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Supporting To The End

red richards

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When we got promoted last year no one expected bristol city to be sitting joint top with four more games to go before the end of the season.

Personally i would of been happy just to stay up and enjoy championship football. But we have done the opposite of what every one thought we would achieve by competeing for a place to play premeship football.

But we still get our fans putting our players down and complaining about their performances when we loose or for whatever reason. The players may have bad games but they get better by our support.

These last four games are vital to this club and the players need a 110 % backing to the end of the season. So if we are loosing thats the real big time to give the team support. Our support has been really good this season and when our fans really get behind the team we can really make a difference.

We have achieved alot recentlly and hopefully we will be rewarded by our support on May 4th with a sight of Premership football :goingup:

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But we still get our fans putting our players down and complaining about their performances when we loose or for whatever reason.

Yep and these are some of the same fans who then sing "We'll support you evermore" and "City till I die" once we're winning.

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Guest Garfunkle
Yep and these are some of the same fans who then sing "We'll support you evermore" and "City till I die" once we're winning.

first things first i don't moan out loud at games as i believe it has a negative effect, but we all get frustrated and sometimes the initial reaction is to man or to come on here and moan. i myself just get pissed but the point is others have ways of dealing with it.

just because someone moans it doesnt mean they arent a supporter anymore.

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