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Everything posted by BrizzleRed

  1. Yeah his selective vision was legendary. I shudder to think of how many things he might ‘miss’ if he was heading the corrupt cesspit also known as FIFA.
  2. Considering the noises coming from Ipswich, if he’s patient, he may be able to get slimy Mark up there to replace his dead wood with some new dead wood!
  3. Brilliant stuff. Sounds like Mark Steed has got him well sussed and Swiss Toni won’t be pulling his pants down like he did with our Steve!
  4. Happy new year all you fellow reds. Onwards and upwards for the City hopefully?
  5. Looks like you found City at the right time then Mr Pop. Us old ‘uns have seen some very bleak times over the previous decades, granted with some highlights (courtesy of messrs Dicks, Cooper and Jordan in particular) The Gate used to be a right dump and the only upgrades used to be the occasional lick of paint. Still got fond memories of the atmosphere, but football has changed massively and we won’t see that again, as people wouldn’t put up with those ramshackle conditions now. Bottom line is, AG is an absolute palace compared to that old ground and although there had been plenty of talk about ground improvements over many years, very little of note actually happened until SL threw his millions at it. Amazing how short or selective memories some fans have!
  6. An encouraging view from the Millwall forum and great to see someone saying that about our team. “Sometimes you can only play as well as your opponents allow you to. Watford invited us in and lay down while we smacked their arses and cried about how the big boys took their ball away. Bristol had enough guts and fight to stop us doing that, and could easily have won tonight. Be grateful for a point and move on.” It doesn’t have to be about us playing great football, it means just as much knowing our players are up for a battle. Well done lads ?
  7. Yes, those were pretty bleak times Mr Pop and it certainly wasn’t pleasant having them lording it over us. They get off very lightly these days, considering the shit we had to take from them back then and I certainly don’t forget that. Anyone who can’t see we’ve progressed a long way since those days is either too young to know, or needs to give their head a very big wobble!
  8. Great post and your mention of the sags reminded me of something. I remember a spell when we had an 8 match run where we couldn’t manage to beat them and they were a constant irritation. Anyone too young to remember that, if you think they’re nauseating now, that’s nothing compared to back then. Considering the ever-growing length of ‘The Gap’, I reckon it must have been somewhere around the time SL took over that we started pulling away from those *****rs, and snuffed out their relevance. For that alone, he’s due our thanks and appreciation, without even considering the amount of time we’ve managed in the Championship during his ownership.
  9. Good luck with that one matey …… that’ll be another massive milestone passed??
  10. Absolutely! You can just imagine that clown being one of their chief spouters of gas logic, can’t you!
  11. Deluded ***** As if anyone would view those mugs as a big day out!!! Some of them are so full of themselves it’s beyond belief. I bet even when they dropped out of the league, there were plenty of visiting supporters pissing themselves when they first set eyes on the tented village!
  12. Christ, has someone in the Lansdown family really done something so horrendous to you in the past, to justify the bitter hatred you clearly have for them? Nobody is going to claim SL’s reign has been a roaring success, and he could certainly have done a hell of a lot better. On the other hand, it’s been far from the total disaster you keep banging on about. The timing of the post is interesting, given the decent result last night. Could you be one of the ‘fans’ expecting and hoping we’d get a dicking from the ‘wall last night to help NP on his way out the door? Whatever, you’ve had a bit of a mare with this one and this continued blinkered vendetta against the Lansdowns is doing nothing for your credibility tbh.
  13. I agree with a lot that you say, but my feeling is, we’re not doing enough to make our own luck. By that I mean, we’re not pressuring teams enough to get them rattled into making mistakes. We are usually playing at quite a low tempo and our build-up play is generally a bit ponderous, so allows opposition defences plenty of time to set up. When we occasionally attack at speed, we look far more dangerous as a result. A good example was at the end of the first half against Stoke, when we were attacking at pace with a 10 min spell of sustained pressure. They looked really uncomfortable at that point and looked like they were there for the taking. If we’d reproduced some of that pressure in the second half, I’m certain we’d have seen a far different result. Sadly, we didn’t show any of that 2nd half and as a result, Stoke saw the game out very comfortably. So in short, if we stop being so timid, we up the tempo and impose ourselves more on the opposition, I’ll bet we’ll find ourselves becoming a far ‘luckier’ team!
