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Cheerio Cheerio


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I left on the final whistle and got back to the car SOONER than when i left early (for the first time ever) agaisnt Boro!!!

And I left my seat in The Dolman at the final whistle (which is what I normally do) and ten minutes after the end of the game I was still stuck at the back of the stand looking at virtually empty Atyeo and Williams stands. The Dolman empties very slowly compared to the other stands.

I haven't left a game early for about 25 years (I missed two goals the last time), but I can understand why people in the Dolman want to get a head start and get down to the front before the final whistle. Hopefully when we move to our new ground it will cease to be an issue.

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The stewards in the Dolman seemed to be enforcing the new rules about leaving the ground once you have left your seat. I couldn't see if there were any people between the corner of the Dolman and the Atyeo. Whereas I used to make my way to the corner and then leave once the final whistle blew, today I (as requested) stayed in my seat until the final whistle.

I was around 20 minutes later getting home than normal, all of which was spent getting out of the ground. This proves one thing, namely leaving quickly / early does not save journey time atall! The Dolman has a great view but is a total pain to get out of!

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Well done BCFC for causing unecessary grief today.

Keeping the gates locked meant people were in single file along the entire length of the Dolman, in more peoples way than if they let them down the steps to the bottom.

Along with the odd screaming retards quoting those ridiculous fliers ''Why cant you sit down like the leaflet says?!!''...

Yes luv', because telling people what to do will always work.

I'd like to add that I saw just as many people walking out at 38-40 minutes to go and get some food...why don't they get any grief?

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And I left my seat in The Dolman at the final whistle (which is what I normally do) and ten minutes after the end of the game I was still stuck at the back of the stand looking at virtually empty Atyeo and Williams stands.

Still had to stand for the last 5 mins to see aswell, only difference it made was longer than normal to get out.

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Well done BCFC for causing unecessary grief today.

Keeping the gates locked meant people were in single file along the entire length of the Dolman, in more peoples way than if they let them down the steps to the bottom.

Along with the odd screaming retards quoting those ridiculous fliers ''Why cant you sit down like the leaflet says?!!''...

Yes luv', because telling people what to do will always work.

I'd like to add that I saw just as many people walking out at 38-40 minutes to go and get some food...why don't they get any grief?

Bit of a chip on your shoulder?

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Bit of a chip on your shoulder?

No, but theres a bit of inconsistency going on and the gate scheme clearly didnt work.

I do however find it insulting that GJ/SL see fit to issue leaflets telling people to stay till' the end.

Perhaps a ''Thanks for attending'' leaflet next time?

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I think anyone wishing to leave before the end should bring a written note on why they have to leave. This could be read to the crowd at half time - would be more entertaining than a kid kicking a ball over a bike. PS: Well done my old school Bishopsworth for winning the bike for some obscure reason.

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Eventually left on 84 minutes, out the ground and then home by 4.45. Got to work at 5.05. What I did notice from the other early leavers was not one was under 65. So I assume they either feel unsafe in crowds of people or simply 'want to beat the traffic'.

Anyway, I didn't get in anyones way, I left immediately, gutted I didn't miss the winner :innocent06: and I'm still in bloody work as we have serious systems problems.

All in all, yes, if you leave your seat leave the ground. Fair I think.


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I sometimes wonder why there isn't a health and safety issue surrounding the Dolman.

It is patently obvious that some people leave early because it is such a pain to get out of the stand, not because they want to beat the traffic.

Most stands have exits within the seating area, but the Dolamn was designed with exits at the front (before they put the extra seating in at the front). That said, I'm surprised they ever got planning permission to put those seats in, with regard to the H&S issue.

People on this thread are complaining that it takes them upwards of 10 minutes to clear the stand after the game - can you imgaine what that would be like in an emergency? Is it a tragedy waiting to happen?

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Ok, ok, we really need to put a stop to this.

Here's a few points I'd like to add to the debate that's been stupidly raging on for the last few weeks on here :

1) No Bristol City fan is a "better supporter" than any other.

You may have been to 1000 games in a row, or it may be your 1st match. You should all be treated in the same way. You are there to follow your team and you deserve respect for that. There is no hierarchy, everyone is equal, everyone is a "fan".

There are those that go to every match, home and away, those that do reserve games on a Wednesday afternoon, those that only make the home games, those that only make the away games, those that can only go when they can afford it, those that can only go when their amateur footy is called off, those that come for a family day out, those that come because it's a big match, those that come for the first time. Every one of these examples is equal to the others. Do you think any of the players look into the stands and thinks to himself "Hey, that fella's not been here before, he's not a supporter of this club!" As long as they are there, they are contributing towards BCFC, and no-one is better than anyone else.

