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Everything posted by BrizzleRed

  1. All I can say about that joke verdict is, what the hell do you have to do to be found guilty in a Swiss court?? Just confirms how money must be the biggest influence in the Swiss legal system.
  2. Makes you wonder, as it’s certainly pretty fancy for just a card and a key ring.
  3. Pretty sure you’re right there. Whan stadiums went all seater, capacities were significantly reduced. You can bet with H&S these days, they wouldn’t let us revert to jam packed terraces again and it will be a staight swop from 1 person seated, to 1 standing.
  4. Interesting. Sounds like they think things are going to be improving with him gone then and I wonder how they think that will help re-open the stands?! Looks like it could be quite entertaining following the Brum off-field saga this coming year!
  5. Absolutely! Just had a look and it’s basically a pop-up ad site, making a pathetic and futile attempt to look like a fan’s forum. What a shambles of a site, but actually quite fitting for that club atm. Thank heaven for OTIB!!! ?
  6. Do you what BS4, I can’t even remember the result now! My enduring memories of that day was a great piss up in Aldershot, staggering through the park to the ground and that fantastic reception for GR. Made me super proud to be a City fan that day and you could tell how much it meant to Glyn.
  7. I remember us playing away at Aldershot shortly after he left us and had joined them. He got an amazing welcome from us travelling fans and was a fitting reflection of how much we love an honest, wholehearted player. Got many great memories of Glyn Riley and he really helped brighten those dark days in Division 4
  8. That’s awful news ITN and thoughts and hopes are with you and your loved ones. You’ve always come across as a great poster on our board and the good natured banter in both directions has typified what inter-club rivalry should always be about. Hopefully you’ll have plenty more laughs over here for many years to come and you’ll always be welcome. Stay strong and stay safe
  9. Just had to be some sad sag behind this, didn’t it! They’ll continue to claim it’s us obsessed with them, but we all know better!!!
  10. Pretty much how I remember too with the roads. I also got the impression that all vehicles seem to have been modified, so that any movement of the steering wheel or any of the pedals immedialy causes a beep on the horn!!! Traffic lights are clearly for decoration only, as nobody takes the slightest notice of them
  11. Haha, and pedestrians are certainly made of stern stuff in those situations I always chuckle when you hear people complaining about driving standards in this country. Obviously we’ve got some right mupputs here, but there are many places around the world where the standards are absolutely atrocious in comparison. Some of the antics are great for a laugh when you’re on holiday though, as long as you’re not actually having to drive in it!
  12. Sounds like Cairo in Egypt, though over there you can add in the occasional bloke perched on a pile of greenery on the back of a donkey, or old geezers pushing hand carts!!!
  13. Ahh right! I thought the only way that could be done was after deadline day, so thanks for clarifying vftd ?
  14. …. so how is the ‘marked as not being renewed’ relevant at the moment, as surely that won’t be known at present? Isn’t it the case that existing ST holders have until the beginning of May to secure their current seat, before they are then made available to new takers?
  15. If this did actually happen, it would be conclusive proof that SL really hasn’t got a clue, or has totally lost the plot.
  16. Fantastic news and massively well deserved. Andi has been a model pro for us and regardless of how poorly the rest of the team are performing, you just know you can always rely on him to give everything he has when he’s on the pitch. Just goes to show what he can do when he’s played in his proper position, rather than stuck out wide. He even said when we signed him yhat his best position was in the centre, but some people at the club didn’t appear to listen! With the way our defence have leaked goals this season, I dread to think where we’d be in the table now if we hadn’t re-signed him. Top bloke!!!
  17. They ought to give a try up front ……. She certainly knows where the net is!
  18. May well be the case CR. I’m starting to come to the conclusion that if that puddle produces a few more Atkinson’s and Tanner’s rather than overpaid Chelsea left-overs, that may not be such a bad a thing. At least if they don’t work out, like Eisa, Adelukan, etc, we can shift them on and even make a small profit in some cases. That certainly won’t be case with recruits at the Chelsea end of the scale. I just hope the Lansdown’s have realised that flaw in their business plan. Hopefully they’ll then look for a Head of Recruitment with the expertise needed for the areas of the market that we’ll now be shopping in and not someone used to having bucket losds of dosh to chuck around ?
  19. Agree and can’t see us shopping for the same kind of players as a club like WBA with their benefit of parachute payments. Would be nice if we were trying to snap up someone with a record of unearthing lower league gems. If the Lansdown’s are serious about sorting out the financial mess they’ve created, that’s surely where we really should be recruiting from. If not, it may be more about providing the right image for potential buyers.
  20. I honestly think this situation is as much, if not more of a test for the Lansdown’s as it is for Nige. Jon’s comments make me think they still can’t see what a total mess they’ve made of player recruitment at this club and the ever mounting debts prove it. Can’t disagree with anything Nige said there and it feels like in the short time he’s been here, he’s got the problems at this Club totally sussed. The Lansdown’s need someone to tell them they aren’t God’s gift to club ownership and if NP gets binned because he stands up and tells them how it is, I think that’ll it for me.
  21. Completely with you on that. The progress has been slower than hoped, but still think we’re gradually moving in the right direction. I think some people are still fixated on our previous few seasons, where we’ve had brief flirtations with the play-off places, but as we approached the business end of the season, we’d invariably revert to the stagnated, mid, lower-mid table side that we actually were. We were going nowhere, but at least we now have the nucleus of a young, talented, though inexperienced side to build on.
  22. The person clearly has issues and seems to be deliberately provocative and controversial to get a reaction. They then play the victim and accuse people of bullying, or harassing them, if they have the temerity to call them out on it. The next step is to go on a totally OTT and abusive rant in a manner that, if it was a bloke doing that to a woman it would be totally unacceptable, but for some reason, they seem to think it’s ok if the genders are reversed. As you rightly say, why change your forum name, then leave clues in your new name as to who you were previously? Extremely strange behaviour, that’s for sure and sadly, the only thing they bring to this forum is conflict.
  23. Ohh dear, had a bad day? Still makes a nice change from having a pop at Pearson, so do you feel better now??
  24. …. and you’d just love go believe that wouldn’t you! You’re totally bitter and twisted regarding NP, but the only thing I’d agree with is, City sides in recent years have suffered severely weak mentality on the pitch. If we haven’t already got a sports psychologist, we need one pronto. If we already have one, we need to sack the bastard!!!
  25. God, how I miss the great Brian Clough. Now there was a real character and wish we had that in the game now, but they broke the mould after him. He’d give journo’s and the football authorities a hard time, but you wouldn’t find any of his teams cheating. He had real footballing principles!
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