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Everything posted by redsquirrel

  1. is that the one that shat himself enroute to a match and carried on regardless??
  2. what you want to be a plod for? have you got big feet or something?
  3. thats an imposter, for a start, they dont work .
  4. haaland aint human, more like a freeflowing super strength robot. got flattened and didnt bat an eyelid.
  5. they probably got a job lot of 60s lead paint they want slapped around the place to make it look like new. ( notice how i used the word slapped,its what they do best along with punch,grope etc)
  6. thankyou so much for that. i didnt have a clue. i thought maybe they were going to bash him round the head to test for his resistance to concussion or something
  7. talk about strappin in for the ride, what are they testing here/.
  8. they are always going to be pleased seeing new stadium plans, 1, because anything is better than their dump and 2, all previous plans never got realised. when are they ever going to learn that they are being had
  9. do they even give new managers contracts or are they all on 3 month rolling trial periods
  10. did that and moved on to the swindle.. that led to tenpole tudor and now im collecting tudor pole cds. the tenpole tudor vikings with 2 female lead singing vocalists are probably as good as the original band
  11. cant wait to hear what they call it, suggestions on a postcard please. as they steal everything else,how about endy mc endface end?
  12. im eagerly awaiting the excuse as to why it cant be built now
  13. cant feel bitter about any recent teams going up. no other team in the championship had the pleasure of MA as ceo for however many years
  14. next year they might get one that works
  15. news from whorefield, local residents are relishing the idea of being able to go shopping on saturdays for 2 months without getting molested
  16. the heavy rain washed a load of shit down the drains and blocked them, so much so they didnt have enough shit left to make up a full team
  17. what will happen when safe standing is allowed,their standing wont comply with regulations,rail seats will cost a packet, surely would have to go all seater??
  18. just in time for asset brightman to divide up into nappy sacks and sell as lucky bags in the new forthcoming clubshop at the fruitmarket
  19. puts into perspective just how much dodgy Dave is taking to push that pedal. 22000 x a fiver equals 110,000 cash in hand,thats damn good money for nothing, surely must be more than one of them at it
  20. leicester really needed to win that game as bournemouth and westham games are both dead rubbers for both teams.can see everton and leicester winning saturday
  21. planting late salad to sell in their new club shop at the fruit market?
  22. i hope leeds stay up, i hate it when we lose to them, love it when we win mind but cant remember last time
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