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Fa Cup Has Sent A Chill Down My Spine


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After watching the FA Cup final this afternoon I've been thinking in my head what its going to be like watching City, the high we could be on and the lows we could be feeling.

I'm really starting to get nervous, I'm not even sure if I'm going to enjoy it.....

Come on you reds..

p.s Well done to Harry, great manager

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I remember the high feeling i had before the Brighton game in the playoffs at the Millenium.

The atmosphere after kick off was non existant, so called supporters around me, had no idea of songs and did not know half the players.

I just hope in the high seats there are a few more genuine supporters around me this time and not the ones who are there just for a day out! :fingerscrossed:

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60 minutes into our home game with Palace the other night, i wanted to go home.

I was that nervous that i just could not enjoy the game and really just wanted it over and done with. I could not sing and spent lots of time looking into my hands or the back of the Dolman.

Then cue Trundle with that goal and it all changed.

So i have decided to look at next Saturday as a day out and not as a football match. I am hoping this makes it easier.

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60 minutes into our home game with Palace the other night, i wanted to go home.

I was that nervous that i just could not enjoy the game and really just wanted it over and done with. I could not sing and spent lots of time looking into my hands or the back of the Dolman.

Then cue Trundle with that goal and it all changed.

So i have decided to look at next Saturday as a day out and not as a football match. I am hoping this makes it easier.

I was the same didnt watch 1 minute of the game on tuesday, I'm going to be a mess I'm sure! Already decided if it goes pens I'm going to stand in the concourse!

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I have no great feeling for Portsmouth, and Cardiff, well enough said. But just as the teams were walking out I felt really emotional. God knows how I'll feel on Saturday. It was an odd feeling watching and thinking 'this time next week'...

It's going to be a long week.

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I was the same didnt watch 1 minute of the game on tuesday, I'm going to be a mess I'm sure! Already decided if it goes pens I'm going to stand in the concourse!

I'm with you on that one ,if this were the jpt i wouldent care but this is so much bigger than the brighton game, and i know how i felt after that,so I'm treating it as a day out,and anything more is a bonus and a fantastic season to boot,just hope its all over before i see you on the concourse :fingerscrossed:

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The atmosphere didn't sound great but I don't think it comes across on TV anyway. The Soccer Night highlights of the Palace game didn't do justice to the noise.

Heard a Pompey fan on 606 say it was great but maybe at the end it was for them.

Still think we can make Wembley bounce a helluva lot more than today. If you get tense try even harder to sing and release the tension that way.

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To be fair, this season has been amazing, that match last Tuesday was the best ever, and I always thought we'd win the play offs if we got past palace. Last time against Brighton we were under pressure to get out of that league. Now I just think the pressure is off, we can have a great day out. I just hope that if we lose we play well and score goals. That Brighton day was grim. I'm so happy with the team that I know we'll really have a good go. We always believe!!!

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The atmosphere didn't sound great but I don't think it comes across on TV anyway. The Soccer Night highlights of the Palace game didn't do justice to the noise.

icket stealers who

Heard a Pompey fan on 606 say it was great but maybe at the end it was for them.

Still think we can make Wembley bounce a helluva lot more than today. If you get tense try even harder to sing and release the tension that way.

Lets not kid ourselves, We will never match the atmosphere we had at the gate on tues night, HOWEVER, if the regular 14000 that we've had at home this season give it all we've got then we MUST surely create a better atmosphere than I picked up on today at the FA cup final. City support has been awesome away from home all season and I don't expect it to be any any different on Saturday. I suppose this is a plea to all the ticket stealers who will be there on Saturday. For F*&k's sake SING YOUR HEART OUT!!!

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