2) The Dolman Stand is not a very easy place to exit.

This is not the fault of the current Bristol City board, the Manager, the Chief Exec, the fans, the players, or the stewards. The stand was built in the 1950's, it is pretty much not concurrant with current laws surrounding health & safety. Yes, it manages to get a certificate, but lets face it, if there was a fire, many would burn. (Oh! And it used to shake a lot, but not lately?)

3) Thousands DO NOT LEAVE EARLY!

This is a much misunderstood phenomenon. By reading some of the comments on here of late, it would appear as if everyone in the top half of the Dolman leaves early on a regular basis. This is simply not true. Most people understand that it ain't easy to exit the Dolman, and so a few hundred make their way to the front of the stand to get away quick. They do not leave early. They congregate at the front of the stand. Whether this is right or wrong, please don't judge yet, I will go into this later! All I ask is that people understand that there is not an early leaving syndrome within the Dolman. It is simply more visable that people leave the top tier seats and move to the front. This is not possible in other stands, so it is unfair to judge the Dolman Stand attendees in this way.

Note : Yes, there were loads that left the Boro match early, but this was a one-off and shouldn't be considered the norm and an excuse to judge the Dolman in general.

4) What is wrong with standing for 3 minutes?

It seems to me that the major beef with this whole argument is that certain fans have their view blocked by other fans who want to get out of AG as quickly as they can. Here's the usual match day scenario. 85 minutes arrives, and those that want to go, generally leave at this point. 87 minutes arrives and a number of fans make their way to the front of the Dolman (this is to enable them to depart asap once the full time whistle goes). 90 minutes arrives, and a lot more make their way towards the front (again, in order to depart asap). 94 minutes, full time whistle goes and everyone happily makes their way out. Does anyone see a problem with this? Well apparently some do! Here is what I say to those people. Unless you are incapable of standing up, then once it gets to 90 minutes, why don't you just stand up? I hear a lot of rubbish about "you're blocking my view" and "you wouldn't leave the cinema early" etc. Firstly, this is not a cinema, it's a football ground, and unless you have your head up your jacksie then you really ought to know what to expect. Secondly, everyone used to stand up at football, is it really that much of hardship to stand up for the last 3 minutes of the match? I actually think it adds to the general atmos when fans congregate at the front for the final few minutes.

For those who don't understand what I'm saying, I'll make it simple. If someone is blocking your view in the final 3 minutes of the match, simply stand up. Not hard is it?

5) Cheerio, cheerio cheerio???? Shame on you!

Anyone who sang this today to their fellow supporters should feel ashamed of themselves.

Do you not think it is quite hypocritical when you sing this particular gem? You are accusing your fellow supporters of not supporting the team, and yet at the same time you are singing a shameful song towards your own supporters rather than singing a song to encourage your team? Would your efforts not have been more rewarding had you sang 'Come on you Reds' towards the pitch, rather than spouting abuse towards your own brethren?

6) I think the effort has been there this season from every single stand, and it is not fair to single out the Dolman for criticism. I saw many many people leaving the Atyeo on 88-89 minutes today, but no-one seems to judge those fans, only the ones from the Dolman. Some guys leave, some guys don't, thats just the way it is. It ain't just the Dolman, it's just more visable in there. Every stand has produced atmosphere at times this season, the Atyeo has been great at times, the Dolman has been great at times, the East End has been magnificent at times.

7) The effort has also been there from every single player this season. Today was just one of those days where a bottom of the table team travel to a top of the table team, and manage to get a result. I don't think we played particularly badly today, we just maybe switched off at the wrong times and we also didn't have anywhere near enough shots at goal (were there any apart from the goal and crossbar incident?) The effort was still there and no-one shirked responsibility today. Just one of those days.

8) Come on City.

9) I'm sure I left a number of rants out, but I may return to those another day!!

Enjoy yourselves guys, these are great times, stop having petty arguments about which is the best stand and who are the best supporters. We are all BCFC fans, we all want the best for our team.

Harry de la Dolman.


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No its the "If you wanna go then **** off, don't stand in other peoples way" issue that most are bothered by.

And if its in the best interests of the team to stay then why should people leave. If the fans give up on a game with 10 minutes to go why shouldnt the players?

