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Everything posted by redsquirrel

  1. he might if he had added 'he a queen,see,see, hes a queen,and i know, hes alright'
  2. after the lincoln game i vowed i wouldnt buy another ticket this season, i havent had the time or money to go recently but have been itching to get back since february. ive always wanted NP to be given the duration of his contract as i believe hes the best weve had since dicks, things are looking good and hopefully,if all goes well, he will stay on a bit longer
  3. do you think we would let qpr win to increase the risk of them going down if the table is poised that way? would be sooo funny
  4. i cant see qpr getting more than 2, if they are lucky
  5. didnt think wed get any points this weekend, to get 4 is amazing
  6. this is looking promising with TC and AM still to feature when they tire a bit in defence
  7. that bit is the only reason i can think why he is doing it, to possibly get out before losing too much more change from his piggy bank. the planning and consultations would cost more than hes prepared to spend on players etc, i really couldnt see him doing anything other than buy himself more time to get bought out EDIT,Italian Dave beat me to it
  8. all this cack going on, why doesnt wally just make a go of it where they are,if he had done 1 new stand a year,they would have a decent 15k seater by now
  9. after they do all their usual years of messing everyone around, their new stadium will resemble ......................... the fruit market
  10. dopey darell will be begging to come back with all those dogs down the road
  11. you can see the headlines. 'stalemate at never never land' thats not a goalless draw at their new stadium,its the developer not building it for them because the fence wasnt extended at the mem
  12. not as bad as a football ground backing onto a stinking sweaty river avon bank mixed with the stench from those huge refuse dumps that are also on the back of the land
  13. is that the same stretch that runs up the back of the dogs home? if so, when i worked at mototech, on a hot day at low tide ,it used to stink
  14. given how long its taking them to get started on a decent stadium, would i be right in thinking steve lansdown drew up plans for our redevelopment round about the turn of the 20th century?? (circa 1901 ish)
  15. looking at qprs form and their run in, they might scrape 2 more points, 1 against coventry maybe and possibly us on the last day. their run in looks awful a little prediction for may rotherham 49pts hudds 47pts cardiff 46pts qpr 44pts blackpool 39pts wigan 38pts as already said, all of the bottom 6 have tough run ins with the league so tight, there are more teams going flat out for the play offs which doesnt help any of them.
  16. is he really crocked or a bid accepted on condition hes fit to go asap with no risk of injury beforehand? just a thought, we all know clubs only say what they want you to hear.
  17. he was so useful in that role, pin point accuracy with crosses when he put his mind to it and had the leap of a salmon ghosting in at the post.he wasnt a billy big bollox in those days, used to chat to me like we were equal sort of thing unlike some who think they are above talking to shoppers in tesco. (off topic) its good having only the one large supermarket in nailsea,see a few interesting people in there. even judder me boy trumpy goes in for a sit down costa coffee.
  18. i think he would make a good brain surgeon, not a bad word to say about the bloke. once told me he didnt want to play for bristol city all his life but waited for the right opportunity to come along before going for the big time
  19. i thought it meant they grew a lot of daffodils
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