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Gj Manager For How Long?


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... I wasn't convinced early on, but I firmly believe :Believe: now that with all the jigsaw pieces slotting into place at City, from the Chairman, league position, new stadium in pipeline etc & GJ its all adding up to a recipe for a great future.

Makes me think of Notts Forest under Cloughie & what they achieved, Ipswich & Robson, etc etc ...

I hope GJ/Bristol City will become two names that like Forest/Clough will become synonymous (sp) with each other in peoples minds likewise Steve Lansdown (our modern day Harry D).. Think Liverpool, you automatically still think Shankley, its not impossible that G Johnson could become Bristol Citys 'Shanks',,, like Man U's 'Fergie' .... it just feels 'right' to me.. :fingerscrossed:

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