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Under Sixteen Transfering To The East End

cider head

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A few questions have cropped up on this forum about Under sixteen transfering to the East End.

Fans may may not be aware on OTIB but Bristol Citry are now operating a policy where under sixteens wanting to transfer to the East End with their parents have to pay an additional £80 for the remainder of the season.

This is due to the club selling no under sixteen season tickets and under sixteens having to pay the difference for the under 21's season ticket

No compensation is offered to Dolman or Williams adult season ticket holders who transfer and whose seats can be resold at a further profit so how can this be right for an under sixteens to pay the extra?

It can be cheaper for familes to watch their football in the Dolman or Williams than the East End now and it is supposed

to be the worse place, view wise to watch city.

I can't see why this should be??????

Off subject slightly, Do you know if season ticket swaps are allowed between stands for adults, example Atyeo to Eastend?

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Off subject slightly, Do you know if season ticket swaps are allowed between stands for adults, example Atyeo to Eastend?

A few weeks back there was a few EE questions gathered on this and zider heads forum and taken to the club

for answers, those questions and answers are as follows...

East End questions

Transfer of season tickets to the East End :-

1:Can this be done over the telephone or does this need to be done in person at the club?

The transaction can be done over the phone, but they would then need to bring their existing book to the ticket office for surrender. The new book would be handed over at that point.

2:Can under sixteen’s transfer their season tickets to the East End?

No. The original deal for people wishing to buy in the Wedlocks was an U21 season ticket and we see no reason to change that. While we do sympathise with our law abiding younger fans, many of the people causing "issues" in the Wedlocks are under 16, therefore we have decided not to sell to that age group.

3:Is it possible to transfer season tickets for one game only?

No. We have tried this in the past but only received a minimal take-up. In light of the extra administration involved we see no reason to change current policy.

4:Why are fans who are on City’s data base unable to buy a ticket or tickets for the East End in advance?

They will be able to, once we have reached the position that the Wedlocks is required as an overflow area.

5:The club have limited the bring a friend scheme to one ticket only is it not possible to extend this for fans with families or fans wishing to bring more than one friend?

We are concerned that without a limitation it could be open to abuse.

6:Can the bring a friend tickets be bought over the phone?


7:Fans who have purchased half season tickets for the East End can still not purchase a ticket for the East End. Why can it not be possible for these supporters to buy a ticket for the East End?

We see no need to change previously stated club policy: The Wedlock Stand is for season ticket holders only, unless it is being used as an overflow area once the rest of the ground is sold out. So far a very small number of people have purchased a half season ticket for the Wedlock Stand. When these tickets come into effect on the 1st January, they will be able to enjoy the same privileges as other season ticket holders.

8:Will the club be offering fans in the East End the opportunity to buy tickets for the East End at half price for the Barnsley game? Any details regarding the Wedlocks have been omitted on the Clubs website.

Yes, if we get to the overflow situation.

One of my friends was informed by BCFC he would have to pay an extra £160 for his two sons who are under sixteen to transfer their season tickets and pay what is a premium for what is a poorer seat and view. Why not a tenner or twenty quid or better still nothing as gesture towrds fans already going?

This saturday it is possible for an adult without season tickets to get into the East End for £10 and under 11's can get in for free for this match v Colchester if accompanied by an adult

There is something illogical and hypocritical about this thinking.

Now if these fans of the future enjoy their day out and wish to return v Blackpool the ironic thing is they will not be able to unless they are willing to buy half season tickets or already know somebody in there.

It looks like lunacy.

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Off subject slightly, Do you know if season ticket swaps are allowed between stands for adults, example Atyeo to Eastend?

I wouldn't mind getting in there to if I'm honest, I sit near a few sound blokes, and my brother a few rows away, but the A block of the Dolman is getting worse singing wise every bleeding game! m sure my mate who I sit next to would jump at the chance to get in there to.

