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One thing that gets my goat every week, are players that roll around and scream like big jessies when they get tapped on the ankles after a tackle and players that dive for a penalty.

Kev Amanakawanahhhaahhaa is one of these players that takes a tumble and pulls that face that looks like he has just been subjected to an anal probe, it used to be just Johnny foreigner that couldn't stay on his feet in the penalty area and went rolling the length of the field after a tackle, but this disease has crept in to the way English players behave against fellow pros, and i don't like it! :Rage:

How i laugh at Michael Owen when he gets near the edge of the area and tries to hurdle the chalk lines when a defender is near or when Franny Jeffers is being pulled back by his shirt yet manages to fall forward, Mark "SCUBA" Walters was the greatest diver of them all in the box, you only had to be within 2 foot of him and he would find his way to make contact with you and fall gracefully, yet as he was falling, he had the art of turning towards the ref and would grimace in pain with his hands already appealing for the penalty, a true master!

So why do they do it, how bad is the pain so that they stay on the floor for a whole minute after the tackle, wait for the physio to come on with the magic sponge yet appear to run normally within 30 secs of cold water being applied to the knock, maybe they just want to hear the crowd clap them every now and then when they magically make that recovery after the fall, does anyone else hate this as much as me.

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Yes I do hate it as much as you, if not more so.

The sad thing is however that the vast majority of referees get sucked in by it and give the free kick.

But. And it is a big but. The referee that does not get sucked in by it very often makes the mistake of booking players for genuinely getting felled by another player for diving.

You cannot complain at a referee for this because he is fed up by so called professionals trying to pull the wool over his eyes. You have to blame the footballers in the first place for doing so & get on with it if the odd player gets booked for 'diving' when it is clearly not a dive.

Just ask Lita verses Luton & Dunn (I think) for Birmigham when a clear penalty was missed & he was booked for 'diving'. Later to be ammended by the referee with the hindesight of a reply.

If anyone has the benefit of watching Sky Sports' new interactive Champions league service ie. 6-8 games watchable at once, just look how many times a player is on the ground in 'agony' out of these games. Trust me, it sometimes looks like a battlefield with at least 4 games stopped for this reason at any one time.

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Its the Latin and Hispanic influence in our game.They have been overeacting for years.Diving all over the place,trying to get opposing players sent off,handling the ball into the net...

If its good for the goose....

After Owen won the penalty that sent Argentina to a 1-0 defeat in the last World Cup the Argentinian papers all refered to Owen as El Pirato - "the thief"

Hardly any of them were critical of Owen`s dive.Its just part of their game.

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