  14. I’m thinking keep as it stands. As we all know, this club needed a complete rebuild and I still feel he’s the man for that. He definitely seems to have severe limitations on getting things right on the field though. My main reservation is my increasing concern that in NP, we’ve only got one part of a successful management team. It’s got me wondering if Craig Shakespeare is the missing tactical ingredient we need, to get things moving forward on the pitch. With Dean Smith being sacked, could CS become available, be wanted by NP, and could he be tempted to come here???
  15. Fantastic news Netty and massive congratulations? Must be a huge relief and just to make your rejuvinated life complete, you just need to shake that ragass r*vers monkey off your back!!! Have a happy and healthy new year ?
  16. It seems like most of the people giving Fevs pelters are the ones who are most disappointed the post title wasn’t actually true. I had no problem with it personally and it actually focussed my own thoughts. The initial sinking feeling I had on seeing title and then the realisation of the impending chaos just filled me with dread. After realising the truth behind it, I was actually a sort of relieved, so it was useful in that respect. You can just imagine us pratting around for weeks, whilst ballsing up the transfer window, before appointing Euell as caretaker to the end of the season. I’d take the current situation, with the hope of improvent with reinforcements during the window, over that nightmare scenario. Nice one Dave?
  17. I’ve been a NP supporter so far and completely accept he’s got a massive job to do here. That said, walking away from the Gate on Boxing Day, I was as angry and disillusioned with this club as I’ve beenfor a very long time and just wanted NP gone. After having time to cool down, my view has changed a little. It says a lot about this club and SL’s managerial appointments that, despite NP’s piss poor record with results and recent performances on the pitch, my fear of who would be appointed as a replacement actually outweighs my fear of what will happen if NP remains in post. I’d stick for now, as I really don’t have any confidence that the club would do anything other than make a cheap internal appointment. The new CEO being appointed would seem another good reason to stick for now I would have thought.
  18. Porr example there tbh. Djokovic made himself look a right arrogant, devious dick with the way he conducted himself there. That’s doing NW a serious disservice putting the two into the same category.
  19. Very true matey and at least past experience has conditioned us to expect nothing else!
  20. Cheers BT and you too ? Hopefully the festive season doesn’t all turn to shit at AG on Boxing Day!
  21. Nice one Major? Long live the OTIB family as it’s often far more entertaining on here than it is watching the City! Grateful to all of you for providing so much humour, wit and good discussions over the years Merry Christmas to one and all?
  22. Brilliant memories of a team that the fans were genuinely massively proud of. Our current side could learn so much from them. Those highlights show players who could actually cross the ball, shoot from distance, defend with tenacity and battle for every ball all over the pitch and actually make the opposition work for anything they got. We didn’t have the top individuals, but as a team we were great and never gave anyone an easy ride, or not “turn up” as we regularly see with our current side. Anyone playing Bristol City in those First Division days knew they’d have a tough game and if we did lose, it was usually by a narrow margin, even against the top sides. Happy days!!!
  23. Yes, could work on occasions in a 3 you as you say. I would add he could be more effective when we’re playing more of a footballing side too. He certainly doesn’t look suited to dealing with the sort of cynical treatment Stoke were dishing out on Saturday. Whilst he does win a a good few free kicks against those kinds of sides, he seems to offer little else in those situations. I do admire how he dusts himself off and gets back up again, but he doesn’t appear to be able to affect a game when it gets rough. As you say, with the contract situation as it stands, it makes you wonder if we’ll ever see him in ghe first team again before he inevitably leaves. Just looks like one of those apparently promising signings that didn’t work out and time to get him off the wage bill if we can.
  24. Oh, so true! I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed about our current situation and how slowly we are turning round and there are times NP really doesn’t help himself. That said, I’ve never underestimated how big a job NP inherited and there was bound to be a lot of pain along the way. There are a good few fans who just don’t and never wanted him here, that’s for sure. I wonder how many of them are delicate flowers who don’t like being told if they aren’t doing their job properly? Looking back at past successes at the club, Alan Dicks, Joe Jordan, GJ and Cott’s were all pretty forthright, so I’d definitely rather see that type in charge. I just hope NP can start to get some results on the pitch to ease the pressure, as the generally aweful performance against a poor Stoke side definitely isn’t helping his case.
  25. Spot on. We wanted to see the back of the BCFC cosy club for a long time and maybe this is Pearson’s way of making this happen. it could be he wants to see how people respond to a good kick up the arse and the ones who respond well will get his undying trust. Maybe Andy King has been in that position in the past and has passed the test. Hopefully we’ll benefit from that in the long term, but not looking great in the short term though, but can’t see what orher options we have.
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