as it was , due to its importantance as a date of historical fact and its changing of societies views of the day , and the part those changing views have influenced modern day Britain .

As many Bristolians will every year now , if this practice continues ( which I'm sure it will ) , will be agrieved at the fact the council have set aside a large slice of council tax money . It will anger and annoy those who feel its being done for reasons other than for which its set aside for , to keep the race issue at the forefront of societies existance ( or breakdown ).

What an emotive subject , but don't moan and groan behind close doors etc.. Share your views openly in debate to all .

I left Bristol 5 years ago but visit family 5 / 6 times a year for weekends / weeks and certainly can see the detrimental affect the council are having on the city I love and was born , bred and lived for 38 years .

I have nephews , nieces at various schools within and around the city . Look at the old folk and many needing one or other forms of social care who have , and continue to be , the forgotten in the city . Look at the road network that grinds to a halt daily .Look at the lack of amenities ( I include the debacle of the Arena ) inc . sports centres and local pools shut alongwith the sell off of school playing fields . Look at how the council ( like many other councils ) are being swindled by Firstbus .We'll provide ££££££ of new buses on the showcase routes , if you provide the infrustructure to make the buses we would have to buy at some stage in the near future anyway, run faster so we can achieve a even better profit for the shareholder .

Both the slave trade and Bristol City Council debate could go on and on , but theres my very brief view .

I'm sure there will be further views on here , pity if anybody agrees they don't take it out of this forum to the powers that be ( but would they listen - doubt it ). :ranting:

Look at some of the other 'progressive councils' in this country and the best practices that can be introduced to Bristol . Of course at a cost again to the council tax payers .

Rip of Britain . :ranting::ranting::ranting:

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OK quite simply my thoughts on it are like this.

The slave trade was totally abhorent and I wish it had never happened, it was disgraceful and were the perpetrators around today I would like to see them spend the rest of their lives in a cell.

However, it ended 200 years ago, and noone alive today bears even the slightest shred of responsibility for it. I also do not believe that there is anyone alive today who is suffering as a result of the slave trade in Bristol 200 years ago.

Therefore I see no reason whatsoever that £250k should be spent on wining and dining some overly PC activists who are merely looking for a handout. I'd rather the money was spent on something useful like our debacle of a public transport system, collecting my ###### bins every week or teaching people correct English.

I would be quite happy for the Council House to vanish into a deep dark abyss tomorrow with all councilors inside, this city would become a more positive, vibrant and happy place almost immediately. They are less use than a troupe of one legged morris dancers with ADD.

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Just the mention of "steering group" is enough to fill me with rage. Actually, I noticed some new corporate blob is going to be the new chairperson or something for a salary of, I think it was £180000. It was a few days ago...can't really remember. I'm just sick of corporate, business #### and their esoteric, cult-like language.

Question is, what can be done and do we care enough to do anything about it?

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If you can prove that there was some Bristolians captured we got a chance to get £ 250,000 out of the council .

If we dig deep enough in the archives we're bound to find an example of one of our Bristolian ancestors being enslaved by Arabs - for us to get some money from the council. Have a look at the following article extract, the Arab slavers even managed to enslave quite a few Yanks !!!!!!!!!!.....

United States and the Barbary Wars

In 1786, Thomas Jefferson, then the ambassador to France, and John Adams, then the ambassador to Britain, met in London with Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, the ambassador to Britain from Tripoli. The Americans asked Adja why his government was hostile to American ships, even though there had been no provocation. The ambassador's response was reported to the Continental Congress:

That it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur'an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman [Muslim] who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.

American ships sailing in the Mediterranean chose to travel close to larger convoys of other European powers who had bribed the pirates. In the early 1800s, President Thomas Jefferson proposed a league of smaller nations to patrol the area, but the United States could not contribute. For the prisoners, Algeria wanted $60,000 dollars, America offered $4,000. Jefferson said a million dollars would buy them off, but Congress would only appropriate $80,000. For eleven years Americans who lived in Algeria lived as slaves to Algerian Moors. For a while, Portugal was patrolling the Straits of Gibraltar and preventing Barbary Pirates from entering the Atlantic. But they made a cash deal with the pirates, and they were again sailing into the Atlantic and engaging in piracy. By late 1793, a dozen American ships had been captured, goods stripped and everyone enslaved. Portugal had offered some armed patrols, but American merchants needed an armed American presence to sail near Europe. After some serious debate, the United States Navy was born in March 1794. Six frigates were authorized, and so began the construction of the United States, the Constellation, the Constitution and three other frigates.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbary_pirates

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If we dig deep enough in the archives we're bound to find an example of one of our Bristolian ancestors being enslaved by Arabs - for us to get some money from the council. Have a look at the following article extract, the Arab slavers even managed to enslave quite a few Yanks !!!!!!!!!!.....

