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Everything posted by redsquirrel

  1. jon stead turned out to be a much bigger player for us than id ever imagined and was really disappointed with arnold garita, i just assumed with a name like that he was going to be a beast of a player. also thought uncle albert loved us so much he would never leave
  2. i remember watching him come on as a sub thinking 'here we go then. only to see him trip on the ball and fall flat on his arse?
  3. fails to mention those tickets are in row m
  4. they only had one 7xxxxl in stock
  5. no picture of an old slapper with a queue of customers waiting to have................................................. whatever you get from an old slapper thats done most of them already
  6. do they steal everything everywhere?
  7. if i lived where LR lived, i wouldnt ever be thinking about visiting the cotswolds, not with smokey joes just off the A30. id probably weigh a bit more than 9 stone though?
  8. reminds me of some of the lockdown crops we saw,?
  9. i remember feeling rather chuffed id got in the curzon in clevedon to watch the sweeney, until i looked around and saw i was probably the oldest underage person in there
  10. this is why i chose sykes as my poty. every team needs a player with a bit of needle, we havent had it since jack hunt went. shame MS has got hammered for it but hey ho, cant win them all
  11. o dowda scored,hope sykesy gets on the pitch
  12. is it our sykes on the rep of ireland bench tonight?
  13. that might work if you had assets worth selling but how do you sell something you borrowed?
  14. cornick needs a goal or two to boost his confidence. once they come im hoping we see a different player
  15. this has been said many many times before and i almost agree with you but then i think if it did happen, what team in bristol could we have such a a laugh about and take the piss out of so much? therefore i always reach the same conclusion that what id really like the most is to see them non league again, that season was a real hoot
  16. got to feel sorry for the poor village that lost its christmas lights to illuminate that
  17. its just so temporary, couldnt even remove the car park lines to make it feel less so
  18. you can simply put that lot right changing el to sh in his coaching level and adding dirty money before the word multi
  19. if scott gets through tonight without a booking ,that will be a hell of a feat not picking one up since he was on 9. it was a regular occurence beforehand
  20. is this scotts last game before his yellows get quashed
  21. they were just gutted it wasnt their mum or sister or other female relative
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