I think the final sentence sums this whole debate up - i.e. truly pathetic. There is only one issue here - if you want to stay to the very end then sit in your seat and if you want to leave early then get out of the ground ASAP so that you do not obstruct the views of others. What annoys most people are supporters who want their cake and eat it - i.e. get out of their seat but then stand in a gangway blocking the view of others to watch injury time etc.

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Ok, ok, we really need to put a stop to this.

Here's a few points I'd like to add to the debate that's been stupidly raging on for the last few weeks on here :

1) No Bristol City fan is a "better supporter" than any other.

You may have been to 1000 games in a row, or it may be your 1st match. You should all be treated in the same way. You are there to follow your team and you deserve respect for that. There is no hierarchy, everyone is equal, everyone is a "fan".

There are those that go to every match, home and away, those that do reserve games on a Wednesday afternoon, those that only make the home games, those that only make the away games, those that can only go when they can afford it, those that can only go when their amateur footy is called off, those that come for a family day out, those that come because it's a big match, those that come for the first time. Every one of these examples is equal to the others. Do you think any of the players look into the stands and thinks to himself "Hey, that fella's not been here before, he's not a supporter of this club!" As long as they are there, they are contributing towards BCFC, and no-one is better than anyone else.

2) The Dolman Stand is not a very easy place to exit.

This is not the fault of the current Bristol City board, the Manager, the Chief Exec, the fans, the players, or the stewards. The stand was built in the 1950's, it is pretty much not concurrant with current laws surrounding health & safety. Yes, it manages to get a certificate, but lets face it, if there was a fire, many would burn. (Oh! And it used to shake a lot, but not lately?)

3) Thousands DO NOT LEAVE EARLY!

This is a much misunderstood phenomenon. By reading some of the comments on here of late, it would appear as if everyone in the top half of the Dolman leaves early on a regular basis. This is simply not true. Most people understand that it ain't easy to exit the Dolman, and so a few hundred make their way to the front of the stand to get away quick. They do not leave early. They congregate at the front of the stand. Whether this is right or wrong, please don't judge yet, I will go into this later! All I ask is that people understand that there is not an early leaving syndrome within the Dolman. It is simply more visable that people leave the top tier seats and move to the front. This is not possible in other stands, so it is unfair to judge the Dolman Stand attendees in this way.

Note : Yes, there were loads that left the Boro match early, but this was a one-off and shouldn't be considered the norm and an excuse to judge the Dolman in general.

4) What is wrong with standing for 3 minutes?

It seems to me that the major beef with this whole argument is that certain fans have their view blocked by other fans who want to get out of AG as quickly as they can. Here's the usual match day scenario. 85 minutes arrives, and those that want to go, generally leave at this point. 87 minutes arrives and a number of fans make their way to the front of the Dolman (this is to enable them to depart asap once the full time whistle goes). 90 minutes arrives, and a lot more make their way towards the front (again, in order to depart asap). 94 minutes, full time whistle goes and everyone happily makes their way out. Does anyone see a problem with this? Well apparently some do! Here is what I say to those people. Unless you are incapable of standing up, then once it gets to 90 minutes, why don't you just stand up? I hear a lot of rubbish about "you're blocking my view" and "you wouldn't leave the cinema early" etc. Firstly, this is not a cinema, it's a football ground, and unless you have your head up your jacksie then you really ought to know what to expect. Secondly, everyone used to stand up at football, is it really that much of hardship to stand up for the last 3 minutes of the match? I actually think it adds to the general atmos when fans congregate at the front for the final few minutes.

For those who don't understand what I'm saying, I'll make it simple. If someone is blocking your view in the final 3 minutes of the match, simply stand up. Not hard is it?

5) Cheerio, cheerio cheerio???? Shame on you!

Anyone who sang this today to their fellow supporters should feel ashamed of themselves.

Do you not think it is quite hypocritical when you sing this particular gem? You are accusing your fellow supporters of not supporting the team, and yet at the same time you are singing a shameful song towards your own supporters rather than singing a song to encourage your team? Would your efforts not have been more rewarding had you sang 'Come on you Reds' towards the pitch, rather than spouting abuse towards your own brethren?

6) I think the effort has been there this season from every single stand, and it is not fair to single out the Dolman for criticism. I saw many many people leaving the Atyeo on 88-89 minutes today, but no-one seems to judge those fans, only the ones from the Dolman. Some guys leave, some guys don't, thats just the way it is. It ain't just the Dolman, it's just more visable in there. Every stand has produced atmosphere at times this season, the Atyeo has been great at times, the Dolman has been great at times, the East End has been magnificent at times.

