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Guest MaloneFM

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I'm with old rog on this one, he's a clever bugger, he's like a less tallented Mourinho, with any neil warnock side who is it who gets all the stick and takes all the crap ? it is never his players, just like Jose did at Porto and Chelsea it's him who's hated, it's him who gets all the abuse he takes it all of his players and puts it onto himself.

All of it's a load of b***ocks and he knows it, he knows who the better side were, but he also knows which manager got his tactics spot on (it wasn't johnson).

What will all the talk ba and is after the game, is it that we had 75% possesion in the first half ? is it that they had pretty much 2 shots on target all game ? is it that we should have won at a canter, no it's neil warnock throws his toys out of the pram.

I wouldn't pay to watch on of his sides but my christ he's a very, very good manager and looks after his team well, you can almost guarentee that while everyone else hates him every single one of his players absolutely loves him as he takes the spotlight off them and takes all the flack himself.

Can't agree Spud. He cultivates in all his teams a "Pity Me" attitude

It's not fair, West Ham didn't register Tevez

It's not fair the Ref didn't end the game when I wanted him to.

Alex Ferguson owes some of his success to his ability to instil a siege mentality into his players, down the years Millwall have done fairly well with "Everyone hates us, we don't care" (Cardiff also) with Warnock teams you don't get the edge of defiance, of grit & fight that Manure, Millwall & Baadiff have, it's just the "It's not fair on me" part. The result is that he is convincing his players that fate is against them, this is the very opposite of confidence which is the Oxygen of successful teams and THAT is why the guy will never win anything. I don't much like Palace as a team or a club but even they don't deserve him.

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Once again he has worked his dubious charm on you all and you have fell for it.

Imagine Brian Clough without the charm or tactical knowledge and you have Warnock. He is very astute at getting under the skin of the opposition and is a professional whiner. Ferguson without the skills or money.

He is a bluffer. Which is why I like him.

Now everybody just relax and imagine that he's not real.

Neil Warnock the manager is everything that you dislike and also like in a person .

We can use so many expletives for and against him but my view is that this game we all love is missing the many characters there were in the past .

Those with the balls to utter the slightest word against a ref , a decision , an incident etc... are docked wages or banned to the stands for periods of games .

Don Revie , Brian Clough , Alex Ferguson , Arsene Wenger , Kevin Keegan the list could go on .

They show the passion you and I have , they feel it personally like you and I do when things don't go for your team .

His outbursts to the G.K and the cameras are not uncommen and next week it will be someone else he is going on about .

Passion , passion , passion many were moaning recently the England team was lacking it . When someone shows it we moan and groan about it .

We are not all as reserved and act in a professional way as G.J does . Lets be proud of our manager and how he gets the best out of our lads . We all have our different ways to motivate and move forward .

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Neil Warnock the manager is everything that you dislike and also like in a person .

We can use so many expletives for and against him but my view is that this game we all love is missing the many characters there were in the past .

Those with the balls to utter the slightest word against a ref , a decision , an incident etc... are docked wages or banned to the stands for periods of games .

Don Revie , Brian Clough , Alex Ferguson , Arsene Wenger , Kevin Keegan the list could go on .

They show the passion you and I have , they feel it personally like you and I do when things don't go for your team .

His outbursts to the G.K and the cameras are not uncommen and next week it will be someone else he is going on about .

Passion , passion , passion many were moaning recently the England team was lacking it . When someone shows it we moan and groan about it .

We are not all as reserved and act in a professional way as G.J does . Lets be proud of our manager and how he gets the best out of our lads . We all have our different ways to motivate and move forward .

thats not "passion" , my 2 year old behaves like that when he cant get his own way and thats exactly what Warnock is. A spoilt

child( my son isnt spoilt actually but you get my drift).

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Guest MaloneFM

But your 2 year old displays passion. Its not apprpriate when you get older so you bottle it up more but when pushed everyone shows passion.

See him on the touchline yelling and jumping about? The number of times I wanted that from Danny Wilson. GJ does it and it shows he cares.

Still like the bloke.

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I'm with old rog on this one, he's a clever bugger, he's like a less tallented Mourinho, with any neil warnock side who is it who gets all the stick and takes all the crap ? it is never his players, just like Jose did at Porto and Chelsea it's him who's hated, it's him who gets all the abuse he takes it all of his players and puts it onto himself.

All of it's a load of b***ocks and he knows it, he knows who the better side were, but he also knows which manager got his tactics spot on (it wasn't johnson).

What will all the talk ba and is after the game, is it that we had 75% possesion in the first half ? is it that they had pretty much 2 shots on target all game ? is it that we should have won at a canter, no it's neil warnock throws his toys out of the pram.

I wouldn't pay to watch on of his sides but my christ he's a very, very good manager and looks after his team well, you can almost guarentee that while everyone else hates him every single one of his players absolutely loves him as he takes the spotlight off them and takes all the flack himself.

A bit messiahanic ain't it?

Behold, Warnock the lamb of God, he taketh away the sins of the world!

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But your 2 year old displays passion. Its not apprpriate when you get older so you bottle it up more but when pushed everyone shows passion.

See him on the touchline yelling and jumping about? The number of times I wanted that from Danny Wilson. GJ does it and it shows he cares.

Still like the bloke.

You talk about him like he's bloody Mohammed Ali! He's not charming, charismatic or witty so what attributes does he have to redeem his arrogance? The way that he refuses to accept his teams culpability for anything is his only trait common with Mourinho.

I think we know who's fishing, Malone, and it ain't Warnock...

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Guest MaloneFM

Oh Moze (may I call you Moze? Or Moses?) he has no charm or charisma but I like that. I like managers that lose or draw against a better side and rather say 'we'll at the end of the day, all credit to the lads, the supporters were...zzzzzz' I'd much rather they said 'fair result?The referee was against us, the crowd were pickpockets and I want my bottle'.

How many threads were there after the Sheffield Wednesday game about the behaviour of Brian Laws? So far we have had managers and their teams down here, slapped them about a bit and sent them on their way.

The only exceptions being the pantomime dame that is Hollowhead and Clueless who tried but frankly was not as good at the wind up. Look at Mad Dog Allen. On Sky he asked the bloke doing the live game to stop calling him that. And he was ignored. In the commercial break he informed whatever no mark was freezing his arse off that night that if he used the expression again he would be thrown off the funking gantry.

Whats not to like?

Roll on the Walkers Stadium and even more fun!

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