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An Explanation For Mr. N Warnock


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Dear Mr. Warnock,

When the fourth official holds up the board indicating the amount of time to be added on at the end of a game, this is merely an indication of the minimum amount of time to be played. This point is underlined further by the person on the PA system saying "The fourth official has indicated there will be a minimum of four minutes added time."

What "a minimum" means is "there could be more". Hard to understand, isn't it? I'll explain further...

The board does not work in fractions of minutes, merely in whole minutes to give an indication of roughly how much time is left to be played.

Let's say, for example, the fourth official indicates there will be a minimum of four minutes added time. Now, this could mean four minutes exactly, but it could also mean four minutes and 1 second, four minutes and two seconds, four minutes and three sec... (you get my point?), all the way up to four minutes and 59 seconds.

As another example, let's imagine that you have a fat lump of lard playing up front who does little other than kick, elbow and niggle his way through 79 minutes of a game, then takes 35 to 40 seconds to drag his fat backside off the pitch when he's substituted, even stopping to shake the hands of the officials on the way to the dugout, in an attempt to waste time (I know, you're shocked, but believe me it goes on).

Now, the referee may decide to add that 35 seconds on at the end of the game. He may alrady have decided to add on four minutes and 10 seconds on prior to fatboy's antics, but now, thanks to aforementioned lard arse striker, he has to add on four minutes and 50 seconds.

However, as we previously mentioned, the fourth official's board only shows whole minutes, so it still says "4", because that is the minimum, and it isn't over 5 minutes.

So, imagine now that the referee adds on 4 minutes and 50 seconds and, after 4 minutes 35 seconds a goal is scored.

Can you see how the blame should probably be laid at the door of the obese centre forward rather than the referee who has noticed said rotund player trying to cheat and added on the requisite amount of time to cancel out his 'gamesmanship'?

Good. Then we can put that one to bed.

Let me know when you want to move on to discussing pulling a player's shirt off his back in the box and gaining an unfair advantage from handling the ball. I have loads to teach you about those points too.

Kind regards,


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Dear Mr. Warnock,

When the fourth official holds up the board indicating the amount of time to be added on at the end of a game, this is merely an indication of the minimum amount of time to be played. This point is underlined further by the person on the PA system saying "The fourth official has indicated there will be a minimum of four minutes added time."

What "a minimum" means is "there could be more". Hard to understand, isn't it? I'll explain further...

The board does not work in fractions of minutes, merely in whole minutes to give an indication of roughly how much time is left to be played.

Let's say, for example, the fourth official indicates there will be a minimum of four minutes added time. Now, this could mean four minutes exactly, but it could also mean four minutes and 1 second, four minutes and two seconds, four minutes and three sec... (you get my point?), all the way up to four minutes and 59 seconds.

As another example, let's imagine that you have a fat lump of lard playing up front who does little other than kick, elbow and niggle his way through 79 minutes of a game, then takes 35 to 40 seconds to drag his fat backside off the pitch when he's substituted, even stopping to shake the hands of the officials on the way to the dugout, in an attempt to waste time (I know, you're shocked, but believe me it goes on).

Now, the referee may decide to add that 35 seconds on at the end of the game. He may alrady have decided to add on four minutes and 10 seconds on prior to fatboy's antics, but now, thanks to aforementioned lard arse striker, he has to add on four minutes and 50 seconds.

However, as we previously mentioned, the fourth official's board only shows whole minutes, so it still says "4", because that is the minimum, and it isn't over 5 minutes.

So, imagine now that the referee adds on 4 minutes and 50 seconds and, after 4 minutes 35 seconds a goal is scored.

Can you see how the blame should probably be laid at the door of the obese centre forward rather than the referee who has noticed said rotund player trying to cheat and added on the requisite amount of time to cancel out his 'gamesmanship'?

Good. Then we can put that one to bed.

Let me know when you want to move on to discussing pulling a player's shirt off his back in the box and gaining an unfair advantage from handling the ball. I have loads to teach you about those points too.