United States and the Barbary Wars

In 1786, Thomas Jefferson, then the ambassador to France, and John Adams, then the ambassador to Britain, met in London with Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, the ambassador to Britain from Tripoli. The Americans asked Adja why his government was hostile to American ships, even though there had been no provocation. The ambassador's response was reported to the Continental Congress:

That it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur'an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman [Muslim] who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.

American ships sailing in the Mediterranean chose to travel close to larger convoys of other European powers who had bribed the pirates. In the early 1800s, President Thomas Jefferson proposed a league of smaller nations to patrol the area, but the United States could not contribute. For the prisoners, Algeria wanted $60,000 dollars, America offered $4,000. Jefferson said a million dollars would buy them off, but Congress would only appropriate $80,000. For eleven years Americans who lived in Algeria lived as slaves to Algerian Moors. For a while, Portugal was patrolling the Straits of Gibraltar and preventing Barbary Pirates from entering the Atlantic. But they made a cash deal with the pirates, and they were again sailing into the Atlantic and engaging in piracy. By late 1793, a dozen American ships had been captured, goods stripped and everyone enslaved. Portugal had offered some armed patrols, but American merchants needed an armed American presence to sail near Europe. After some serious debate, the United States Navy was born in March 1794. Six frigates were authorized, and so began the construction of the United States, the Constellation, the Constitution and three other frigates.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbary_pirates

That does it , we have enough evidence .

I'll get the kids making placards and signs , the wife can make the costumes to get us noticed and her lovely cup cakes as it could be a long day and I'm working on a slogan that is both catchy but to the point .

Council House 10-00 a.m ( don't be late )

In 200 years our ancestors will remember Red Goblin and Double Trouble as pioneers of both reform and equality when it comes to council tax money wastage . Perhaps statues next to Edward Colston on the Centre where pidgeons can rest their tired wings .

Perhaps a hall similar to Colstons where the robots of the stage can perform their latest computer souinds .

Perhaps streets like Colston Street named after us - Double Trouble Avenue or Red Goblin Way .

Shopping Centres will be named after us with no thoughts of activists of the day saying ' They were associated with OTIB ' that forum that forced fans to discuss a contact sport called 'football' at a place called 'Ashton Gate'.

Where does it stop , if as much effort and money was put into sorting out the problems the city has ,as the effort put towards raising and prolonging the slave issue story by both the pacifists on the council and the activists among us, the city would be on a par with Baaardiff , Brumingham etc...

In modern day Britain forward looking politicians spend most of their time looking back ( Austin Mitchell . Guardian 15 April 1983 ). :ranting::ranting:

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That does it , we have enough evidence .

I'll get the kids making placards and signs , the wife can make the costumes to get us noticed and her lovely cup cakes as it could be a long day and I'm working on a slogan that is both catchy but to the point .

Council House 10-00 a.m ( don't be late )

In 200 years our ancestors will remember Red Goblin and Double Trouble as pioneers of both reform and equality when it comes to council tax money wastage . Perhaps statues next to Edward Colston on the Centre where pidgeons can rest their tired wings .

Perhaps a hall similar to Colstons where the robots of the stage can perform their latest computer souinds .

Perhaps streets like Colston Street named after us - Double Trouble Avenue or Red Goblin Way .

Shopping Centres will be named after us with no thoughts of activists of the day saying ' They were associated with OTIB ' that forum that forced fans to discuss a contact sport called 'football' at a place called 'Ashton Gate'.

Where does it stop , if as much effort and money was put into sorting out the problems the city has ,as the effort put towards raising and prolonging the slave issue story by both the pacifists on the council and the activists among us, the city would be on a par with Baaardiff , Brumingham etc...

In modern day Britain forward looking politicians spend most of their time looking back ( Austin Mitchell . Guardian 15 April 1983 ). :ranting::ranting:

I reckon these following facts on European slavery are more relevant to today's UK political administration: Just 70 years ago Hitler's Germany had a plan to enslave the whole of Europe, especially Eastern Europe, under a German yoke. Why is this fact never properly taught in Bristol's state schools ???!!!!....

