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Galley is our king

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Everything posted by Galley is our king

  1. How do you know if you don't attend?
  2. I went yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's not just about the lunch but a great opportunity to talk with fellow reds, especially those old enough to remember as far back as me! The talk is always informative and entertaining. Pity NP couldn't attend but Richard Latham was excellent. Previous guests have included Richard Gould, Mark Kelly and some greats from the past including Geoff Merrick, Sweeney, Tainton etc. It's not just about the meal (although yesterday's was very nice), it's the occasion. 3 lovely hours spent in good company plus a nice meal for £20? I am more than happy!
  3. Yes they did. It was very well done and respectful. Can't remember which game either.
  4. We certainly were one of the best but Sunderland won the title in 76. Not that anyone gave a rats ass! Really struggled that first year, will never forget that night in Coventry!! I think the gap now is much bigger than then. Really don't know if I'd be happy seeing the team dicked EVERY week. Just have to look at Norwich this season.
  5. OMG! Is that why you never see @Robbored and Boris Johnson in the same room?
  6. OMG! Sorry miss read the title and thought it said "Buffoon in Bristol" Thought Boris was heading this way....
  7. Look, the problem is that EVERY "opinion" is so bloody negative!!! If you can't admit that recent performances have improved then you must have some personal agenda. Are you "Ian" in disguise ?
  8. No doubt some pillock on ass chat will be boasting they stayed in the cup longer than them gurt teds.....
  9. Yes what a wonderful day! Muller Road end rammed, me and my girlfriend at the time were sent out onto the area behind the goal so we sat on the raised track the rabbit took during greyhound racing! The best of times!
  10. What playing in the Southern Premier South ???
  11. Well "Ian" of radio Bristol fame would be first name in the frame ???
  12. Russian roulette is a great description. My 11 year old nephew got covid and was really ill, spending several nights in hospital. He is much better now but it left him with type 1 diabetes. He had no underlying health issues and was as fit as the proverbial butchers dog. You never know.....
  13. Not really the point I was making but, (and this may surprise you), I actually agree with most of your post! My point was Every elderly or vulnerable people would need to "hide" from the rest of society. Hardly fair eh?
  14. Not overreacting. We all know the elderly and those with underlying health conditions are at greater risk. There have though been hospitalizations and deaths in ALL age groups weather fit or not. Therefore, everyone is vulnerable! Less likely the younger you are but unfortunately not impossible!
  15. So if you do as he suggests and do nothing but are happy for the vulnerable in society to "continue to mix that is their choice" knowing they are likely to catch covid and possibly go to hospital and possibly die, what do you think they will do???? What a wonderful society where we care nothing for these people. Just as well people like you don't make these decisions
  16. Bloody brilliant! Let's lock away every elderly/disabled/people with underlying health conditions, after all, should they actually want a life but get covid it's their fault! Why? Because you and people like you don't give a rats ass about them obviously. Do have anyone in your life as described above? What about the human rights of the people in the above groups? People like you make me ******* sick.
  17. Not really, questions being asked by someone who obviously has an agenda and answered by a doctor who also has one. No wonder you have the views you have if you trawl the Internet looking for shite like this. " Dark horse podcast"? Are you serious? I suggest you change your reading matter and stop looking for bullshit websites that you use to try and justify your position. Look, believe what you will. Its pretty obvious you are not going to change your mind, good on you. You have your view, I have mine. Why do you keep trying to justify your position or try and change others?
  18. My reply was to your post stating "It's a football match not a crèche" Have you replied to the wrong post?
  19. The club would have been dead years ago if it wasn't for Mums, Dad's and grandparents taking them to the Gate and getting them interested. Taking with them a massive bag of sweets! Kids are the future, welcome them!
  20. To be fair, some sources now reporting he said "with" It's a sad day when you can't trust the press eh? ??
  21. As we all know virus's thrive and do more damage in the winter months, South Africa is in it's summer. That's not naivety, that's fact....
  22. Apparently Boris said "FROM" Not that he's the most trusted source but....
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