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This clubs policy on the E.E is completely unfair, :disapointed2se: paranoid :disapointed2se: and a smack in the face for many of its own fans; many of whom follow their club everywhere.

It is a complete u turn on things said previously;

Many "excuses" have been made, the latest policy of "AN OVERFLOW ONLY" is diffcult to comprehend when tickets are sold at the last minute, with no notice with many seats left elsewhere in the stadium.

Stop giving advantage to away fans, give it back to your fans, all of them, all games :disapointed2se:

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This clubs policy on the E.E is completely unfair, :disapointed2se: paranoid :disapointed2se: and a smack in the face for many of its own fans; many of whom follow their club everywhere.

It is a complete u turn on things said previously;

Many "excuses" have been made, the latest policy of "AN OVERFLOW ONLY" is diffcult to comprehend when tickets are sold at the last minute, with no notice with many seats left elsewhere in the stadium.

Stop giving advantage to away fans, give it back to your fans, all of them, all games :disapointed2se:

Give it back to those who really want it, the EE works becuse it's unreserved and people can mingle.

The thing is citys fan base is different, singers, families, corporate, stato's who count every pass,

part timers and it's fine having a various fan base it is what makes the club tick! however mix

the lot together against their will and your asking for problems, i've read posts on here like

''i'm trying to sing but they look at me like an alien'' and ''i'm fed up with being sat near so in so

who keeps shouting at lee johnson'' why can't these fans go and move in a area that they are

comfortable with and with those around them, is it really too much to ask?? why i go in the

eastend is becuse the people around me are ''positive'' the vibe is good and it rubs off on others,

2-1 down to boro and they still sang! no one left, no one shouted johnson you tit! they kept going

it was ''positive'' and thats my point i want to be around this type of fan, it gives me a lift when as

last season i was biting my nails vs rotherham, even the stewards are ok you can have a chat

and a laugh with them, some say the view is crap, facilities are poor but the comradery is superb,

i would not want to give that up for a better view in the dolman or atyeo if i'm sat with moaning.

Now, why can't fans of this attitude be allowed to go in stands together instead of mixed up with

unlike minded fans who moan about each other.

Those who don't want to sing and make a noise fine, no one has a problem

with that but for the atmosphere to improve city must do more to help the fans do more becuse

there is a lot that want to make a difference if allowed, i don't want to moan at the club, i want to

support it but they don't half make it hard at times.

As i am aware the supporters trust are to write to the club over the transfer of season tickets.

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The club's stance does seem odd. The last few games i've chatted with the same 2 or 3 stewards and the atmopshere between fans and stewards seems to be a lot more relaxed and comfortable. However, the club have continued to be awkward with whole situation, which is a real shame.

If they said tomorrow that people from other parts of the ground could transfer their season ticket to the Wedlock, I reckon around 250 would snap up the deal. This could be the boost in fans that we need to push the club through the second half of the season. (in terms of continuing to create an atmosphere that is supportive to the players)

Unfortunately, the club persist in being difficult with swapping of tickets, as well as putting tickets on general sale. This has left fans such as me and Glos Boy in the position where we are unsure, even on the day of the game, whether tickets will be available for us to go and watch our team play in the stand we want to view it from.

Perhaps the biggest shame of all is that people at the club themselves do not know what is going on. On a weekly basis, different people are told different things which is right pain in the ass, for fans who just want a definitive answer.

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How can Bristol City fc in anyway justify this when it only cost £105 for an entire season for an under sixteen in the Dolman stand, Williams and Atyeo?

Season tickets holders can transfer into the East End saturday and under sixteens are free for fans of the future so this payment of £80 is for just nine games.

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I have dropped a line to the club and made the following points:

The whole pricing and changes to policy over the East End has become too complicated and is throwing up anomolies that would otherwise not have arisen. It's not the fault of the ticket office, who I always find very helpful, but the overall policy.