Kind regards,


Excellent post. Isn't it funny how you can like somebody for years and then lose all respect for them in one evening? That's what happened with me and Mr Warnock this evening. The guy is a turd.

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Erm. I am City through and through but have to comment on this one...Granted 4 was held up and this is the minimum added time for the second half - including subs, as, you quite rightly mention, Kuqi was one of. The said, I am enormously grateful to get another half minute to score and, even more bizarrely, another minute to see the game out. 4 minutes and the game closed on 95.58. I, for one, have not forgiven referee Beeby for the Brighton debacle and wonder whether there was a bit of pay back?!!

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Here here.

The fact that their keeper took 12 seconds for every kick from hand might have had something to do with the amount of added time too.

Time wasters from beginning to end, and I for one congratulate Mr Beeby on his decision to add the correct amount of added time (don't think he had a good game by the way, but at least he understood that he had to add +4 minutes). A lot of refs don't.

Everything about Warnock and his Palarse team is awful. He's a disgrace.

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Erm. I am City through and through but have to comment on this one...Granted 4 was held up and this is the minimum added time for the second half - including subs, as, you quite rightly mention, Kuqi was one of. The said, I am enormously grateful to get another half minute to score and, even more bizarrely, another minute to see the game out. 4 minutes and the game closed on 95.58. I, for one, have not forgiven referee Beeby for the Brighton debacle and wonder whether there was a bit of pay back?!!

The goal was scored on 94:35 I think. The rest was celebration.

I can't see how a side who time wasted from the first half can complain about time added on during injury time, they've got some cheek.

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Mr Beeby redeemed himself for a dire performance by allowing an extra 90 secs or so at the end of added time. Palace had blatantly time wasted for most of the second half and he did nothing.Not even a gesture or a 'hurry up' was forthcoming.

Instead he allowed the time Palace had wasted to be added and their 'tactics' came back to haunt them.Well done Mr Beeby.

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First half time is added onto the end on the first half. Lets be honest, we have be generously treated tonight.

I said FROM the first half. They time wasted all the way through the second and during time added on as well.

We weren't generously treated in the least. 6 subs guarantees 3 minutes of added time, and are you really going to tell me that their timewasting was only worth another minute?

Frankly with the number of filthy challenges Palace put in, like the one Sproule jumped over, where it was obvious they were trying to take the man and not the ball, they were lucky to end with 11 men. If anyone was generously treated it was them and a point was more than their dire shit deserved IMO.

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Frankly with the number of filthy challenges Palace put in, like the one Sproule jumped over, where it was obvious they were trying to take the man and not the ball, they were lucky to end with 11 men. If anyone was generously treated it was them and a point was more than their dire shit deserved IMO.

I agree with you Nibor.You've summed up my thoughts exactly. Palace fans should be ashamed of their team. I'd hate Warnock to ever manage City.The bloke is an embarressment to their club and football in general.

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I said FROM the first half. They time wasted all the way through the second and during time added on as well.

We weren't generously treated in the least. 6 subs guarantees 3 minutes of added time, and are you really going to tell me that their timewasting was only worth another minute?

Frankly with the number of filthy challenges Palace put in, like the one Sproule jumped over, where it was obvious they were trying to take the man and not the ball, they were lucky to end with 11 men. If anyone was generously treated it was them and a point was more than their dire shit deserved IMO.

Thankyou for engaging in debabe. In my opinion we we treated generously as I am in a privileged position, as a City fan, to watch many other teams in live action. I know for a fact that the amount of time that the third official shows is, on 90% of times exactly the same amound of time that get played and the whistle blows 5 secs either side.

Don't kid yourself that if City had been 2-1 up you would have been happy with 5 minutes of time added on?!

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Excellent post. Isn't it funny how you can like somebody for years and then lose all respect for them in one evening? That's what happened with me and Mr Warnock this evening. The guy is a turd.

Agree. Its seems to go with being a football "celebrity" - newspaper columns etcc.. People lose contact with reality and the truth - Warnock and Holloway the same.