"It was the stated policy of the Nazis to kill, deport, or enslave the Russian and other Slavic populations, whom they considered inferior, and to repopulate the land with Germanic peoples. This policy was called the New Order and was laid out in detail in Goering's Green Folder. The entire urban population was to be exterminated by starvation, thus creating an agricultural surplus to feed Germany and allowing their replacement by a German upper class."

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Barbarossa

.....could it be that this is never taught to our children as our own unelected German descended rulers - the royals - are of the German upper class ???!!!!

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Just the mention of "steering group" is enough to fill me with rage. Actually, I noticed some new corporate blob is going to be the new chairperson or something for a salary of, I think it was £180000. It was a few days ago...can't really remember. I'm just sick of corporate, business #### and their esoteric, cult-like language.

Question is, what can be done and do we care enough to do anything about it?

I recommend we form a steering group and meet regularly to envisage a way forward by thinking outside the box to solution to our collective problems in a synergistic and proactive manner.

Or we could go down the pub, slip a few bottles of absinth into the cider, and kick off a riot?

Oh and this thread had potential, let's not turn it into cut'n'paste class war part 592 eh?

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Oh and this thread had potential, let's not turn it into cut'n'paste class war part 592 eh?

:innocent06: cut 'n' paste class war part 592 eh :winner_third_h4h: Nibor, I just couldn't resist it what with this thread being mainly about the political situation with the Bristol council. Allow me just one more relevant cut 'n' paste :innocent06: .....


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The new chief exec of Bristol Council, you know the one with lousy schools, hopeless transport and no entertainment or leisure facilities provided is to "earn" (I use that word loosely) £180k a year after being brought in from the cultural mecca, Hull.

The slavery commission, well, honestly you couldn't make this stuff up.

What about providing at least one of the things listed above that my council is failing to deliver instead?

What a bunch of clowns these halfwitted non Bristolian muppets are.

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The new chief exec of Bristol Council, you know the one with lousy schools, hopeless transport and no entertainment or leisure facilities provided is to "earn" (I use that word loosely) £180k a year after being brought in from the cultural mecca, Hull.

The slavery commission, well, honestly you couldn't make this stuff up.

What about providing at least one of the things listed above that my council is failing to deliver instead?

What a bunch of clowns these halfwitted non Bristolian muppets are.

With regard to the transport issue, when is Bristol to get that light railway and the re-instalation of the tram system that was promised about a decade ago? Tram systems and inner city light railway systems are proven and environmentally friendly measures to ease traffic congestion. I remember old folk really raving about the trams Bristol used to have.

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I've always found this slavery thing as something that can't actually go anywhere. We've stopped it, we know its wrong and are now one of the most tolerant places on earth, would a statue suffice? I suspect "reperations" are the driving force.

I honestly can't wait for the reparations to start rolling in. We've got Celts, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Scots, Vikings and Normans to cough up. Once that happens we can happily pay off the Africans and still have tonnes of cash over. Mind you i don't know which of us which so we'll just start paying ourselves too to make it fair.

The world will be a much nicer place when everyone is coffee coloured. Shame we won't last that long.

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I've always found this slavery thing as something that can't actually go anywhere. We've stopped it, we know its wrong and are now one of the most tolerant places on earth, would a statue suffice? I suspect "reperations" are the driving force.

I'm with you on this but we have a bridge, Pero's bridge, named in memory of a little slave boy already.

We have also changed the name of our new shopping centre so not to offend. Where does it end?

If anyone really feels that they have been displaced and want to return 'home' then let the council fund a one way plane ticket. They accept that or shut up as far as I'm concerned!

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In theory I don't mind money being spent on projects that will increase the harmony within bristol but this isn't the way to do it. Last year was the aniversary and after that a line should have been drawn under the whole subject and everyone should have been satisfied with that.

If they want to do sometheng positive in Bristol and improve the community why tag it on to something that has such negative undertones?

I wonder how much of the budget is going to be spent on wages?

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In theory I don't mind money being spent on projects that will increase the harmony within bristol but this isn't the way to do it. Last year was the aniversary and after that a line should have been drawn under the whole subject and everyone should have been satisfied with that.

