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My New Baby

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My lovely wife was due to give birth last Thursday. Monday night now and still waiting. I've got a ticket for Saturday (one of the lucky ones!), but the closer it gets to the Big Day, the less and less likely I'll be able to go.

So, join me, point to the sky, visualize the birth and scream BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or, give me the name of a good maternity unit in the Wembley area.

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Guest MaloneFM

Make her sneeze.

Is it your first? If not no pressure. You have got another few knocking about the place already and the novelty has worn off.

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ok ok a bit of womanly advice....... i gave birth 10 weeks ago ( baby boy ashton scott) i was 6 days late and was so fed up i got told to have reflexology on my feet as theres pressure points that help contract your uterus.. low and be hold had it done on the wednesday morning wednesday night was in labor... trust me its worth a try........

now get the yellow pages find a reflexologist in your area and get booked in...

by saturday be over and done with and your be sat at wembley a proud dad and watching the mighty reds... life don't get much better......

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If it's the first the hospital usually keep mother and child in hospital for a day or so to keep an eye on things - in which case may be worth praying she holds out 'til Friday, then you will have Saturday free while the grandparents can go and visit.

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My lovely wife was due to give birth last Thursday. Monday night now and still waiting. I've got a ticket for Saturday (one of the lucky ones!), but the closer it gets to the Big Day, the less and less likely I'll be able to go.

So, join me, point to the sky, visualize the birth and scream BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or, give me the name of a good maternity unit in the Wembley area.

Tell her youv'e been having an affair, that should do it.

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I am lucky that Mrs BS3 gave birth to our second daughter 4 weeks ago and so i havnt got this problem.

Though, my daughter was born just before Sheff Utd away and MRS BS3 still hasnt forgiven me for going to that.

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Curry, pineapple and sex.

Maybe not all at the same time, but its supposed to get things going!


I'm with Dolly on this one, apparently they are the 3 best things going to bring it on.

If that doesn't work, find a nice bumpy field somewhere and go for a nice drive - at full speed!

Seriosuly, all the best mate, what a weekend it could be for you and yours!

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Curry, pineapple and sex.

Maybe not all at the same time, but its supposed to get things going!


You're right Dolly.....a Phal (hottest curry going) is what she needs...!

Then whisk her off to bed and hey presto within a day or so she'll fire it out like

a bullet !

Good luck to you, hope the baby comes soon.....and oh - Congratulations !!!

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My wife was 2 weeks late giving birth to my son (and the bugger's been late for everything ever since, though he won't be for the coach on Saturday!). She had acupuncture and gave birth the next day. Like shelling peas I tell her, before ducking. :handbags:

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My lovely wife was due to give birth last Thursday. Monday night now and still waiting. I've got a ticket for Saturday (one of the lucky ones!), but the closer it gets to the Big Day, the less and less likely I'll be able to go.

So, join me, point to the sky, visualize the birth and scream BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or, give me the name of a good maternity unit in the Wembley area.

Could there be a spare ticket going here? :whistle2: Kids have a habit of being a week late, so get the wife to sit on the lucky ticket, if you see a small arm reaching out PULL

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ok ok a bit of womanly advice....... i gave birth 10 weeks ago ( baby boy ashton scott) i was 6 days late and was so fed up i got told to have reflexology on my feet as theres pressure points that help contract your uterus.. low and be hold had it done on the wednesday morning wednesday night was in labor... trust me its worth a try........

now get the yellow pages find a reflexologist in your area and get booked in...

by saturday be over and done with and your be sat at wembley a proud dad and watching the mighty reds... life don't get much better......

As a point of order....has the word Uterus EVER appeared on this, or any other, football forum?

:noexpression: :noexpression: :noexpression:

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I have split my sides reading this thread. Perhaps that is what the ball and chain could do with.

Er, OTIB Classics maybe???

Tell her to drink tonic water or bitter lemon, it contains quinine which will cause her uterus to dilate (worked for me 20 years ago)

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