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Portland Bill

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Portland Bill last won the day on April 28 2020

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  1. Wouldn’t surprise me, the ex Bridgwater manager who got sacked mid way through last season, is the assistant manager there now.
  2. Bridgwater’s Jack Thorne, top goal scorer last season (31 goals), has signed for Exmouth!. Also signed for Exmouth is the the Bridgwater right back Dave Thorne. It seems like a mass exodus!.
  3. Would be nice, but I don’t think the club finds out until this Thursday, that’s what I’ve been told anyway
  4. Jay Murray as well. The clubs secretary has also gone, to Middlezoy Rovers. I live in Bridgwater, I think more people hate the club than like it now. The owner is an absolute joke.
  5. Middlezoy Rovers against their wishes, have been moved from Western league one, to the South West Peninsula league. The club are fuming, they are going from 42 games a season to 30, trips to Plymouth, Oakhampton etc. The club has worked so hard to get to the Western League, the players play for nothing. Crazy by the FA.
  6. My biggest memory of that Chester game, was that they had one of those old style chain link fences in front of the stand that most of us were in. The last ten minutes of the game City fans secretly undid all the links in the fence, and held it up by hand. As the final whistle went, the whole length of the fence fell to the ground for a massive pitch invasion!. Half the City fans ran at the Chester end first of all, and they scattered out of the ground rather quickly!. Terry Cooper eh, what a hero, what he did was unbelievable, and Imo should be recognised far more than it ever has been by the club. That was the day when we turned the corner as a club, after 4-5 horrendous years of relegations and at one stage being 92nd in the football league, City we’re back
  7. I was talking about the potential of the ex Cribbs manager managing Taunton next season. Taunton have been a very ‘up and at em’ team for the last few years, and having seen Cribbs under their ex manager I would say it’s a very similar style of football that he likes to play.
  8. The irony is that Sutton had to do not not long ago, and now find themselves back in the National League. Perhaps Bromley could send their pitch straight to Sutton!.
  9. Taunton fans will be used to that kind of football tbh.
  10. They have Malvern and Evesham in their league. Both 500 mile round trips. Next season Helston and ( possibly) Falmouth will be in that league as well. So those two Worcestershire sides will have to do the trip three times!.
  11. https://youtube.com/watch?v=3ffmclTNQP4&si=kKedLI0Lo3M6LtW- last nights game Cribbs v BMF
  12. 2-1 Manor Farm ft. Final at Frome on Monday.
  13. Manor Farm win 2-1 at Cribbs. Final on Monday away to Frome.
  14. Edit, Both the finals are actually this Saturday!.
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