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Rubbish Schools? Lack Of Funding For Social Services? Terrible Transport

Barrs Court Red

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:clapping: I agree totally. Politicians that 'represent us' today are indeed pathetic. Compare and contrast them to the likes of Che Guevara, OK not everyone's political cup of tea. However, Che got on his Norton motorcycle to tour South America to be shocked by the amount of poverty he saw and decided to do something about it by trying to empower the people.

Meanwhile in France, the French government were hiding Claus Barbie who was responsible for torturing many Frenchmen and women resistance fighters during World War 2. Claus Barbie was aided in his escape from France to Bolivia by many senior French government officials and politicians who feared Barbie may be caught and forced to give their names as French politicians who had aided the Germans in WW2. Needless to say, Claus Barbie with his Gestapo experience almost ended up running Bolivia as a 4th Reich with anti-government activists and trades unionists tortured. Che Guevara heard of the situation in Bolivia and tried to help the people who were being repressed by Claus Barbies Bolivian regime.

Che Guevara was caught in Bolivia and riddled with bullets but still remains idolized as a revolutionary to this day.

Viva La Internet Revolucion !!!!!!....bringing the great man and his deeds back to life - adoring women, a rifle, a cigar and a political agenda to aid your fellow men.....life doesn't get any better than this............ :superman: ...


Guevara, was a romantic idealist. Fidel Castro, was a ruthless politician. wonder why Guevara died, Castro is still hangin on in there.

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Guevara, was a romantic idealist. Fidel Castro, was a ruthless politician. wonder why Guevara died, Castro is still hangin on in there.

Also Che Guevara was a qualified medic and Fidel Castro.......wait for it.......is a lawyer !!!!!!!!!!! :innocent06:

However, to be fair to Fidel Castro, he tended to take the cases of poor people who could not afford to pay him, thus Castro was constantly short of money. Castro's experience as a lawyer made him extremely critical of the great inequalities in wealth that existed in Cuba. Like many other Cubans, Castro resented the wealth and power of the American businessmen who appeared to control the country. In 1947 Castro joined the Cuban People's Party. He was attracted to this new party's campaign against corruption, injustice, poverty, unemployment and low wages. The Cuban People's Party accused government ministers of taking bribes and running the country for the benefit of the large United States corporations that had factories and offices in Cuba.

You know what happened next. :innocent06:

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Also Che Guevara was a qualified medic and Fidel Castro.......wait for it.......is a lawyer !!!!!!!!!!! :innocent06:

However, to be fair to Fidel Castro, he tended to take the cases of poor people who could not afford to pay him, thus Castro was constantly short of money. Castro's experience as a lawyer made him extremely critical of the great inequalities in wealth that existed in Cuba. Like many other Cubans, Castro resented the wealth and power of the American businessmen who appeared to control the country. In 1947 Castro joined the Cuban People's Party. He was attracted to this new party's campaign against corruption, injustice, poverty, unemployment and low wages. The Cuban People's Party accused government ministers of taking bribes and running the country for the benefit of the large United States corporations that had factories and offices in Cuba.

You know what happened next. :innocent06:

Never realised Castro was yet another scumbag lawyer Gobbers! Ya learn summat every day fella!

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Never realised Castro was yet another scumbag lawyer Gobbers! Ya learn summat every day fella!

Learn more from the Internet, please click on the link below that gets you to the quite brilliant Spartacus Educational website. Read the article and watch the two U tube documentary videos about the Bay of Pigs. Better than anything that's on TV at the moment - absolutely superb............


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A great use of public money. I can see the huge benefit Bristol will gain from this.


Now its the Fire Service ( which is part of the associated councils in the area , inc . Bristol ) which flaunts both council tax payers money and also finds the need to jump on the P.C bandwagon .

On the local news at 6 o'clock that they are running open days in the hope of recruiting new staff for the near future .

One day for all members of our communities and four for minority groups including black people ( non whites ) and women .

Spokesman has the audacity to say that its not discrimination when the four days are in his words targeted at these minorities specifically . Do these spokespersons sing from the same songsheet as a stereotype protection of their jobs or do they go home and actually have views about what is happening in society within this country .

Targets again are thrown up , and the fire service in the area is under represented by minority groups , so you would think they would pick the best recruits available from whoever passes the courses that the fire service set .