I phoned on Monday to permanently swap 2 season tickets from the Dolman to the East End. My son is 10, so therefore, I have to pay the price difference of £80 that existed at the start of the season between the EE under 21 price and the Dolman under 16 renewable price. I also wanted 2 extra adult tickets for the East End through the bring a friend scheme.

If I had started the season in the East End, it would overall have cost (£375 + £185) £560. In the Dolman I paid (£425 + £105) £530. What would have cost me £30 more at the start of the season would now cost £80 more with 10 games left.

There are 3 main considerations here I think:

  • That loyal season ticket holders are not able to request a change of circumstance without feeling penalised financially. Had I achieved my intended outcome of the call on Monday it would have cost me £80 to upgrade my son's ticket and £2.60 in extra charges to buy 2 more tickets for casual supporters (to a game that is hardly top of many people's list of must see games).
  • There is no pro rata consideration for the fact that the season is over half way through. The irony is that if the club were to decide not to offer season tickets in the East End next season, having switched, then I would have to pay the full price of a "non-renewed" seat for my under 16 son when purchasing a season ticket in another stand next season.
  • There is no consideration that whilst my son is "upgrading", I am effectively "downgrading" my season ticket to move to a seemingly less attractive stand with access restrictions. The two vacated seats in the Dolman could be re-sold for £54.60 per game over the next 10 games. Come the end of the season, this might be likely.

I can understand the original thinking by the club to restrict access to under 16's at the start of the season, especially if large groups purchsed them. I do think that a bit of commonsense would say that an adult with a child wishing to transfer midway through the season is a very different scenario.

Why do I want to swap? When it was possible to swap tickets on a match by match basis I did just that and purchased a ticket for my father-in-law. It was against Leicester and probably the worst performance by City (and the crowd) at home so far. When I suggested that he and his son attended the Colchester game he said fine, but can we go in the East End as it's far better in there.

I didn't know until afterwards that other supporters had previously tried to swap and were met with the same reply. It may not be large numbers, but for those that want to, it does leave a nasty taste.

I don't buy into the explanation that there are more "family friendly" stands at Ashton Gate. Is the East End suitable for kids? I guess that's a parental decision. It's no different to where I sit in the Dolman now and I reckon the fans for the future parents will also make that call on Saturday.

Anyway, I'll be in my Dolman seat on Saturday with my son and 2 extra supporters doing my best to support the lads. I'd rather be bouncing around though..... :tongue:

Thatcham red

Please note that these are my personal views and don't necessarily reflect those of the Supporters Trust

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god knows mate!!! it gets made up as it goes along.

that's not strictly true harman and sextone have a wooden tombola with a handle containing pieces of paper with decisions made on it

i.e. close the eastend

open the eastend

close the eastend again

restrict it to season ticket holders only

do the hokey-kokey

every now and then they give it a turn and pull one out.

Its a fairly new idea, before that Sextone used a divining rod to decide how to annoy city fans, but now we are in the big time second division;

its tombola time!

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Well with all the hassles of getting a ticket in the EAST END i just can't be bothered to try for saturday!!!

There is a lot of confusion over how many of the old style "fans for the future" tickets will be in there. If there are a few hundred part time family fans they might well not like the normal EAST END atmosphere, and to be honest i can't be bothered with the hassle!!

It's a shame as this is just the type of low key game that could well benefit from the singing that is generated by the few hundred like minded fans that normally go in there, and as is obvious, there are a fair few more that would like to join in!!!After sampling the ATYEO and DOLMAN atmospheres this season i would rather stay at home and throw darts at my curly apendage than endure that again!!

There definately seems to be an element within the club that are doing all they can to ruin the chance of the EAST END being a success.

If they can't see that people like Thatcham Red would would be the perfect type of supporter to have in the EAST END, then there really is no hope for the rest of us!!!!!

