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An EP reporter will be arriving at my house shortly so along with my story I would be interested in supplying them with other accounts for their article in tomorow's EP. If anyone experienced OTT policing ect. please post what you saw, your full name and age and it could well be printed tomorow.

Cheers, Chalky.

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An EP reporter will be arriving at my house shortly so along with my story I would be interested in supplying them with other accounts for their article in tomorow's EP. If anyone experienced OTT policing ect. please post what you saw, your full name and age and it could well be printed tomorow.

Cheers, Chalky.

yawn yawn yawn . wont change the result !!!!!

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An EP reporter will be arriving at my house shortly so along with my story I would be interested in supplying them with other accounts for their article in tomorow's EP. If anyone experienced OTT policing ect. please post what you saw, your full name and age and it could well be printed tomorow.

Cheers, Chalky.

Thanks for taking the time and trouble, mate , much appreciated , need sorting, cheers. :clapping::clapping:

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Well done Chalky, someone has the courage of their convictions, good on you son :fingerscrossed:

Indeed well done Chalky. :fingerscrossed:

Just a little factual anecdote 1984 style on Police behaviour - the Police have and always have had a terrible reputation for brutality and dishonesty in this country. A classic empirical example......

Jailed for being beat up by the police.....

"I was driving past and saw a police officer hitting a lad with a fire extinguisher. I ran over to see if I could get the officer to stop. The next thing I knew I got a whack on the back of the head. And as I went down, I was hit again. All I remember is this truncheon lifting me up by my chin and this guy hitting me in the mouth with it. I was arrested and charged, but on the way home I suffered a convulsion and was taken to hospital. My heart stopped beating and I was taken to intensive care where they got my heart going again. I'd suffered brain damage, yet I was convicted of maliciously wounding a policeman" Adrian Simpson, striking miner - jailed for hitting a policeman's truncheon with his head and giving himself brain damage !!!!!!

That was the vicious police tyranny 1984 style......hundreds of striking miners were hospitalised, injured and jailed but the police waved their overtime money at them on the picket lines, that's a cruel way to treat your fellow countrymen. It just shows how easily the police can be used as a weapon by vicious tyrants such as Margaret Thatcher. The vicious tyranny 2007 style is the Tory Blair regime's instructions to police to subjugate with chemical weapons, coerce with baton, and generally intimidate football supporters.

The true function of the police is, therefore, not to give traffic directions or help old ladies across the road but to enforce the will of the government. The will of the politically correct Tory Blair regime seems that we should be subjugated, coerced and controlled at football matches by baton wielding and chemical weapons spraying plod. :badmood:

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If it will help anyone, I have acquired the full names of the 3 policeman accused of doing wrong - officers 1475, 1470 and 1705.

I knew it was 1705! He was the CS sprayer! I have thought that all along but everyone has told me otherwise until now...

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yawn yawn yawn . wont change the result !!!!!

You are a prise pr**ck my friend. It has nothing to do with the result and all to do with innocent fans being treated like terrorists by the police.

Now go to bed before mummy comes home.

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You are a prise pr**ck my friend. It has nothing to do with the result and all to do with innocent fans being treated like terrorists by the police.

Now go to bed before mummy comes home.

Indeed, a plonker of the highest order.

Well done chalky. I hope you get the apology you deserve.

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I knew it was 1705! He was the CS sprayer! I have thought that all along but everyone has told me otherwise until now...

Well done chalky, get in there and spill the beans to the Free Press on the Police's behaviour. Remember - the typewriter and the camera are mightier than the combined weight of Police baton and their hoards of chemical weapons spray.

Captured on film for posterity - a Royalist Gestapo Policeman in action against a Trades Unionist circa 1984..........


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Well done chalky, get in there and spill the beans to the Free Press on the Police's behaviour. Remember - the typewriter and the camera are mightier than the combined weight of Police baton and their hoards of chemical weapons spray.

Captured on film for posterity - a Royalist Gestapo Policeman in action against a Trades Unionist circa 1984..........


The list is endless OC

remember the battle of the beanfield - when the coppers rampaged through the buses attacking the women and kids, smashing the windows and generally wrecking the homes. That wasn't anything to do with policing, just acting as violent bailiffs for the government.