If they want to do sometheng positive in Bristol and improve the community why tag it on to something that has such negative undertones?

I wonder how much of the budget is going to be spent on wages?

I agree, this is not going to increase harmony at all, it's divisive.

If they'd allocated a budget to supporting the St Paul's carnival and encouraging people from elsewhere in Bristol to go along for example, I wouldn't have a problem with it. That would increase harmony and it's positive.

This is just a sop to people asking for a handout and special treatment for minorities.

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A great use of public money. I can see the huge benefit Bristol will gain from this.


Further more to my two extensive posts last night , there are two things that have struck me since

my children now go to a school within the Blackpool boundary , living at Cleveleys ( having previously been at school within Bristol ).

Last term they had various sessions on slavery and its implications which resulting in a theme night at the Grand Theatre which involved people of African origin teaching and performing African music on drums . Fantastic evening , great music and performance by the children . .

I still wonder how slavery had an impact on Blackpool as a town , as the town itself is only 150 ish years old .So me thinks that its a good thing for all the children in general to have a lesson or two on the subject, as it will give them an better insight of our countries past . I've other views on how it is / was done , but am content with my dumbed down thoughts of this topic post the event .

I believe that it was made a part of all schools teachings throughout the country , again as pointed out last night , not as part of the cirriculum , because I've not seen it as part of the years learning subjects , but the selected powers that be want to keep the race issue at the forefront of all levels of society , including the kids . When does anyone ever stand up to these ideas, views and issues that are infiltrating all of us . It is forced on us as a society at school , in the workplace and through the media . Forcing people to discuss these issues behind 'closed doors', isn't dealing with the race issue its brushing it under the carpet and suppressing our true feelings which at some stage will surface and often do on our streets .

The government tell you what you can and can't say but only act on what they want ( remember Abu Hamza and his weekly chants which included his hatred of the west etc.... )

Please , it seems right to remind any readers of this post , I / we are not talking racial hatred and as I said last night we need to be very clear on the difference between this , and racial discussion and equality .This seems an apt word ,now as I and many others feel that this is exactly what is not happening in this country . :ranting:

The kids have also spent an amount of time discussing the Koran ( where's spell checker ) , again I can understand the reasoning behind this and the need to broaden their young minds as to having a greater view of all faiths in society . What I would like to see is the return of Religeous Education that is a set , and valued part of the school cirriculum and not just brushed over as now because there are issues with the last OFSTED report that need attention to raise the headteachers profile . :ranting:

This should include all faiths , and also ensure that Muslim faith schools play a part in a better understanding of the Christian , Catholic , Hebrew etc... faiths as well as the Islamic faith .

Get some true values back into schools in this country , I'm sorry to think that , our kids are learning from teachers who are now being asked to be a version of a social worker , although not skilled in this role . :ranting:

Moved away slightly from the main topic but I believe they are integrated in ways .

Also recent history within Europe has given us 2 terrible wars with many of our ancestors involved . At the time they affected all within these countries in many ways and have had many long lasting effects , even today .

My children have not been taught one thing about these wars in their school years and I believe this is a starting point that they should / could have a greater understanding of relatively recent history, and how we all need to work together to live in harmony .Perhaps that is why the race question keeps rearing its ugly head , because that is not what is wanted by these certain affore mentioned elected people in power . :ranting:

The country , rightly or wrongly , is becoming overcrowded . You and I know that it is becoming harder to live in our communities even with the FALSE FIGURES THAT CONSTITUTE A TYPE OF FRAUD BY THE POLICE . The government ( or as I know them as STATISTICS .R.US ) continue to tell us how rosy life in this country is , but we don't believe it . All that was thought ours , is now being taken away . All that was worked for , is now given away . All that was GREAT about this country ,is now weaker , and becoming still weaker . :ranting:

Bristol City Council are selling the city down the swanny and have been for years . The people of the city are being sold down the swanny . All that was Bristol ,the port that found a new world and opened it up for all others , the achievements , the industry , the history , the amenities , the strong spirited communities , all gone . Mind you this is Britain in general now days isn't it . :ranting:

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Not just Europeans, Gobbers, the Eastern side of Africa suffered incredibly badly, only stopped by the British (and Germans) taking over most of it, in the mid 19th century onwards. Arab slavers were known to have taken slaves as far over and down as Matabeleand in modern Zimbabwe.