7) The effort has also been there from every single player this season. Today was just one of those days where a bottom of the table team travel to a top of the table team, and manage to get a result. I don't think we played particularly badly today, we just maybe switched off at the wrong times and we also didn't have anywhere near enough shots at goal (were there any apart from the goal and crossbar incident?) The effort was still there and no-one shirked responsibility today. Just one of those days.

8) Come on City.

9) I'm sure I left a number of rants out, but I may return to those another day!!

Enjoy yourselves guys, these are great times, stop having petty arguments about which is the best stand and who are the best supporters. We are all BCFC fans, we all want the best for our team.

Harry de la Dolman.


TOM F - Can you hear me? Put this as a standalone topic - put all the other early leaving/cheerio messages under it and kill the topic - this is how we should be acting as we are all kindred spirits - not having ago at each other - please do this and then we can all move on (apart from those who stand in front of the Dolman in the last few minutes!!)

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Ok, ok, we really need to put a stop to this.

Here's a few points I'd like to add to the debate that's been stupidly raging on for the last few weeks on here :

1) No Bristol City fan is a "better supporter" than any other.

You may have been to 1000 games in a row, or it may be your 1st match. You should all be treated in the same way. You are there to follow your team and you deserve respect for that. There is no hierarchy, everyone is equal, everyone is a "fan".

There are those that go to every match, home and away, those that do reserve games on a Wednesday afternoon, those that only make the home games, those that only make the away games, those that can only go when they can afford it, those that can only go when their amateur footy is called off, those that come for a family day out, those that come because it's a big match, those that come for the first time. Every one of these examples is equal to the others. Do you think any of the players look into the stands and thinks to himself "Hey, that fella's not been here before, he's not a supporter of this club!" As long as they are there, they are contributing towards BCFC, and no-one is better than anyone else.

2) The Dolman Stand is not a very easy place to exit.

This is not the fault of the current Bristol City board, the Manager, the Chief Exec, the fans, the players, or the stewards. The stand was built in the 1950's, it is pretty much not concurrant with current laws surrounding health & safety. Yes, it manages to get a certificate, but lets face it, if there was a fire, many would burn. (Oh! And it used to shake a lot, but not lately?)

3) Thousands DO NOT LEAVE EARLY!

This is a much misunderstood phenomenon. By reading some of the comments on here of late, it would appear as if everyone in the top half of the Dolman leaves early on a regular basis. This is simply not true. Most people understand that it ain't easy to exit the Dolman, and so a few hundred make their way to the front of the stand to get away quick. They do not leave early. They congregate at the front of the stand. Whether this is right or wrong, please don't judge yet, I will go into this later! All I ask is that people understand that there is not an early leaving syndrome within the Dolman. It is simply more visable that people leave the top tier seats and move to the front. This is not possible in other stands, so it is unfair to judge the Dolman Stand attendees in this way.

Note : Yes, there were loads that left the Boro match early, but this was a one-off and shouldn't be considered the norm and an excuse to judge the Dolman in general.

4) What is wrong with standing for 3 minutes?

It seems to me that the major beef with this whole argument is that certain fans have their view blocked by other fans who want to get out of AG as quickly as they can. Here's the usual match day scenario. 85 minutes arrives, and those that want to go, generally leave at this point. 87 minutes arrives and a number of fans make their way to the front of the Dolman (this is to enable them to depart asap once the full time whistle goes). 90 minutes arrives, and a lot more make their way towards the front (again, in order to depart asap). 94 minutes, full time whistle goes and everyone happily makes their way out. Does anyone see a problem with this? Well apparently some do! Here is what I say to those people. Unless you are incapable of standing up, then once it gets to 90 minutes, why don't you just stand up? I hear a lot of rubbish about "you're blocking my view" and "you wouldn't leave the cinema early" etc. Firstly, this is not a cinema, it's a football ground, and unless you have your head up your jacksie then you really ought to know what to expect. Secondly, everyone used to stand up at football, is it really that much of hardship to stand up for the last 3 minutes of the match? I actually think it adds to the general atmos when fans congregate at the front for the final few minutes.

For those who don't understand what I'm saying, I'll make it simple. If someone is blocking your view in the final 3 minutes of the match, simply stand up. Not hard is it?

5) Cheerio, cheerio cheerio???? Shame on you!

Anyone who sang this today to their fellow supporters should feel ashamed of themselves.

Do you not think it is quite hypocritical when you sing this particular gem? You are accusing your fellow supporters of not supporting the team, and yet at the same time you are singing a shameful song towards your own supporters rather than singing a song to encourage your team? Would your efforts not have been more rewarding had you sang 'Come on you Reds' towards the pitch, rather than spouting abuse towards your own brethren?

