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Greatest City Player Of All-time?


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In terms of overall "Greatness" I guess Ateyo is the obvious answer and I vaguely remember watching him when I were a lad! Depends how you define greatness, but if you look at the man's record then I guess no one comes close. But I don't recall being that thrilled when I watched him play though, maybe he was coming to the end of his career. Maybe I was too young to be thrilled!

For me other ones that come to mind were both strikers. John Galley had a great spell at the club, but for out and out goal scoring prowess I think the performance of Bob Taylor in our promotion season was awesome. With a plentiful supply of crosses from Mark Gavin he seemed to be firing goals in throughout the season until he got injured. If only we could find a striker like that at the moment!

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mmm... bit of a useless poll this one, I believe he was top goalscorer in 13 of his 15 seasons at City too

That`s fair enough, this topic won`t be everyone`s cup of tea. To you it is useless. But to others it`s not. Anyway, not everyone will say Ateyo. They`ll say other players and that will make the topic even more intresting.

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I think it's difficult to argue that Atyeo & Wedlock would not be our two best ever players. However, not having seen either of them play, I would say that Norman Hunter is the best player I ever saw in a City shirt. 100 or so games over three seasons, never less than 100% for the cause. We were relegated when he left and we have taken (so far) 28 years to recover!

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I'd agree on Hunter among those I have seen - he was really special - Of that era Gow was the kind of midfield terrier every team needs, while had Paul Cheesley not got injured he was destined for the very top. In terms of contribution to the team and the club Tins worhty of mention, while Bob Taylor in that promotion season was awesome

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I'd agree on Hunter among those I have seen - he was really special - Of that era Gow was the kind of midfield terrier every team needs, while had Paul Cheesley not got injured he was destined for the very top. In terms of contribution to the team and the club Tins worhty of mention, while Bob Taylor in that promotion season was awesome

Jacki dziakanowski :englandsmile4wf:

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Best to divide this topic up into era's.

Atyeo was certainly City's greatest player but his era ended 40 years ago and many current fans never saw the great man play.

For me whenever I think of a City great just one name springs to mind - Gerry Gow.

Couldn't agree more, perhaps people should opinionate on players they have actually watched.

Mine, however, are:

1. Gerry Gow - vicious(how many minutes would he last in todays game before sent off?)

2. Super Bob - goalpoacher supreme - (although special mention should go for Robbie Turner as well as Mark Gavin for assists - not great players but instrumental in Bob's success whilst at the gate)

3. Tom Ritchie(for nostalgic reasons)

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