Strangely nothing is ever said about that particular slavery. I do wonder why? :whistle2:

Quite right bucksred, slavery was only very recently abolished in Saudi Arabia - in 1962 to be precise.

Interestingly, about 12 million forced laborers, most of whom were Eastern Europeans, were employed in the German war economy inside Nazi Germany. More than 2000 German companies profited from slave labour during the Nazi era, including Daimler-Benz, Deutsche Bank, Siemens, Volkswagen, Hoechst, Dresdner Bank, Krupp, Allianz, BASF, Bayer, BMW and Degussa. :noexpression:

Details are sketchy but the Soviet Russians were even more prolific slavers than the Nazi Germans as between 1930 and 1960, the Soviet regime created many 'Lageria' (basically slave labour camps) in Siberia. There were at least 476 separate camp complexes, each one comprising hundreds, even thousands of individual camps. It is estimated that there may have been 5-7 million people in these 'Gulag' camps at any one time !!!!! The fatality rate was as high as 80% during the first months in many Gulags.

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Quite right bucksred, slavery was only very recently abolished in Saudi Arabia - in 1962 to be precise.

Interestingly, about 12 million forced laborers, most of whom were Eastern Europeans, were employed in the German war economy inside Nazi Germany. More than 2000 German companies profited from slave labour during the Nazi era, including Daimler-Benz, Deutsche Bank, Siemens, Volkswagen, Hoechst, Dresdner Bank, Krupp, Allianz, BASF, Bayer, BMW and Degussa. :noexpression:

Details are sketchy but the Soviet Russians were even more prolific slavers than the Nazi Germans as between 1930 and 1960, the Soviet regime created many 'Lageria' (basically slave labour camps) in Siberia. There were at least 476 separate camp complexes, each one comprising hundreds, even thousands of individual camps. It is estimated that there may have been 5-7 million people in these 'Gulag' camps at any one time !!!!! The fatality rate was as high as 80% during the first months in many Gulags.

One of those camps you refer to was Vorkuta, and the worst I have heard of is Kolyma, where hundreds of thousands were killed in mines, with safety records which make the Chinese mines look like paragons of efficiency. Vorkuta was the only place a prisoner escaped from and back to the West. one German POW and a Pole.

also I thought the number of Nazi slave workers was higher than that.

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One of those camps you refer to was Vorkuta, and the worst I have heard of is Kolyma, where hundreds of thousands were killed in mines, with safety records which make the Chinese mines look like paragons of efficiency. Vorkuta was the only place a prisoner escaped from and back to the West. one German POW and a Pole.

also I thought the number of Nazi slave workers was higher than that.

With only one German POW and a Pole being the only ones to have survived the Gulags to tell the tale no wonder details of the Gulag slave camps are sketchy.

Also, we'll have about 2 million Eastern Europeans that live here all lobbying Bristol Council to ask for compensation from the Germans next !!!!!

The Japanese were using our captured soldiers as slave workers in World War 2. Have the Japanese properly compensated our soldiers for this? - their compensation should take first priority. The Bristol Council - if they are to continually hark on about slavery - should send a delegation to Japan to demand compensation on behalf of all Bristolian soldiers that were enslaved by the Japanese.

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With only one German POW and a Pole being the only ones to have survived the Gulags to tell the tale no wonder details of the Gulag slave camps are sketchy.

Also, we'll have about 2 million Eastern Europeans that live here all lobbying Bristol Council to ask for compensation from the Germans next !!!!!

The Japanese were using our captured soldiers as slave workers in World War 2. Have the Japanese properly compensated our soldiers for this? - their compensation should take first priority. The Bristol Council - if they are to continually hark on about slavery - should send a delegation to Japan to demand compensation on behalf of all Bristolian soldiers that were enslaved by the Japanese.

Did'nt realise this thread was still going but love the debate .

The 2 million east europeans would have a case with B.C.C. , BEWARE COUNCIL TAX PAYERS .

Where does it stop .

The annoying thing for me are the spineless people on councils who obviously have an interest in politics locally to have worked their way up the ladder and put up with all our issues .

They say what you want to get them there , and then when there , they lose their voice and fall in with agenda of the day - supposed minority groups and how we can raise their profile .

I know a councillor as a friend very well , and what he says around me and other friends , having worked with him a few years , is totally different to what he has said to his electorate to get him into his council position . If his views were known locally in the community , he would be hounded out . Yes I do challenge his views , attitude and his bare two faced ways . But thats politics for you .

