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Play Off Final


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Nightmare situation !... Mrs due on 17th June - insisting no way I should go to play off final if we make it. All City fans on here will say I should go, but if you can be ar$ed can you ask your other halfs if they were in that situation would they demand you stay home (or at least in Bristol) to watch the game.

Would be interested in knowing what the majority of the women think - told her she is being totally unreasonable ! :o

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difficult one that mate, just spoke to the missus, she's of the same perspective as your's. Is it your first kid? if not then you could argue that you've done it once already and there's nothing you can do there anyhow!

Should've thought about that....next time, get her up the duff in October instead of September and it'll be due in July!! Tsk....some people just don't think about the consequences!!! :rolleyes:

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difficult one that mate, just spoke to the missus, she's of the same perspective as your's. Is it your first kid? if not then you could argue that you've done it once already and there's nothing you can do there anyhow!

it's our second - tried explaining how important, to the prem etc but the tears flowed !!! god I hope it's automatic for more than one reason !

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I can't see why the missus expecting a baby a month away should stop you from having a day out. Will it stop you going to work?

OK so don't go early, stay late and get thoroughly lashed but going to watch a game isn't going to do any harm.

The worst that can happen is she goes into labour and you have to leave. If it's her first she'll be in labour for about a week anyway so there's no rush :)

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tried explaining

This is where you went wrong.

You should have presented it as fact and then helped her deal with the anguish, not made it sound optional.

Something like "Ere love, don't you be thinking about going into labour early mind because it'll take me at least two hours to get back from Wembley".

That's my relationship counselling done for the day anyway, I also do hostage negotiation.

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Would be interested in knowing what the majority of the women think - told her she is being totally unreasonable ! :o

My missus' actual words

"Tell him to stop being an idiot an think of others for once. Selfish ba*tard"

Then she has a go at me for even asking such a "stupid" question. Bloody wimmin! :surrender:

Think you are onto a loser. Better pray we get 1st or second spot!

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Nightmare situation !... Mrs due on 17th June - insisting no way I should go to play off final if we make it. All City fans on here will say I should go, but if you can be ar$ed can you ask your other halfs if they were in that situation would they demand you stay home (or at least in Bristol) to watch the game.

Would be interested in knowing what the majority of the women think - told her she is being totally unreasonable ! :o

When are the playoff dates, end of May isn't it, leaving her more than 2 weeks away from her due date?

From your point of view I'd say you would be alright to go, I think if the baby was to arrive early you'd have some idea in most cases anyway. It's quite rare for the baby to suddenly arrive, but not impossible. Saying that the 2nd usually arrives quicker than the first, quicker = shorter labour not more unexpectedly!

From her point of view though I know why she would want you there!

Good luck in whatever you decide.

ps we aren't doing the playoffs anyway so all of this is irrelevant! :goingup:

pps: I spent most of my first time giving birth telling Mr RedM to go and find what the football score was as we were playing Tranmere away on a Tuesday night, think it was 0-0!

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IF it is a Girl...........sorry Mate you got NO CHANCE, they just do'nt understand these things.


Back to topic, think your fighting a losing battle I'm afraid, if she wants you there just in case then you got to be there... You would be in the dog house BIG time if you did go and she went into labour! Think you would regret it if you missed it as well, if your honest.... There will be other games, but your childs only born once!!

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Tell her to stop being so selfish and try and see things from other people's point of view for once, the baby's for example.

Think of the guilt that that person is going to have to bare throughout their entire life knowing that you missed one of the greatest events in the history of the World, ever, because of them........

Yeah, it's for the good of the baby - her baby!

ps/I think even Alistair Campbell'd be proud of that one.

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Nightmare situation !... Mrs due on 17th June - insisting no way I should go to play off final if we make it. All City fans on here will say I should go, but if you can be ar$ed can you ask your other halfs if they were in that situation would they demand you stay home (or at least in Bristol) to watch the game.

Would be interested in knowing what the majority of the women think - told her she is being totally unreasonable ! :o

Use the Internet to your advantage and try to find yourself a body double to go to the birth while you go to the game.

My Misses is due 12th June - same problem, tried to get around it by suggesting we name him/her after the city goal scorer but she won't have it!

She's just worried that Bamberdele Adebola would score.

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Tell her it's her fault. You warned her it would spit if she played with it - now she has to live with the consequences.

Babies get born everyday - it's been 32 years since we last got promoted to the top tier.

Tell her not to be so selfish and to think of others - there are thousands of fellow City fans who would want you to be at the game - only one person wants you not to be there!

For your part - next time she says she's feeling a bit frisky - consult your diary before unzipping!

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Had same situation in 1988 - First born due and I went to Walsall to get harassed by West Mercia Police - My son wasn't born and Wifey happy that I enjoyed the day.

I would drop the subject with the wife until you can buy tickets and then just make sure she knows how important it is to you and stress how unlikely it is that your baby will be born on that specific day, i.e. just keep the subject of City going until you know for sure if City are in the playoffs and if they are make sure you hae rational arguements about the probabilities of her having your son/daughter on that specific day and anyway her Mum I am sure would love to spend the day with her so close to the baby dropping and how exciting and thrilled her Mum would be to be there instead of you.

Baby born 9 days later

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Nightmare situation !... Mrs due on 17th June - insisting no way I should go to play off final if we make it. All City fans on here will say I should go, but if you can be ar$ed can you ask your other halfs if they were in that situation would they demand you stay home (or at least in Bristol) to watch the game.

Would be interested in knowing what the majority of the women think - told her she is being totally unreasonable ! :o

I hope your joking fella.

The birth of your child or a football match? I know where Id be mate, I love football and the City but somethings are just far more important .

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Most labours last longer than two hours it will take for you to get back. SO just explain to her that as soon as she feels the slightest twinge you will come home.

Or take her with you and book her into a hotel whilst you watch the game.

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Nightmare situation !... Mrs due on 17th June - insisting no way I should go to play off final if we make it. All City fans on here will say I should go, but if you can be ar$ed can you ask your other halfs if they were in that situation would they demand you stay home (or at least in Bristol) to watch the game.

Would be interested in knowing what the majority of the women think - told her she is being totally unreasonable ! :o

You should be fine unless you are going to watch another team in the play offs AS WE WILL BE PROMOTED AUTOMATICLY.



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