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Eduardo's Broken Leg


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Glad Arsenal only drew but I doubt that'll be the big story of the day with an injury like that. Hopefully he'll come back like Larsson did and not retire like Buust

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Vile tackle...Was reading the Mail earlier and Mr Poll was saying how these challenges have been irradicated...how wrong he was

Surley that tackle is deserving of a life ban?

*Having only seen the pictures posted on here*

Looked mistimed more than anything.

Its the sort of tackle you see every week where they say ''Good job he didnt have his foot planted''

Unfortunately Eduardo did have his foot planted.

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Truly grim that. Hope he recovers.

However Wenger calling for someone to be banned for a bad tackle is just a tad hypocritical. This coming from a man who has overseen 72 red cards in his time at Arsenal, not one of them deserved obviously :rolleyes:

The challenge itself was no worse than the lunge that Gallas got away with on Nani last week.

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It was deliberate. Taylor didn't set out to break Eduardo's leg and with hindsight I'm sure he wishes he didn't do it, but at the time he definitely intended to foul him and that means it's deliberate.

It was one of those "let him know you're there" challenges, he was trying to stick one on him early in the game to put him off and he wasn't trying to play the ball.

The fact that he caught him in just about the worst manner possible is unlucky but it couldn't have happened if he wasn't making that sort of challenge in the first place, therefore I think he should suffer dire consequences because the end result is that Eduardo will be lucky to play again ever.

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Apparently it was a double compound fracture, which is essentially the bone coming through the skin in 2 places. This is one of the worst injuries a footballer can have.

The compound nature of the break will massively increase the chance of infection, which leads to a longer healing time.

i personally think he will be very lucky to play again at the highest level, ehich is a massive shame as he was starting to show his class on a regular basis.

Eduardo, I hope you get well soon fella. :fingerscrossed:

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If you compare the shape and position of Taylor in the picture that i posted with that of rayer's link it's pretty damning. He appears to have raked his studs all the way down the lower leg.

Taylor's tackle is atrocious and was correctly sanctioned with a dismissal. Many similar tackles have resulted in no damage to the opponent. That is why I get pissed off when bad tackles which cause no damage are condoned, and when a ref is criticised for sending off a player for committing a bad tackle despite there being no damage inflicted.

That is why the law concerning serious foul play specifies "tackles which endanger the safety of an opponent". Eduardo was unlucky today. Another player will walk away from a similar tackle, and when the perpetrator is sent off nonetheless, I hope the managers and pundits reflect on Eduardo's circumstances and realise what could have been. Red cards don't ruin the game, they are used to protect the players.

It's possible that he will be lucky to walk properly again, let alone play football.

Nibor, whether it was deliberate or not is totally irrelevant. The word intent was removed from the laws of the game a while ago.

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Nibor, whether it was deliberate or not is totally irrelevant. The word intent was removed from the laws of the game a while ago.

I disagree. It's not irrelevant at all.

The ref correctly gave a red card, that's fine and in accordance with the laws of the game.

The laws of the game apply over the 90+ minutes but they don't preclude the FA from taking extra disciplinary measures after a game where they deem it appropriate.

I think given the obvious intent and serious nature of the resulting injury this is one of the cases where they should make an example. We don't want challenges like that in the game do we?

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I disagree. It's not irrelevant at all.

The ref correctly gave a red card, that's fine and in accordance with the laws of the game.

The laws of the game apply over the 90+ minutes but they don't preclude the FA from taking extra disciplinary measures after a game where they deem it appropriate.

I think given the obvious intent and serious nature of the resulting injury this is one of the cases where they should make an example. We don't want challenges like that in the game do we?

It does make you wonder what goes through a player's mind when he jumps in studs, or lifts his second foot off the deck and jumps towards his opponent. Surely it would be ingrained from years of playing and training that that's a complete no-no?

Unfortunately any changes need a cultural change as much as anything.

If we start making examples of players who jump in studs up or two footed on a regular basis, we'd be missing a lot of England regulars, that's you Gerrard.

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