Final thing was the revelations about Warnock coaching his thugs on how to sledge us at the away game.

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Thankyou for engaging in debabe. In my opinion we we treated generously as I am in a privileged position, as a City fan, to watch many other teams in live action. I know for a fact that the amount of time that the third official shows is, on 90% of times exactly the same amound of time that get played and the whistle blows 5 secs either side.

Don't kid yourself that if City had been 2-1 up you would have been happy with 5 minutes of time added on?!

I would expect it if I had wasted so much time like Palace did.

They should know the rules- simple as.

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I notice that Radio 5 live are now stating that City "scored in the fifth minute of added time, even though the referee only indicated 4 minutes..."

Seems as if the Warnock propaganda maxchine is working.

It could be a really good, team building exercise for us if this carries on.


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What blew me away was NW letting rip into Speroni as they walked off the pitch last night. He used the F word clearly on camera right into his face. In the heat of the moment one can expect a little loss of control but from the gaffer to by far his best player on the pitch it leaves me thinking he will have some job regaining Speroni's respect;

either he will have another barn stormer next match or his nerves will give way and he will let in a few goals.. be interesting to see.

I pity the Palace fans having to watch that tripe week in and week out. He will probably obtain success with them but at what cost. my oh my.

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I notice that Radio 5 live are now stating that City "scored in the fifth minute of added time, even though the referee only indicated 4 minutes..."

Seems as if the Warnock propaganda maxchine is working.

It could be a really good, team building exercise for us if this carries on.


It seems to be a massive misconception throughout the media, they don't seem to understand like that miserable **** that it's a minimum, it also doesn't take into acount any time wasted in the 4 minutes added on either, you can play an extra 4 minutes if there isa 4 minutes of stoppages in injury time. Frankly 4 minutes was being generous to palace, i believe that refs are guided to add on roughly 30 secs per substitution and then about the same per booking, even if we ignore the bookings there should have been 3 minutes guarenteed by the subs in the second half, so to say that palarse only wasted 1-2 mins is bloody rediculous.

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Dear Mr. Warnock,

When the fourth official holds up the board indicating the amount of time to be added on at the end of a game, this is merely an indication of the minimum amount of time to be played. This point is underlined further by the person on the PA system saying "The fourth official has indicated there will be a minimum of four minutes added time."

What "a minimum" means is "there could be more". Hard to understand, isn't it? I'll explain further...

The board does not work in fractions of minutes, merely in whole minutes to give an indication of roughly how much time is left to be played.

Let's say, for example, the fourth official indicates there will be a minimum of four minutes added time. Now, this could mean four minutes exactly, but it could also mean four minutes and 1 second, four minutes and two seconds, four minutes and three sec... (you get my point?), all the way up to four minutes and 59 seconds.

As another example, let's imagine that you have a fat lump of lard playing up front who does little other than kick, elbow and niggle his way through 79 minutes of a game, then takes 35 to 40 seconds to drag his fat backside off the pitch when he's substituted, even stopping to shake the hands of the officials on the way to the dugout, in an attempt to waste time (I know, you're shocked, but believe me it goes on).

Now, the referee may decide to add that 35 seconds on at the end of the game. He may alrady have decided to add on four minutes and 10 seconds on prior to fatboy's antics, but now, thanks to aforementioned lard arse striker, he has to add on four minutes and 50 seconds.

However, as we previously mentioned, the fourth official's board only shows whole minutes, so it still says "4", because that is the minimum, and it isn't over 5 minutes.

So, imagine now that the referee adds on 4 minutes and 50 seconds and, after 4 minutes 35 seconds a goal is scored.

Can you see how the blame should probably be laid at the door of the obese centre forward rather than the referee who has noticed said rotund player trying to cheat and added on the requisite amount of time to cancel out his 'gamesmanship'?

Good. Then we can put that one to bed.

Let me know when you want to move on to discussing pulling a player's shirt off his back in the box and gaining an unfair advantage from handling the ball. I have loads to teach you about those points too.