The miners strike still leaves a very sour taste in the mouth, the way South Yorkshire police were happy to beat the living daylights out of their own people at the behest of that tyrant Thatcher.

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The list is endless OC

remember the battle of the beanfield - when the coppers rampaged through the buses attacking the women and kids, smashing the windows and generally wrecking the homes. That wasn't anything to do with policing, just acting as violent bailiffs for the government.

The miners strike still leaves a very sour taste in the mouth, the way South Yorkshire police were happy to beat the living daylights out of their own people at the behest of that tyrant Thatcher.

I posted the following article regarding police brutality during the 'battle of the beanfield' in another thread - here it is again for those too young to remember.........

The scenes below are not from 1930's or 1940's Germany but are of middle England in the mid 1980's during the 'Battle of the Beanfield'.....

A Royalist Gestapo Policeman is seen here smashing up private property..........


A young English women cowers terrified under the subjugating baton of a Royalist Gestapo Policeman......


Policing is starting to degenerate into the brutal farce as of the 1980's. The 1985 Battle of the Beanfield eyewitness reports.....

Two of the few journalists who ignored police advice to stay behind the lines were Home Affairs correspondent for The Observer, Nick Davies, and ITN Reporter Kim Sabido. Nick Davies wrote the next day:

"There was glass breaking, people screaming, black smoke towering out of burning caravans and everywhere there seemed to be people being bashed and flattened and pulled by the hair... men, women and children were led away, shivering, swearing, crying, bleeding, leaving their homes in pieces... Over the years I had seen all kinds of horrible and frightening things and always managed to grin and write it. But as I left the Beanfield, for the first time, I felt sick enough to cry."

While Kim Sabido described the scene to the camera thus:

"What we, the ITN camera crew and myself as a reporter, have seen in the last 30 minutes here in this field has been some of the most brutal police treatment of people that I've witnessed in my entire career as a journalist. The number of people who have been hit by policemen, who have been clubbed whilst holding babies in their arms in coaches around this field, is yet to be counted... There must surely be an enquiry."

When the ITN news aired this segment, Kim Sabido's narration was removed, as were some of the more violent clashes from the footage.

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ITV are interviewing me tomorrow regarding the video clip I sent them, they are running a story on it on Sunday most likely.

Get in there Dollymarie, is that your elder sister featured below during the 1990 Poll Tax protests?......


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I'm the oldest sorry and in 1990 we were still in primary school. If I could have protested about poll tax I'm sure I would have though.

There were a lot of people injured by Police during the Poll Tax protests. The piccie below actually depicts a Police cavalry charge and many Poll Tax protesters went down under the Police horses' hooves.......


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Indeed well done Chalky. :fingerscrossed:

Just a little factual anecdote 1984 style on Police behaviour - the Police have and always have had a terrible reputation for brutality and dishonesty in this country. A classic empirical example......

Jailed for being beat up by the police.....

"I was driving past and saw a police officer hitting a lad with a fire extinguisher. I ran over to see if I could get the officer to stop. The next thing I knew I got a whack on the back of the head. And as I went down, I was hit again. All I remember is this truncheon lifting me up by my chin and this guy hitting me in the mouth with it. I was arrested and charged, but on the way home I suffered a convulsion and was taken to hospital. My heart stopped beating and I was taken to intensive care where they got my heart going again. I'd suffered brain damage, yet I was convicted of maliciously wounding a policeman" Adrian Simpson, striking miner - jailed for hitting a policeman's truncheon with his head and giving himself brain damage !!!!!!

That was the vicious police tyranny 1984 style......hundreds of striking miners were hospitalised, injured and jailed but the police waved their overtime money at them on the picket lines, that's a cruel way to treat your fellow countrymen. It just shows how easily the police can be used as a weapon by vicious tyrants such as Margaret Thatcher. The vicious tyranny 2007 style is the Tory Blair regime's instructions to police to subjugate with chemical weapons, coerce with baton, and generally intimidate football supporters.

The true function of the police is, therefore, not to give traffic directions or help old ladies across the road but to enforce the will of the government. The will of the politically correct Tory Blair regime seems that we should be subjugated, coerced and controlled at football matches by baton wielding and chemical weapons spraying plod. :badmood:

Broke the unions & made the country

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