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Any Chance?

Forza Revolution

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In G block with 2 others tomorrow as we have been all season. Looking forward to it, plenty of noise, plenty of song lets help carry the lads forward. I have mentioned on a few threads about getting a collection or something going so that we in the Atyeo can get our own giant flag. If not for this season for next, try and get a some of the forza mentality spreading around AG. As we seem to have an Atyeo based thread going now who would be up for chucking a couple of quid in for the flag?? If we could get everyone in the stand to donate £1 we would be sorted, Who would be up for it and can we start to guage opinion of others tomorrow night??

'Forza Atyeo' may not be so distant...

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yeah there is one bloke who does commonly seem to start the singing in block E and seems to get very angry when others don't join in? Think theres quite a few in block E that like to sing and start songs though to be fair, lets outsing the moans from the ateyo and create Forza Ateyo and give the eastend a hand!

Maybe not sing the classic "johnson give us a wave" 10 mins into the game though when hes concentrating on the next 80 mins?

Wolverhampton Zyder eds

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