Kind regards,


Just a GREAT post.

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What blew me away was NW letting rip into Speroni as they walked off the pitch last night. He used the F word clearly on camera right into his face. In the heat of the moment one can expect a little loss of control but from the gaffer to by far his best player on the pitch it leaves me thinking he will have some job regaining Speroni's respect;

either he will have another barn stormer next match or his nerves will give way and he will let in a few goals.. be interesting to see.

He was having a go at Speroni for arguing with the ref after the whistle - in fact he did it to several players - all of whom had been moaning at the ref after the whistle-

I call that doing his job - last thing he wanted was a red card after the whistle

As for all the other NW knocking....don't forget that his tactics took the shine off our attacking midfield by playing a man marker on Carle - something GJ did not have an answer for (or had considered pre game apparently) :disapointed2se:

Agreed his favoured route one is not the type of football I would enjoy and his moanings about ref etc get on your nerves and I would in no way want to see him in charge of BCFC but he showed the tactical side to his game last night and but for a very late late goal the tactics would have worked

Roll on Colchester & Hull - 6pts to keep us in there :fingerscrossed:

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Goal was scored on 94.41 to be precise.

Either way Palarse got what they deserved in the end, time wasters from start to finish.

Well said, the operative words being '' start to finish '' the Goalkeeper started his time wasting tactic from the very first time he touched the ball and the referee added a mere one minute at the end of the first half. The referee did not even warn him once during the whole game, therefore justice was done, Palace did not deserve all three points playing in such a way that was quite clearly designed to spoil the game

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Here here.

The fact that their keeper took 12 seconds for every kick from hand might have had something to do with the amount of added time too.

I did have to laugh at the counting out loud by the fans. It got quicker and quicker and from 8-12 seconds in all reality was about 2 seconds. I believe it should be 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 etc to get a better result. That said he probably was taking 8 whole seconds.

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I think a few of the Palace fans should read this post. They seem to feel hard done by from looking at their board, and frankly they must be on some sort of crack for that to be the case.

It figures Nibor, their manager has 'inspired' a Victim mindset in every one of his teams, it is bound to rub off on the supporters eventually.

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Thankyou for engaging in debabe. In my opinion we we treated generously as I am in a privileged position, as a City fan, to watch many other teams in live action. I know for a fact that the amount of time that the third official shows is, on 90% of times exactly the same amound of time that get played and the whistle blows 5 secs either side.

Don't kid yourself that if City had been 2-1 up you would have been happy with 5 minutes of time added on?!

Fact is, he should coach his team to play to the whistle. The ref is the final arbiter of timekeeping, not external clocks a la Rugby League. Whether it was right or wrong the Referees decision is final. If Warnock coached his players to play to the whistle (especially knowing our reputation for VERY late goals) it wouldn't have mattered.

His allegation that the ref punched the air when we scored is probably slanderous and should get him hauled before the FA to explain himself, along with the refusal to allow his players to shake the officials' hands, as anoher poster said, a very bad example to set when others are trying to clean the game up.

The lack of handshake and the "punch the air" allegation bring the game into disrepute, the idea that you play to the whistle is well established even in Primary School football - End of.

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He was having a go at Speroni for arguing with the ref after the whistle - in fact he did it to several players - all of whom had been moaning at the ref after the whistle-

I call that doing his job - last thing he wanted was a red card after the whistle

Wrong! He was having a go at Speroni because he tried to shake the Ref's hand

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I notice that Radio 5 live are now stating that City "scored in the fifth minute of added time, even though the referee only indicated 4 minutes..."

Seems as if the Warnock propaganda maxchine is working.

It could be a really good, team building exercise for us if this carries on.


It was the in the fifth minute

0-59 seconds = 1st minute

1:00 to 1:59 = 2nd minute

2:00 to 2:59 = 3rd minute

3:00 to 3:59 = 4th minute

4:00 to 4:59 = 5th minute

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