6) I think the effort has been there this season from every single stand, and it is not fair to single out the Dolman for criticism. I saw many many people leaving the Atyeo on 88-89 minutes today, but no-one seems to judge those fans, only the ones from the Dolman. Some guys leave, some guys don't, thats just the way it is. It ain't just the Dolman, it's just more visable in there. Every stand has produced atmosphere at times this season, the Atyeo has been great at times, the Dolman has been great at times, the East End has been magnificent at times.

7) The effort has also been there from every single player this season. Today was just one of those days where a bottom of the table team travel to a top of the table team, and manage to get a result. I don't think we played particularly badly today, we just maybe switched off at the wrong times and we also didn't have anywhere near enough shots at goal (were there any apart from the goal and crossbar incident?) The effort was still there and no-one shirked responsibility today. Just one of those days.

8) Come on City.

9) I'm sure I left a number of rants out, but I may return to those another day!!

Enjoy yourselves guys, these are great times, stop having petty arguments about which is the best stand and who are the best supporters. We are all BCFC fans, we all want the best for our team.

Harry de la Dolman.



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Ok, ok, we really need to put a stop to this.

Here's a few points I'd like to add to the debate that's been stupidly raging on for the last few weeks on here :

1) No Bristol City fan is a "better supporter" than any other.

You may have been to 1000 games in a row, or it may be your 1st match. You should all be treated in the same way. You are there to follow your team and you deserve respect for that. There is no hierarchy, everyone is equal, everyone is a "fan".

There are those that go to every match, home and away, those that do reserve games on a Wednesday afternoon, those that only make the home games, those that only make the away games, those that can only go when they can afford it, those that can only go when their amateur footy is called off, those that come for a family day out, those that come because it's a big match, those that come for the first time. Every one of these examples is equal to the others. Do you think any of the players look into the stands and thinks to himself "Hey, that fella's not been here before, he's not a supporter of this club!" As long as they are there, they are contributing towards BCFC, and no-one is better than anyone else.

2) The Dolman Stand is not a very easy place to exit.

This is not the fault of the current Bristol City board, the Manager, the Chief Exec, the fans, the players, or the stewards. The stand was built in the 1950's, it is pretty much not concurrant with current laws surrounding health & safety. Yes, it manages to get a certificate, but lets face it, if there was a fire, many would burn. (Oh! And it used to shake a lot, but not lately?)

3) Thousands DO NOT LEAVE EARLY!

This is a much misunderstood phenomenon. By reading some of the comments on here of late, it would appear as if everyone in the top half of the Dolman leaves early on a regular basis. This is simply not true. Most people understand that it ain't easy to exit the Dolman, and so a few hundred make their way to the front of the stand to get away quick. They do not leave early. They congregate at the front of the stand. Whether this is right or wrong, please don't judge yet, I will go into this later! All I ask is that people understand that there is not an early leaving syndrome within the Dolman. It is simply more visable that people leave the top tier seats and move to the front. This is not possible in other stands, so it is unfair to judge the Dolman Stand attendees in this way.

Note : Yes, there were loads that left the Boro match early, but this was a one-off and shouldn't be considered the norm and an excuse to judge the Dolman in general.

4) What is wrong with standing for 3 minutes?

It seems to me that the major beef with this whole argument is that certain fans have their view blocked by other fans who want to get out of AG as quickly as they can. Here's the usual match day scenario. 85 minutes arrives, and those that want to go, generally leave at this point. 87 minutes arrives and a number of fans make their way to the front of the Dolman (this is to enable them to depart asap once the full time whistle goes). 90 minutes arrives, and a lot more make their way towards the front (again, in order to depart asap). 94 minutes, full time whistle goes and everyone happily makes their way out. Does anyone see a problem with this? Well apparently some do! Here is what I say to those people. Unless you are incapable of standing up, then once it gets to 90 minutes, why don't you just stand up? I hear a lot of rubbish about "you're blocking my view" and "you wouldn't leave the cinema early" etc. Firstly, this is not a cinema, it's a football ground, and unless you have your head up your jacksie then you really ought to know what to expect. Secondly, everyone used to stand up at football, is it really that much of hardship to stand up for the last 3 minutes of the match? I actually think it adds to the general atmos when fans congregate at the front for the final few minutes.

For those who don't understand what I'm saying, I'll make it simple. If someone is blocking your view in the final 3 minutes of the match, simply stand up. Not hard is it?

