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Plymouth Promoted At Ashton Gate

Br 1st ol

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Given our respective goal differences, if we lose on Tuesday, plymouth are promoted...how painful would that be??

yeah it would be very painful :sub:

i said not long back they needed 4 more wins

to secure at least a top 2 finnish i think they

have 2 of them, it pains me to think

3 seasons ago they were struggling in

div.3 that is progress mr wilson not

4 seasons playing with div.2 play off's :sub:

but it would be more painful to lose out

to swindon in the play off's and see 3 of

our big rivals go up, plymouth , q.p.r and


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In 1986 I went to Plymouth near the end of the season to watch a re-arranged game (weather) and seen City get stuffed 4-0. Plymouth went up that night and we were nowhere in sight. I never forgot them partying after the match, especially as we were locked in and forced to watch them. :@

I don't want to see them celebrating again. They are sure to be promoted. Great for them, just not at our ground. :@

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Who's to say they are going to come here and win though?

Ok fair enough they beat us 4-0 earlier in the season, but that was in the LDV - We've already beaten them at their own ground this season. Why shouldn't we be able to do the double over them?

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Who's to say they are going to come here and win though?

Ok fair enough they beat us 4-0 earlier in the season, but that was in the LDV - We've already beaten them at their own ground this season. Why shouldn't we be able to do the double over them?

Exactly. We need the points too. What better incentive do our players need not to let them win. They won't want to see them celebrating in the dressing rooms after either. Like I said, let them get promoted just have their party elsewhere.
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Guest GreenSoldier

The Greens are going UP!

It would be great to get promoted at your but I can't really seeing us win at your place. You played quite well when you came down to the Theatre of Greens and I think we will do well to get a point on Tues. Anyway I'll be be there in the Ayteo Stand so I'll see you all in there.

Top of the league we're having a laugh,

Top of the league we're having a laugh

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Guest mark Green

Wilson will bottle it on Tuesday and play a team that won't lose. I think he'll play for a draw. At least will still be in with a shout. :sub:

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The Greens are going UP!

It would be great to get promoted at your but I can't really seeing us win at your place. You played quite well when you came down to the Theatre of Greens and I think we will do well to get a point on Tues. Anyway I'll be be there in the Ayteo Stand so I'll see you all in there.

Top of the league we're having a laugh,

Top of the league we're having a laugh

I wouldnt cheer in there if I was you kid! :@
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Guest GreenSoldier

I'll have to try my best to fit in with the crowd. Now excuse me I'm rather ignorant when it comes to South Midlands football but is it blue and white you lads play in.

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yeah it would be very painful :sub:

i said not long back they needed 4 more wins

to secure at least a top 2 finnish i think they

have 2 of them, it pains me to think

3 seasons ago they were struggling in

div.3 that is progress mr wilson not

4 seasons playing with div.2 play off's :sub:

but it would be more painful to lose out

to swindon in the play off's and see 3 of

our big rivals go up, plymouth , q.p.r and


Simple...... don't believe it until it happens :sub:

Problem solved :sub:

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The Greens are going UP!

It would be great to get promoted at your but I can't really seeing us win at your place. You played quite well when you came down to the Theatre of Greens and I think we will do well to get a point on Tues. Anyway I'll be be there in the Ayteo Stand so I'll see you all in there.

Top of the league we're having a laugh,

Top of the league we're having a laugh

we shall see on tuesday
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Guest mark Green

The trouble is he is right, Plymouth are top of the league by a long way at this stage of the season and lets face it are already promoted. Can't see city beating them on tuesday. The players will bottle it.

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The trouble is he is right, Plymouth are top of the league by a long way at this stage of the season and lets face it are already promoted. Can't see city beating them on tuesday. The players will bottle it.
if we play as well on tuesday as we did today we will win 3-0
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Guest GreenSoldier

You lot are way too negative. You're in a position that a lot of teams would love to be in (except us and QPR of course!). I reckon it'll be a 1-1 draw on Tuesday night.

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I just hope the players don't read what gets written by fans on this site.

They get accused on bottling it when they don't win, but some fans are just the same.

If they took the same attitude as some on this thread, it wouldn't be worth playing the game on Tuesday night.

Every game must be approached with a view to winning, otherwise there's no point and we might as well all pack up and cancel the rest of the season.

On the night, it's 11 football players versus - surprise surprise - 11 football players.

Who dares, wins.

Get behind your team, encourage them, support them and maybe, just maybe, they'll do the business.

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Guest shilton_red

Go City get that no 2 spot please . We dont want to play each other in the play offs do we . We have a good record v QPR I think we can beat them , you i just dont know .

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Guest southhamsgreen

Honest opinion.

Its going to be tight on Tuesday. We got three points yesterday and you got a good point at Swindon. Contrary to some reports, Argyle did not struggle to beat Wycombe. It could have been 4-1 in the first half if it was not for some outstanding saves by their keeper. Wycombe had aslo put a small run together prior to meeting Argyle yesterday. They were fighting for their 2nd division existance at Home Park, and it showed.

I always thought that it was going to be tight in this division and there are still 5 games to go. It aint over, not by a long chalk.


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