If B.C.C put as much effort into the bigger social problems in Bristol that we've already noted , there would be a better community spirit . It would help to see the council in a different way and perhaps have a better view of how they debate your money and what is perceived as wastage .

Talk of racial prejudice in society is all around us ( if only more and more behind closed doors , that I've previously stated ) and big organisations like the council , government , police etc ..... make many of us , have and hold , our strong views and opinions because of the way they treat many of us .

How many job offers for example STATE that these organisations etc.. are under staffed by persons within a ' MINORITY GROUP '.

Well who are they trying to impress with figures on ethnic background . Is it the government , the public or the activists who can make , and are allowed to make , waves in our society .

How does that make any of us feel when going to interviews for roles and jobs when irrespective of qualifications , you feel inferior to someone who is classified as from a particular background .

Now thats unfair and stinks of prejudice .

It does'nt matter to me whether interviewees are Polish , Japanese , English , Somalian etc..

the fair way and the way we have always worked to is that the job goes to the one who is the better qualified / or has performed well in an interview environment .

We can all now go into an interview knowing from these statements that however qualified you are , you may not get the job because of the colour of your skin or ethnic background .

Now that is wrong .

As you jested , if we were the Great Britain we once were we would not tolerate what happens in society today . But Britain is not run by Britains anymore . We are all sat inour houses talking about the problems instead of dealing with it .

Disgruntled ex-Bristolian of 38 years , but a regular visitor to the city I love , and who still has a son , daughter and many family members living there .


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the fair way and the way we have always worked to is that the job goes to the one who is the better qualified / or has performed well in an interview environment .

Not necessarily so. With regard to getting the best jobs in Government in this country you must have the right socio-economic background together with an elitist public school and Oxbridge education. E.g. Tony Blair and David Cameron became leaders of their respective political parties not because they are the ideal choices to lead the UK but because they had the right toff/snob background and the right public school and Oxbridge education.

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With only one German POW and a Pole being the only ones to have survived the Gulags to tell the tale no wonder details of the Gulag slave camps are sketchy.

Also, we'll have about 2 million Eastern Europeans that live here all lobbying Bristol Council to ask for compensation from the Germans next !!!!!

The Japanese were using our captured soldiers as slave workers in World War 2. Have the Japanese properly compensated our soldiers for this? - their compensation should take first priority. The Bristol Council - if they are to continually hark on about slavery - should send a delegation to Japan to demand compensation on behalf of all Bristolian soldiers that were enslaved by the Japanese.

out of 5,000,000 German, and almost 1,000,000 Rumanian, Hungarian, Italian and Croat s something like 2,500,000 Germans, and 700,000 of the others died in Siberia, as well as millions of other Russians and East Europeans, you aint kidding about the gulags. few Germans have written of their experiences.

as for the East Europeans, Poles, Czechs, & Estonians should mostly pay their way. I have my doubts about the others. I hope none try for compo. Germany has already paid out and wont pay any more, unlike Japan, who hasn't, and has no intention of doing so.

I beleive a Gloucestershire man has been trying for years, with fk all help from the British government (Of all nations I think only Australia has officially asked for compensation) don't hold your breath. also look out for the "victims" of the Mau Mau war trying to hit us, and most likely zimbabweans trying about their war too, scumbag lawyers with agendas, will egg it on.

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I beleive a Gloucestershire man has been trying for years, with fk all help from the British government (Of all nations I think only Australia has officially asked for compensation) don't hold your breath. also look out for the "victims" of the Mau Mau war trying to hit us, and most likely zimbabweans trying about their war too, scumbag lawyers with agendas, will egg it on.

The Gloucestershire soldier you mention should be compensated by our own Government as our Government can't be arsed to get compensation for him from the Japs.

bucksred, this may interest you. The possible beginnings of a German Class War? I just found the following article about the Liebstandarte SS. Seems that many of them ended up as slaves in the Soviet Gulags while upper class SS men lived the life of luxury back in Germany......

"In its short and turbulent life, the Leibstandarte had suffered terrible losses, and the division had been almost completely destroyed a staggering half-dozen times. But even then the story was not over, with many more becoming part of the faceless mass that populated the Soviet Gulags until well into the 1950s. Of those who did manage to return home, many ended up being treated as social pariahs, while others who had milked the system for all it was worth - including many in the German upper classes who had been so quick to adopt senior positions in the Allgemeine SS when the going was good - were able to get back to their lives as if little or nothing had happened."