5) Cheerio, cheerio cheerio???? Shame on you!

Anyone who sang this today to their fellow supporters should feel ashamed of themselves.

Do you not think it is quite hypocritical when you sing this particular gem? You are accusing your fellow supporters of not supporting the team, and yet at the same time you are singing a shameful song towards your own supporters rather than singing a song to encourage your team? Would your efforts not have been more rewarding had you sang 'Come on you Reds' towards the pitch, rather than spouting abuse towards your own brethren?

6) I think the effort has been there this season from every single stand, and it is not fair to single out the Dolman for criticism. I saw many many people leaving the Atyeo on 88-89 minutes today, but no-one seems to judge those fans, only the ones from the Dolman. Some guys leave, some guys don't, thats just the way it is. It ain't just the Dolman, it's just more visable in there. Every stand has produced atmosphere at times this season, the Atyeo has been great at times, the Dolman has been great at times, the East End has been magnificent at times.

7) The effort has also been there from every single player this season. Today was just one of those days where a bottom of the table team travel to a top of the table team, and manage to get a result. I don't think we played particularly badly today, we just maybe switched off at the wrong times and we also didn't have anywhere near enough shots at goal (were there any apart from the goal and crossbar incident?) The effort was still there and no-one shirked responsibility today. Just one of those days.

8) Come on City.

9) I'm sure I left a number of rants out, but I may return to those another day!!

Enjoy yourselves guys, these are great times, stop having petty arguments about which is the best stand and who are the best supporters. We are all BCFC fans, we all want the best for our team.

Harry de la Dolman.


1) No Bristol City fan is a "better supporter" than any other. - Tell that to the ST holders who endured long periods of disspointment and yet still tunrned up game after game when many of todays fans were sat at home. Not knocking the new fans we need them and it's great but I have to challenge this statement. There is an unwritten protocol in my eyes that gives respect for a 15 year ST holder. I'm not saying that he is neccassarily a better supporter but there is something about the respect you should show because he has done his time. You had to be moved when Ivy (forgive me not knowing her name) reached 100 and was congratulated on match day and has been following City for decades.

2) The Dolman Stand is not a very easy place to exit. - Agreed and fair comment

3) Thousands DO NOT LEAVE EARLY! - yes thousands is an exageration but again the point is missed, if you want to go - go - don't block others views. As for your comment I can just stand up - I pay for a seat at a higher cost than we used to pay in the days of the terrace so I want to sit and have a right to sit. You have a right to go so go but don't block my view from a seat I paid for. What gives you the right to say that if you want to stand for the last 3 minutes, I will have to get out of the seat I paid for to accommodate your wim. As I say, I'm not stopping you going but don'tblock my view.

4) What is wrong with standing for 3 minutes? -Because I paid for a seat - Do you honestly think you are being fair in saying if you want to stand at the front for the last 3 mins then anyone behind can just stand up rather than moan. I just can't see how you think you have this right. This to me comes back to modern behaviour and the fact that people don't show consideration for others anymore. It's like when I go to a car park and can't get in because someone has parked across two bays whereas had they parked properly someone else would get in. They don't though becasue they don't consider others. If you say those behind you can stop moaning and just stand up then that to me shows a complete lack of consideration for others.

5) Cheerio, cheerio cheerio???? Shame on you! - I agree it's a bit out of order but it's simple, if you stay, the song will stop will it not?

6) I think the effort has been there this season from every single stand, and it is not fair to single out the Dolman for criticism. - Agreed it's not just the Dolman and there is fair comment in the stand design issues etc but my beef is about the view blocking not so much the early leavers. I don't even mind those who stand down at the corner between the Dolman and Atyeo becasue they don't block others views.

7) The effort has also been there from every single player this season. - Totally agree

8) Come on City. Well said.

So you see we are on opposite sides of the early leaver argument but share the common goal. Just don't block my view please..

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And I left my seat in The Dolman at the final whistle (which is what I normally do) and ten minutes after the end of the game I was still stuck at the back of the stand looking at virtually empty Atyeo and Williams stands. The Dolman empties very slowly compared to the other stands.

I haven't left a game early for about 25 years (I missed two goals the last time), but I can understand why people in the Dolman want to get a head start and get down to the front before the final whistle. Hopefully when we move to our new ground it will cease to be an issue.

I hear that, it took me about 20mins to get out of the Dolman, Atyeo and Williams were empty whilst I was stood at the back looking down the steps. I think people need to remember you cannot exit via an internal staircase like you can with other stands, Dolman has a loooong walk down with all the 200yr olds taking 1 step every six months.