If I'm in a house on fire or in a road crash , I don't give a toss whether a black man or woman , gay fireman or woman , white fire man or woman or bloody superman has the uniform on so why again have these organisations feel they need to make an issue of it . Because it suits the P.C Brigade / Activists who push it to he top of the agendas in the public domain .

I laughed when an white skinned ex soldier with years of active service alongwith other experience that would be of use in the role has applied 14 times for a position as a fireman and not got passed the interview stage .

Tell me that 14 times a woman or a black person has bettered him in the interview / training scenario .

Don't be fooled to discuss the P.C and race issues which are affecting this country greatly because this is what the government want . They want to supress real feelings and views , not just on these issues but others .

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Now its the Fire Service ( which is part of the associated councils in the area , inc . Bristol ) which flaunts both council tax payers money and also finds the need to jump on the P.C bandwagon .

On the local news at 6 o'clock that they are running open days in the hope of recruiting new staff for the near future .

One day for all members of our communities and four for minority groups including black people ( non whites ) and women .

Spokesman has the audacity to say that its not discrimination when the four days are in his words targeted at these minorities specifically . Do these spokespersons sing from the same songsheet as a stereotype protection of their jobs or do they go home and actually have views about what is happening in society within this country .

Targets again are thrown up , and the fire service in the area is under represented by minority groups , so you would think they would pick the best recruits available from whoever passes the courses that the fire service set .

If I'm in a house on fire or in a road crash , I don't give a toss whether a black man or woman , gay fireman or woman , white fire man or woman or bloody superman has the uniform on so why again have these organisations feel they need to make an issue of it . Because it suits the P.C Brigade / Activists who push it to he top of the agendas in the public domain .

I laughed when an white skinned ex soldier with years of active service alongwith other experience that would be of use in the role has applied 14 times for a position as a fireman and not got passed the interview stage .

Tell me that 14 times a woman or a black person has bettered him in the interview / training scenario .

Don't be fooled to discuss the P.C and race issues which are affecting this country greatly because this is what the government want . They want to supress real feelings and views , not just on these issues but others .



In her mid 70's and is informed by the council in September that she is to receive a new heating system with the contractors starting November . NO NO NO , its going to be cold please don't do it then . No choice we need to as the contractors working on other premises as well . Don't worry we will cause as little disruption as possible . She's heard it all before on numerous occasions . Mid November they turn up and her radiators are taken out alongwith an old boiler and gas fire . Holes are drilled , radiators gleaming white are positioned , an Apollo 13 like combi boiler fitted but not connected is hidden within the kitchen cupboard and a new gas fire that doesnt fit the original hole left by the old one , over the next few days . Will be back after the weekend to wire it all up hers told by ee.

Weekend feeling cold with nothing bar a hot water bottle , a saucepan and kettle to warm water and a thermal blanket or two . Monday and tuesday come and go but nothing is connected . A phone call would'nt go a miss she thinks and was told that the contractor should have finished the work .

Me thinks that if something had happened to her the council and the contractor will be haggling over completion dates and targets rather than the fact they are exposing older persons in our communities to the harsh realities of their lack of social responsibility and care .

Early December they return with apologies ( after warming her up with a thermal body bag likened to her having just run the Bristol half marathon ) and progress with their loosely termed craftmanship .

The cold air rushing down the gap now gone , the radiators on and piping hot water for a bath leaves her feeling that the last years of life will be warm and comfortable .

NO NO NO the boiler breaks down in early January and less than 2 weeks after being put in . She did'nt know and could'nt work out what was wrong or what to do . She rings the council after a day in the cold and speaks to a lady who reveals that the contractors can't come out to mid February.

Customer service from the customer service centre is exactly what you don't find at this council .

After explaining her age , situation regarding the cold and in a state of worry and perhaps panic the council sent someone around the following day . The contractor explained that he was always having to deal with these systems as they were 'crap'. This left her even more worried that follow up problems would soon be appearing .

Laugh I nearly wet my pants , bloody council should at least have left her with two sticks , a small length of rope and tinder so she could get a fire going .

This is what is happening in Bristol and everywhere else in this country . Older people who are self sufficient to a degree and who have lived a life of not complaining and being able to self manage are being left behind by faceless council staff who sit behind computers in all departments who don't seem to comprehend the situation the elderly are experiencing .

