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Badger On Setanta Sports Satuday 10am Till 11am


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Hi Guys,

As you probably know I'm on Setanta sports for an hour on Saturday between 10am and 11am.

Now, has anyone got any interesting facts that would be good to use? And code words you like me to use including meanings? And issues that you want address/discussed?


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Guest MaloneFM

Yes I'd like to know why there are sole many bloody Poles in the country eh? It was bad enough with the damn darkies but they are jolly nice chaps compared to these freeloading noisy fashionless chain smoking buggers.

And ask them why they don't show 'Murder She Wrote' at a decent time.....bastards!

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Yes I'd like to know why there are sole many bloody Poles in the country eh? It was bad enough with the damn darkies but they are jolly nice chaps compared to these freeloading noisy fashionless chain smoking buggers.

And ask them why they don't show 'Murder She Wrote' at a decent time.....bastards!

hahahahahahahahahaha, you seriously crack me up..can i buy you for the day?

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Christ, you don`t want to mention my thoughts, they`re all over the place at the moment. I`ll remember to set the V+ to record it though, let you know my thoughts after. Hope you enjoy it.


Actually if you could do that... any chance I could get a copy?? or maybe not if I'm bad

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Yes I'd like to know why there are sole many bloody Poles in the country eh? It was bad enough with the damn darkies but they are jolly nice chaps compared to these freeloading noisy fashionless chain smoking buggers.

hahahahaha brilliant...... its like something your nan would say after to many blue nun's at the christmas dinner table!!!

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Guest MaloneFM
hahahahahahahahahaha, you seriously crack me up..can i buy you for the day?


But you could ask why they havn't been in touch with Roger Malone for the game as he would provide top notch quality commentary.

Cue blank looks all round in the studio and in the distance the sound of several pubs in BS3 screaming with laughter...

Ask if they are aware of a city player called Mike Hunt. Has anybody seen him?

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Actually if you could do that... any chance I could get a copy?? or maybe not if I'm bad

I did ask Adam (or was it Alex?) at Sentanta if he could send me a CD of the show (you do realise you are my understudy and only got the gig because my agent has double booked me?).

He said he didn't have the facility to do that but he was going to try and get it on Youtube. If so he said he would send me the link.

Enjoy the day and mention absent friends. : :disapointed2se:

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During a marked discussion for my degree me and my mates decided we see how many time we could use a code word, which obviously has no relevance to the topic at hand.

We went with 'For example Colnel Flanders'. We managed it 9 times. If you can beat it, well I don't know what will happen! But do it anyway!!

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Hi Guys,

As you probably know I'm on Setanta sports for an hour on Saturday between 10am and 11am.

Now, has anyone got any interesting facts that would be good to use? And code words you like me to use including meanings? And issues that you want address/discussed?


A friend back in Cayman is the manager of the main ex-pat football team, and got asked to do a post-match TV interview. He managed to slip into his game summary numerous Elvis Presley song titles at opportune times: pick a band/artist and do the same.

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A friend back in Cayman is the manager of the main ex-pat football team, and got asked to do a post-match TV interview. He managed to slip into his game summary numerous Elvis Presley song titles at opportune times: pick a band/artist and do the same.

been done, didnt the england team do something similar aswell?

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A friend back in Cayman is the manager of the main ex-pat football team, and got asked to do a post-match TV interview. He managed to slip into his game summary numerous Elvis Presley song titles at opportune times: pick a band/artist and do the same.

Not being rude or anything but i see your post numbers are 666 and you do look a bit like lucifer.Are you the devil in disguise?? :o:devil:

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