Source: http://www.panzerace.net/english/pz_per_wes.asp?page=3

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The Gloucestershire soldier you mention should be compensated by our own Government as our Government can't be arsed to get compensation for him from the Japs.

bucksred, this may interest you. The possible beginnings of a German Class War? I just found the following article about the Liebstandarte SS. Seems that many of them ended up as slaves in the Soviet Gulags while upper class SS men lived the life of luxury back in Germany......

"In its short and turbulent life, the Leibstandarte had suffered terrible losses, and the division had been almost completely destroyed a staggering half-dozen times. But even then the story was not over, with many more becoming part of the faceless mass that populated the Soviet Gulags until well into the 1950s. Of those who did manage to return home, many ended up being treated as social pariahs, while others who had milked the system for all it was worth - including many in the German upper classes who had been so quick to adopt senior positions in the Allgemeine SS when the going was good - were able to get back to their lives as if little or nothing had happened."

Source: http://www.panzerace.net/english/pz_per_wes.asp?page=3

I have seen this article, and its the same old story. the allgemeine SS (Political arsewipes) got away with an awful lot of their atrocities, by hiding after the war. The Waffen SS all had tattoed blood groups under their arms (to facilitate rapid treatment if wounded) and IF the Russians and others took em POW, bearing in mind their ferocious fighting spirit, and not inconsiderable atrocities, they would rot for years in POW camps, and then get done for any war crimes when they returned. All Waffen SS regulars, not conscripts are/were banned from getting the pensions they were entitled to as regular personnel. Even those taken into the post war Bundeswehr (Approximatly 2% if said Bundeswehr) are still only entitled to post war service based pensions. some toffs as you put it served in the Waffen SS, and some the Allgemeine SS.

Because Briain, France, the US and Russia wanted to rule Germany, many of these low life scum were given jobs, which enabled them to hide, summat not availible to the returning Wehrmacht and Waffen SS. These people paid the highest price for Hitler and the Nazis (around 5 million members of the Armed forces died either in, or in POW camps, following WW2), not the Nazi Party, or Allgemeine SS. I should imagine the apparchniks, NKVD, and Party members in Russia were the same. The Russian Armed forces paid the butchers bill, around 22 MILLION war dead (including 5 million POWs, and a million sent to the gulags for various offences), thats military personnell only. 13 million civilians died as well

And how did the British, American, and French politicians do for their veterans? As little as possible, as usual. the French didn't even pay the veterans from N Africa pensions till the film released last year embarassed them into doing so.

Our lot aint no better putting military wounded in a civvy hospital, where they aint allowed to wear uniform, or keep military standards,and managed to survive battlefield surgery, in combat zones, without infection, only to catch MRSA in the supposedly clean hospital back home in Birmingham. Not onece, but twice.

Politicians, I've shit em. The shower in this country are pathetic, spineless losers, which ever party they belong to. Only interested in what they can get out of us. bastards.

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Politicians, I've shit em. The shower in this country are pathetic, spineless losers, which ever party they belong to. Only interested in what they can get out of us. bastards.

:clapping: I agree totally. Politicians that 'represent us' today are indeed pathetic. Compare and contrast them to the likes of Che Guevara, OK not everyone's political cup of tea. However, Che got on his Norton motorcycle to tour South America to be shocked by the amount of poverty he saw and decided to do something about it by trying to empower the people.

Meanwhile in France, the French government were hiding Claus Barbie who was responsible for torturing many Frenchmen and women resistance fighters during World War 2. Claus Barbie was aided in his escape from France to Bolivia by many senior French government officials and politicians who feared Barbie may be caught and forced to give their names as French politicians who had aided the Germans in WW2. Needless to say, Claus Barbie with his Gestapo experience almost ended up running Bolivia as a 4th Reich with anti-government activists and trades unionists tortured. Che Guevara heard of the situation in Bolivia and tried to help the people who were being repressed by Claus Barbies Bolivian regime.

Che Guevara was caught in Bolivia and riddled with bullets but still remains idolized as a revolutionary to this day.

Viva La Internet Revolucion !!!!!!....bringing the great man and his deeds back to life - adoring women, a rifle, a cigar and a political agenda to aid your fellow men.....life doesn't get any better than this............ :superman: ...


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