Now just got to wait for the dozen holes left by the contractors to be filled with the further threat of someone decorating around probably the start of the new financial year .

Works contracted out to firms who charge the earth , provide a crap service in some trades of work and a naff after care to both the council and in this case and with others , to the elderly.

Never mind its time to put the council tax up again . Read the propaganda pamphlet they send out with your bill telling you how much in house savings they've made to keep the bill to the lowest possible knock on to you

Councils , government offices and the N.H.S , thats where yours and my money is wasted . Efficient my ar*e .

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Rubbish Schools? Lack Of Funding For Social Services? Terrible Transport, Its ok, Bristol City Council know how to spend on the real issues

.....I'd like to address the issue of the chronic underfunding of Bristol's state schools compared to their private sector counterparts. Is it no coincidence that politicians in this country mainly send their children to private schools and thus state schools are underfunded compared to their private school counterparts? I reckon it's a waste of resources trying to educate the children of Toff/Snob inbreds at Harrow and Eton, for instance, when that money would be better spent educating our own Bristolian children. :winner_third_h4h:

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Rubbish Schools? Lack Of Funding For Social Services? Terrible Transport, Its ok, Bristol City Council know how to spend on the real issues

.....I'd like to address the issue of the chronic underfunding of Bristol's state schools compared to their private sector counterparts. Is it no coincidence that politicians in this country mainly send their children to private schools and thus state schools are underfunded compared to their private school counterparts? I reckon it's a waste of resources trying to educate the children of Toff/Snob inbreds at Harrow and Eton, for instance, when that money would be better spent educating our own Bristolian children. :winner_third_h4h:

....3 months later and it looks like Tory Toff Boris Johnson has taken this issue onboard during his London Mayoral Election campaign. Boris has certainly got those spiteful Labour Party leadership lawyer scummers sussed - they send their own Snob brats to POSH public schools while our children have to make the best of failing state schools......

"Then there is Labour's continuing ideological hatred of grammar schools, and selection, and the opportunities these provided for brilliant children from the very poorest backgrounds. I find it physically sick-making that Labour members and supporters, such as Polly Toynbee, can campaign stridently against selection in the maintained sector, yet send their children to fee-paying schools.

More and more of these middle-class Labour Left-wing bossyboots send their children to the most privileged and expensive schools in the country. If you doubt my testimony, read Andy McSmith's article in this week's superselling Spectator. What else are the Labour lot doing for the bottom 20 per cent, apart from hauling up the ladders of opportunity?" Boris Johnson

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An idea to improve divisions between State Schools I heard on Talksport today.


1) Send everyone to their local school a happened in the old days. No 11+ though.

2) Gradually lay off inept teachers.

3) Concentrate efforts into those schools more specifically with lower grades.

Sounds a fairly good plan to me.

Back on topic:

When are we going to get our Arena?

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2) Gradually lay off inept teachers.

Who are inept teachers? How is that defined?

They already have performance targets that they have to achieve as per all jobs, which arguably don't really meet the childrens needs.

If a teacher attains the results that they were predicted then apparently they have done well but that may have so much more to do with the individuals themselves.

I say bring back proper discipline in schools!

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An idea to improve divisions between State Schools I heard on Talksport today.

You'd find a 'miraculous' improvement of standards at state schools if the elitist Toffs and Snobs that are the Labour Party leadership had to send their own children to state schools. It's a question of political will, why should politicians - that so say represent us - be allowed to send their own children to the best private schools when our children have to make do with failing state schools? It's a national disgrace.

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You'd find a 'miraculous' improvement of standards at state schools if the elitist Toffs and Snobs that are the Labour Party leadership had to send their own children to state schools. It's a question of political will, why should politicians - that so say represent us - be allowed to send their own children to the best private schools when our children have to make do with failing state schools? It's a national disgrace.

christ Gobbers, don't for fox sake start talking sense now. The frightens the crap out of our illustrious "elected" representitives.......... :noexpression: :noexpression: :noexpression:

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The Labour Party leadership are bang out of order for abolishing most of this nation's state Grammar Schools while sending their own kids to expensive private schools. I've had a real go at the Conservative Party scummers over the years and now it's the turn of the Labour Party elitist lawyer scum to have some. :icecream:

The Labour Party lawyer scum flag.....


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