Well done BCFC for causing unecessary grief today.

Keeping the gates locked meant people were in single file along the entire length of the Dolman, in more peoples way than if they let them down the steps to the bottom.

Along with the odd screaming retards quoting those ridiculous fliers ''Why cant you sit down like the leaflet says?!!''...

Yes luv', because telling people what to do will always work.

I'd like to add that I saw just as many people walking out at 38-40 minutes to go and get some food...why don't they get any grief?

I hear that. Some people can't go 45mins without eating that horrendus stuff they serve, and yet they don't get grief.

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5) Cheerio, cheerio cheerio???? Shame on you!

Anyone who sang this today to their fellow supporters should feel ashamed of themselves.

Do you not think it is quite hypocritical when you sing this particular gem? You are accusing your fellow supporters of not supporting the team, and yet at the same time you are singing a shameful song towards your own supporters rather than singing a song to encourage your team? Would your efforts not have been more rewarding had you sang 'Come on you Reds' towards the pitch, rather than spouting abuse towards your own brethren?

Can you hear Harry sing. Noooo. Noooo! ;)

I sang Cheerio today. It was funny. It made a point. But FWIW I though the Dolman exodous was just about acceptable today. So thanks to all those who said a little longer.

I also cheered the team on, so please don't suggest my 15 seconds of cheerio meant the team missed out on anything.

But forget all this argument about the rights or wrongs of leaving early. Instead, just take the following on board and act on it as you see fit...

1. Like it or not, the sight of a stand emptying out 5 minutes before time can only have a negative impact on the teams peformance and result.

2. Likewise, staying until the end and cheering the boys to the death can only have a positive impact, particulary when looking to nick a goal for an extra 1 or 2 points.

Now if the combination of those two things is worth something, even if only 1 point over the entire season, then I ask all of the poeple who leave early is please stay and try and help the team get that extra point across the second half of the season.

Remember, if the season had ended on New Years day, that point would have us promoted instead of in the playoffs. We may be in the same situation come May.

If you don't think you can help sneak an extra point, then I guess you should carry on leaving early.

Up the City


PS: You are right, we should not infight, we should stick together. Trouble is, we try to stick together, but you've all gone home! :innocent06:

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1) No Bristol City fan is a "better supporter" than any other. - Tell that to the ST holders who endured long periods of disspointment and yet still tunrned up game after game when many of todays fans were sat at home. Not knocking the new fans we need them and it's great but I have to challenge this statement. There is an unwritten protocol in my eyes that gives respect for a 15 year ST holder. I'm not saying that he is neccassarily a better supporter but there is something about the respect you should show because he has done his time. You had to be moved when Ivy (forgive me not knowing her name) reached 100 and was congratulated on match day and has been following City for decades.

2) The Dolman Stand is not a very easy place to exit. - Agreed and fair comment

3) Thousands DO NOT LEAVE EARLY! - yes thousands is an exageration but again the point is missed, if you want to go - go - don't block others views. As for your comment I can just stand up - I pay for a seat at a higher cost than we used to pay in the days of the terrace so I want to sit and have a right to sit. You have a right to go so go but don't block my view from a seat I paid for. What gives you the right to say that if you want to stand for the last 3 minutes, I will have to get out of the seat I paid for to accommodate your wim. As I say, I'm not stopping you going but don'tblock my view.

4) What is wrong with standing for 3 minutes? -Because I paid for a seat - Do you honestly think you are being fair in saying if you want to stand at the front for the last 3 mins then anyone behind can just stand up rather than moan. I just can't see how you think you have this right. This to me comes back to modern behaviour and the fact that people don't show consideration for others anymore. It's like when I go to a car park and can't get in because someone has parked across two bays whereas had they parked properly someone else would get in. They don't though becasue they don't consider others. If you say those behind you can stop moaning and just stand up then that to me shows a complete lack of consideration for others.

5) Cheerio, cheerio cheerio???? Shame on you! - I agree it's a bit out of order but it's simple, if you stay, the song will stop will it not?

6) I think the effort has been there this season from every single stand, and it is not fair to single out the Dolman for criticism. - Agreed it's not just the Dolman and there is fair comment in the stand design issues etc but my beef is about the view blocking not so much the early leavers. I don't even mind those who stand down at the corner between the Dolman and Atyeo becasue they don't block others views.

7) The effort has also been there from every single player this season. - Totally agree

8) Come on City. Well said.

So you see we are on opposite sides of the early leaver argument but share the common goal. Just don't block my view please..

