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Steve Watts

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Posts posted by Steve Watts

  1. 2 hours ago, Agard Days Night said:

    Because it’s not worth mentioning. Big steaming pile of dogs mess.

    Oh my days.....Mrs Browns Boys is hilarious and Fools and Horses a big steaming pile of dogs mess.....  you're messing with us now aren't you?!?

    Edit: Nothing new about RM other than he's fit to play tomorrow having missed the weekends game.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Yeah, certain ones stand the test of times….straying into the 80s, the Young Ones, which was epic at the time, is a bit crap if you watch it now (imho).

    Reggie Perrin stuff - genius, still is now.

    The Goodies - my bruv and my cousin loved it, I thought it was crap.

    Porridge - genius too.

    Straying into the 80's and not mentioning Fools & Horses....?

    • Like 3
  3. 18 minutes ago, Bristol Oil Services said:

    We ran on the pitch at Northampton one year before kick off, so you just never know.

    I'm clearly low on sleep....I read that as we ran on the pitch at Northampton 12 months before the game kicked off.  Must've read it about 5 times before I realised what you actually meant!

    (That's wholly on me, not you!)

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  4. 15 hours ago, Bobbie said:

    If you re-read what I said, I didn’t make any allegations, I hypothesised a potential outcome. I also said I didn’t definitely think that would happen. My point is, generally speaking, I would prefer us to sign young, hungry players who are motivated to forge a successful career and are on the up. Not players who are at the latter end of their career who have, potentially, already achieved much of what they wanted to within their careers. 
    I loved Joe Bryan, but we won’t necessarily get that same player back- I very much hope we do and my fears are unfounded. 

    May I present the following evidence.

    Exhibit A: Matty James
    Exhibit B: Andi Weimann
    Exhibit C : Nakhi Wells
    Exhibit D: Andy King (before anyone argues this one, ask the academy kids coming through this season what they think...)

    The defence rests its case your honour

    • Like 15
  5. On 24/04/2023 at 19:41, Robbored said:

    Rugby came into being around 1825 and football just 20 years later and in Victorian times society was immensely different to nowadays.

    Nope.  Rugby evolved from football and became a game in its own right when the FA was formed and set out rules including one that outlawed the carrying of the ball.  Some schools, such as one in Rugby decided against following the new rules and continued in their own way, thus introducing Rugby Football.  (This is understood to be the truer version of the one where a kid picked up the ball during a football match and ran it into the goal, prompting the ref to say that doesn't count, but it was a good try)

    21 hours ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    I think that's really getting into the complexities of the offside rule. 

    Strictly speaking when Weimann takes the shot, Vyner is offside. People often forget that it has to be two players from the other team (one is usually the GK) However I'd argue as the initial shot was deliberately played by the Rotherham player for his keeper to parry to Weimann then those two actions played Vyner onside. 

    This is also a fact that seems to get forgotten by refs, pundits and fans alike when it comes to the "last man".  If a player is brought down by a defender when through on goal he's often sent off for being the last man.  If a player is brought down by the keeper but a defender was behind him and could have blocked any shot this often seems to be deemed a yellow card offence for the keeper as a defender was covering.  

    As for why grassroots is struggling for refs, then you only need to look at parents, coaches and players.  Twice this season (under 11's) we've had 14 year old daughters of the coaches refereeing their first matches, and both times they were being harangued by players or parents (strangely though, these same parents aren't willing to pick up a flag and help out running the line, and one of them was also shouting instructions to his son to push up and play his opponent offside.....they were both the other side of the halfway line at the time!)

    Some coaches are just as bad with constantly on the backs of the referees, many of whom are just starting out.  I certainly wouldn't want to take up refereeing.

  6. I did feel sorry for March.  I was willing so many before him to miss because of those stupid arsed run ups players do nowadays.  March stepped up and just took the thing.

    Having said that he's the only one who missed so maybe they have a point!?

    • Haha 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Robbored said:

    I don’t have a problem with the screens at all. I like them especially when they replay a City goal. I’d like to see a replay of goals City concede as well to get an idea if it was down to good play or dodgy defending but can understand why they’re not shown.

    I well remember those days! 

    We’d sometimes see guys with little trannies listening at half time for the other scores.

    How times have changed.

    I'm not sure how this helps....!


    • Haha 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Silvio Dante said:

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look as embarrassed as you did at Birmingham with that thing on, and that was before the 3-0 ??

    Still, your shorts were nice #FKW

    Well I've been introduced as your assistant coach before.... That in itself was quite harrowing....!

