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Danny Looks At Other Targets.


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Danny Wilson has stated that he does not want to sign 'veteran' striker Mark Robins, but that he is looking at bringing in other players in different positions.

Have to say, well done Danny there. Although I would love to see Robins here for this season, Wilsons reasons for not wanting Robins are good ones.

As for the possibility of bringing in other players in different positions. Fantastic. :D . But where is the money for these signings?

Who do you think, is a realistic target for City, considering money, position and the standard of football the players would be playing at.

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I'm so glad that Wilson has decided not to pursue Robins.

That said - Wilson does admit that he needs some different players and one of those would almost certainly be an attacking midfielder plus a striker with goal poaching talents.

Be interesting to see if Wilson buys someone permanately or dips into the loan market.

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Guest Harry May

So if we go for a striker and/or an attacking mid-fielder , does that mean that DW is admitting that his 2 buys in the summer can't cut the mustard ?

We have so many strikers at our club , it is laughable - 6 at the last count . An attacking mid-fielder ? what are LW and Aaron Brown supposed to be ? If I was Steve L , I would be questioning DW's judgement . After all when Murray was injured or playing for Scotland , did the City serve up such dire fare as what we have endured this season ? One player should not make this difference.

Caldicot Red.

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Guest SouthWestern

Personally i dont think Robins is the answer, i think we should carry on with Lee Miller ,who for me has shown glimpses of class with City.

He's still young, and will get better and when he does the whole divisions going to know about it!

What we need is an attacking central midfielder, Karl Reddy impressed me when Sheff Wednesday visisted us and I'm still miffed we missed out on Martin Rowlands.

We need someone strong, fast and creative in the centre, to play behind the front two and spray useful balls out to the wing. For me Wilkshire, is too weak and slow to fill this position, but he is young, and in time may show his worth.

I dont think we can really afford anyone else, so stick by the signings you made in the summer Danny, and make the best of what you've got, but dont be afraid to try something new!

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I dont know why people are so obsessed with age!! it seems that when a footballer turns 35 his career is over!! Do people realise how old tinnion is or how old teddy sheringham is (and still in the premiership)?? Robins would probably want a 2 or 3 year deal and whos to say we couldnt keep him on in a coaching capacity after that? I MEAN HELLO!!!!! :D

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Did anyone snap up Lawrence and Disley of Mansfield in the close-season?

Both impressed against City last year and i don't think i was the only one to moot them as possible signings when we were actively looking.

Midfielder and winger, i think.

Young, quick, hungry, goalscoring, entertaining sort of players. Just what we need.

Swap them for Clist, Marvin, Bell and a bit of cash, Curle? :D

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Disley scored a beauty against City at the Gate. Ran through the City defence and boy, did he enjoy scoring. He looked to be a really skilful "tryer" who will progress in the game.

A goalscoring midfielder, i REALLY like the sound of that.

Liam Lawrence has been described as "the David Beckham of the lower Divisions". Make of that what you will, but he's damned skilful and wil be snapped up sooner or later. Why not City?

A decade or so ago, City had a policy of snapping up promising players from their rivals for moderate fees - Keith Welch, Martin Scott and Rob Edwards spring to mind.

Mansfield were relegated from our Division but scored plenty against us, why sign Wilkshire as a bit of an unknown when these 2 had already proved they've got what it takes to succeed in this division?

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