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And those wanting the EE closed are banking on just that attitude from EE fans :whistle2:

Those? as I see it one man is in control, at the moment its ST`s only and a few crumbs from the table; :disapointed2se: it would upset a few but it could close at anytime.

It remains totally unfair that all fans cannot use this part of the ground by p.o.d or transfers or whatever. Its about freedom of choice for all until it returns I wont. (Wether its against Man Utd or Mangotsfield United playing in the prem or the third div)

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And those wanting the EE closed are banking on just that attitude from EE fans :whistle2:

I'm planning to take my neice and nephew to the game on sat.does that mean i can get fans of the futer tickets in the east end. or because I'm a season ticket holder in the dolman does that mean i have to sit in the dolman.can somone help me please because I'm really confused.

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I'm planning to take my neice and nephew to the game on sat.does that mean i can get fans of the futer tickets in the east end. or because I'm a season ticket holder in the dolman does that mean i have to sit in the dolman.can somone help me please because I'm really confused.

Kid a quid is available everywhere except the East End.

Fans of the future is free for under elevens in the East End and he has to transfer his season ticket for this game in advance by phone. Transfers are allowed for this game only unless it is a permanent basis.

The behavioral Profiling, dna sample, iris scan and jumping through flaming hoops will be not be used on this occassion.

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is there any loophole to get two under-16 (or any) tickets in the EE?

I think you need to dig a tunnel underneath the stand and unfortunately surface again out of the toilet area, just so you get underneath the radar they have installed.

This may be the only way people can get in there, of course the eastend is packed full of ex cons, mafiosa, known men, NUTTAS, assasins, naughty sorts, blood/krips, loons and Darren "from the streets" Day types, so they are actually doing everyone a favour by stopping you going in there.

Unless you can borrow someones eyes for the retina scan and give them back before kick off, then I suggest you may be disappointed.

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And those wanting the EE closed are banking on just that attitude from EE fans :whistle2:

Don't you go and start having a go at me, i get it enough at home!!!!! :surrender:

This is just the sort of game i love in the EAST END. Not exactly one of the most attractive games, one that given the oppositions position many around the ground will just expect us to win easily even though they are fighting for their lives. If we don't annihilate them in the first 20 minutes the rest of the ground becomes a morgue, or worse, so a few hundred singing their hearts out really might help the team!!!

But, i'm doing a 12 hour night shift friday, am as skint as ever, so just don't feel inclined to go through the hassle of buying a ticket in advance (that's trying to convince the ticket office over the phone that yes, i have bought this way before using a friends details) when i may well feel totally knackered saturday morning and can't be sure how the fans for the future will affect the ambiance and atmosphere of the dear old cowshed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've had a hard night, my feet ache, and all this battling just to try to maximise ones enjoyment of ones passion/hobby seems so jolly silly and unnecessary!!!!!!!

Time for bye byes!!!!!!!!!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :fastasleep:

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Don't you go and start having a go at me, i get it enough at home!!!!! :surrender:

This is just the sort of game i love in the EAST END. Not exactly one of the most attractive games, one that given the oppositions position many around the ground will just expect us to win easily even though they are fighting for their lives. If we don't annihilate them in the first 20 minutes the rest of the ground becomes a morgue, or worse, so a few hundred singing their hearts out really might help the team!!!

But, i'm doing a 12 hour night shift friday, am as skint as ever, so just don't feel inclined to go through the hassle of buying a ticket in advance (that's trying to convince the ticket office over the phone that yes, i have bought this way before using a friends details) when i may well feel totally knackered saturday morning and can't be sure how the fans for the future will affect the ambiance and atmosphere of the dear old cowshed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've had a hard night, my feet ache, and all this battling just to try to maximise ones enjoyment of ones passion/hobby seems so jolly silly and unnecessary!!!!!!!

Time for bye byes!!!!!!!!!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :fastasleep:

just saying don't give up! THE VOICE IS NEEDED :englandsmile4wf:

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