  9. My assumption is that under the terms of the contract with Hummell we're prohibited from selling non-Hummel replica kit before the season ends.  Yes, they have probably breached the contract by not supplying the kits, but Ashton would have had to make sure there was a get out clause there in that event. 

    A few training items have started to land in the shop though.

    4 hours ago, David Brent said:

    I refuse to believe that the shirt they are wearing is the final design. In terms of quality at least. 

    That's my suspicion as well, but moreso in the badge area.  I can't help but think they're essentially gauging the opinion of the fans, but haven't worked out the best way to do that is to actually engage with them! 


    7 hours ago, Olé said:

    There was a bloke behind me at Watford wearing the new home shirt (and he was far too old to have ever been a mascot) so I assume it was from these Chinese sites already selling it. The shirt looks crap to begin with so there isn’t much for the counterfeiters to work with, but up close the colour is absolutely horrible, certainly not the red I associate with serious football shirts - it might have been the sun as it wasn’t even the pink hue you see from a distance on the players shirts, it looked washed out and almost peach coloured. 

    I assume if they don’t put them on sale before the summer, they could assess the feedback and design a new shirt for next season without having impacted supporters - unless we only got dispensation to change this season as an advance on next.

    If it's the same suppliers as the one I got for this seasons shirt I wouldn't put too much on the colour as mine was completely the wrong red!

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, View from the Dolman said:

    Felt like something was afoot - this was in the Bears season ticket FAQs...


    Why would it be in the Bears FAQ's - Is there a group of Bears fans that want to move nearer away fans?

    2 hours ago, Galley is our king said:

    Yes it did BUT everyone stood up!!!

    You CANNOT have people stood next to people sat down in the middle because the people sat down can't see!!

    Galley.....No need of the capitalisation there.  You make it sound like this has been explained umpteen times to anyone on any post about atmosphere....Oh wait....as you were.....

  11. 2 hours ago, frenchred said:

    Ask them why we employ coaches with so say great reputations yet very few of our players appear to improve, in fact in our captain's case goes backwards!


    This thread has so much passive aggression running through it it's unreal!

    And then there are posts like this one which just leave me utterly dumbfounded.  I challenge you to run through our squad and pick out those that aren't playing to a higher level of performance than when they made their debuts.

  12. 21 hours ago, nickolas said:

    Not good in the air?! Hes the most dominant defensive winner of headers we have!

    Reduced terms if possible and it has to be a new contract for him imo. 

    In fairness the bar is set pretty low in this regard!

  13. 17 hours ago, PHILINFRANCE said:

    I must admit, I ‘supported’ them when they were striving to get in to the league, much as I did Cheltenham and Forest Green, but I view their demise with a certain disinterest; I can’t take to Marc Cooper and, given their financial shenanigans, I have no real sympathy.

    I'm with you on this one.  Hard to believe he's the offspring of Sir Terry.  Clearly nothing alike in character.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Tom said:

    Agree that it's not big or clever and has no place in the 21st Century (much less around children). If people are so enamoured with the tune I'm sure the lyrics could be changed, like they were for Bradley Orr.

    I'm not sure the line "Joey Bartons mum is Bradley Orr" is really gonna catch on I'm afraid.

    • Haha 7
  15. 1 hour ago, LondonBristolian said:

    I think Ince had an impossible job and performed it as well as most managers would. With the club situation and points deduction, it's an achievement to still be competing.

    In general, I think Ince gets a bit of a bad rep. I'd not be thrilled if he was ever appointed here but I think, with the jobs he has had, his record is solid. Start of the season aside, I'd not back him to get clubs to overachieve but I don't think clubs massively underachieve under him either. 

    Well he's not lasted for a full year in (permanent) charge in his career, so I'm not sure it's that unfair a rep.  Reading he just sneaks over the line due to his caretaker role starting in February 22. 

    His first stint at the Franchise was impressive though in terms of results, but since then it's been pretty dire.

  16. 5 hours ago, redkev said:

    I think some of the comments on here are pretty poor tbh , nobody knows what happened apart from the accused & the copper / coppers ,  we all think we are right sometimes even when we’re not and we all know how incidents at football with fans are massively exaggerated by the police . So I think it’s best we all keep our council on this tbf to all


    Ummmm....ok.....? Of all the comments I'm not sure why you chose mine to quote?!???

  17. 12 hours ago, Fordy62 said:

    I think we’re all missing the bigger picture here, how do you fail to head butt someone?

    According to our friends from Whorefield it's quite easy. You just have to be on the other side of a bus window. 

    • Haha 2
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