Hey Big Cats,

Firstly, I agree that there is a kind of unwritten protocol, and I believe most people are aware of this, and do tip their hat to those long suffering loyal supporters. But that is a protocol, not a hierarchy, and unfortunately there does seem to be a few who think they are better than others. I have a mate who's only missed one game, home and away, in about 10 years. I hold the utmost respect for him as a City fan, and he respects me in the fact that I can't make it to every away match (I used to, but not anymore). But neither of us thinks the other one is any better or worse a fan.

With regards to the standing issue, ok, I didn't want to come across as being rude or inconsiderate, but just wanted to state the facts as I see them, and after having weighed up the arguments raging on here from both sides.

I don't think anything will change for as long as the Dolman is here. It's been going on for years, and will continue to go on until we move. Not that it makes it right or wrong, but it's a fact of Dolman life and will be with us to the end. I think all those who are from my side of this argument will simply be asking for a little compromise. We're not trying to be rude or selfish, but we just want to get out as soon as we can. Some people are happy to file out gradually for 15 minutes, others want to leave as soon as the whistle goes. Everyone has their variety of reasons for whichever action they take, and I don't think it's fair to say that everyone who stands at the front is being selfish, rude, ignorant or inconsiderate. I know you have paid for your seat, and you want to sit in it, but all I'm saying is that you have had your seat for 89 minutes of the match, is it really too much to ask for a little compromise and just stand up for the last couple of minutes? In most games the last couple of minutes tend to be tense and exciting, so are usually out of your seat affairs anyway!

Anyway, I don't think we will ever get both sides of this argument to come together in agreement, so I think we should all agree to disagree until we get a new stadium! That is in the only solution to this long-standing problem.

Unless of course you know of any Jedi mind-tricks? "Harry, you will stay in your seat until full-time".

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Can you hear Harry sing. Noooo. Noooo! ;)

Like it or not, the sight of a stand emptying out 5 minutes before time can only have a negative impact on the teams peformance and result.

If you don't think you can help sneak an extra point, then I guess you should carry on leaving early.

Sorry mate but you are directing this argument at the wrong person.

I am not one of the early leavers. I am one of those that stands at the front and stays til the end. So I am shouting for my team for the whole 90 minutes.

The point I was trying to make in my previous post was that the stand is not emptying. People are simply moving to the front. Granted, the Boro game was an exception to this. But there are no more or less early leavers from the Dolman than there were from the Atyeo yesterday.

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Hey Big Cats,

Firstly, I agree that there is a kind of unwritten protocol, and I believe most people are aware of this, and do tip their hat to those long suffering loyal supporters. But that is a protocol, not a hierarchy, and unfortunately there does seem to be a few who think they are better than others. I have a mate who's only missed one game, home and away, in about 10 years. I hold the utmost respect for him as a City fan, and he respects me in the fact that I can't make it to every away match (I used to, but not anymore). But neither of us thinks the other one is any better or worse a fan.

With regards to the standing issue, ok, I didn't want to come across as being rude or inconsiderate, but just wanted to state the facts as I see them, and after having weighed up the arguments raging on here from both sides.

I don't think anything will change for as long as the Dolman is here. It's been going on for years, and will continue to go on until we move. Not that it makes it right or wrong, but it's a fact of Dolman life and will be with us to the end. I think all those who are from my side of this argument will simply be asking for a little compromise. We're not trying to be rude or selfish, but we just want to get out as soon as we can. Some people are happy to file out gradually for 15 minutes, others want to leave as soon as the whistle goes. Everyone has their variety of reasons for whichever action they take, and I don't think it's fair to say that everyone who stands at the front is being selfish, rude, ignorant or inconsiderate. I know you have paid for your seat, and you want to sit in it, but all I'm saying is that you have had your seat for 89 minutes of the match, is it really too much to ask for a little compromise and just stand up for the last couple of minutes? In most games the last couple of minutes tend to be tense and exciting, so are usually out of your seat affairs anyway!

Anyway, I don't think we will ever get both sides of this argument to come together in agreement, so I think we should all agree to disagree until we get a new stadium! That is in the only solution to this long-standing problem.

Unless of course you know of any Jedi mind-tricks? "Harry, you will stay in your seat until full-time".

Yep - don't disagree that the Dolman has issues logistically and you're right we'll probably never agree - In truth I'm not sure what the answer is to this because I don't want to have to stand when people are blocking my view but I also conceed it's hard work getting out of the Dolman.

I suppose if we carry on the way we are then the results are all that matters.

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