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Everything posted by redsquirrel

  1. and hes welcome round my house for sunday lunch any day of the week
  2. dont forget the plastic shortage,no bailer twine
  3. pearson said he needs players who know how to grind out results,king should help a lot
  4. its from a selfish point of view,i have to work on the junk. im sure its a lovely vehicle mate, i prefer a yaris
  5. we were shit last season and ok this season. they were ok last season and shit this season. common denominator,(another manual manipulator expression) MA
  6. they did take 3000 to barrow, unfortunately, when they got there, all they found was a derelict hospital
  7. i sussed it,thats not a rusty stand,hes on board hms piss the league
  8. only 9 months to go at this rate if there werent transfer windows.
  9. if they do get promoted, would it automatically mean a big pay rise for those players?
  10. doesnt say much for paul cook either if he needs all those new players
  11. its not about that though is it.hes got to be taking backhanders or bonuses for signings,ive never known anyone else orchestrate so many
  12. the one in the middle looks like hes been stabbed in the eye with a pencil by the one on the right
  13. wonder who will be engraving all those club names on that cup.hopefully not the blue glass engraver,
  14. making a killing @ 2 bob a pop with the boycotters
  15. personally i think their temporary structures are quite clever,easy to take with them when they get booted out and squat somewhere else
  16. shh, leave him and that lot alone,they are doing a fine job of sinking the good ship gas without us risking catching anything
  17. its good that a charity benefits at their expense. dont forget they are not normal,we only see the extra digits on their hands, some will have 36c chests etcand women with frontal bulges where they shouldnt. its the way they are,special breed
  18. they have been in the bins again,those are used nhs gowns and sheets been butched together
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