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Esmond Million's Bung

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Posts posted by Esmond Million's Bung

  1. 1 minute ago, Harry said:

    Partnerships are hugely important in football Es. Pack & Smith work very well together and have brought each other's games on very well in the last 3 years of their regular pairing. 

    Pack has been poorer alongside Brownhill, agreed. 

    My aim though is not to stoically defend him. It's more to repel unnecessary criticism - i.e. People saying he's awful and not worthy of a place in this squad, saying he can't pass etc etc. He's proven his worth over his time at our club and is rarely someone who deserves such a pounding as he's been consistently good over his time here. 

    I agree but today until the introduction of Smith he was looking below average, his passing radar was off, he was missing tackles, LJ got his substitutions spot on today and Smith's introduction was especially timely for Pack because he suddenly improved no end and we took control of midfield, believe me had we drawn or lost Pack would have probably had far more stick.


  2. 4 minutes ago, BRISTOL86 said:

    Superb result. Can’t believe I’m reading some criticism. Can’t always win beautiful but three away points in this league are always cause for a celebration. 

    Well done all. 

    Well I have just gone back over the posts and I cannot see anything other than mainly constructive criticism, about areas that might need improvement.

    Yes it was a great win but part of the love of football is the discussions that occur after a game, like @Harry stoic defence of Pack, for me today it was a typical Pack performance some very good, some good and some very poor, what was evident to me was how Pack improved dramatically with the introduction of Smith, Pack looks a far better player when Smith is playing, bottom line for me is Smith is a far more important player than Pack, but @Harry probably wouldn't agree and that is football, but I think my view is constructive because as poor as Pack was against Leeds after the first 20 minutes of the Palarse game Pack he was terrific.

    • Like 1
  3. Firstly let me say the conditions looked difficult to say the least but this was a day where we almost succeeded in making a piss poor team look incredibly average and almost allowed a crowd who were looking for excuses to get on the back of their team a far too easy day.

    Too many long aimless balls, wrong options, poor final ball and over complicating in attacking situations.

    Long term our midfield needs a creative spark.

    Hopefully Baker’s substitution was more of a precaution. 

    However that all said we seemed to take control on the hour mark and then we looked reasonably comfortable until the end.

    Fielding 4 his part in their goal and woeful kicking is a worry.

    Wright 6 solid enough.

    Flint 6 strong throughout.

    Baker 7 best central defender at the club.

    Bryan 7 just looks so at ease.

    Patterson 4 poor day all round for him, rightly subbed.

    Pack 6 improved totally when Smith came on but his serious lack of pace is worrying..

    Brownhill 6 another who improved with the introduction of Smith, but looks like he needs to muscle up ala Bryan.

    O’Dowda 6 great corner and cross for the 2nd goal and played well defensively, should have done better with 2 reasonable chances, but he is improving.

    Reid 6 great goal, loads of energy as usual but far too greedy near the end when we had a 4 v 2 situation.

    Taylor 5 not his type of game but he never gave up.

    LJ 8 his timely substitutions changed the game.

    Pisano 6 like Bryan looks at ease.

    Smith 8 MOM changed the game and gave the midfield a fulcrum that it had been lacking.

    Đurić 6 a handful and took his goal well.

    As I said hopefully Baker was more of a precaution, hopefully Smith is fully fit and Pisano and Đurić remain fit.

    • Like 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, Wanderingred said:

    I would take a point now. We have been second best.

    And that is part of our problem, Sunderland are 2nd from bottom, Burton 3rd from bottom and Birmingham 4th from bottom and so far we have taken 1 point from the finished games.

    it has been a poor game yes, the conditions are difficult but Sunderland are really poor.

    I like Brownhill but he has looked lightweight so far easily bullied off of the ball, Patterson and O'Dowda need to get into the game more, although to his credit O'Dowda's defensive skills are improving, we still try to over complicate in good attacking positions, free kicks still shit.

    This crowd is looking for a chance to jump on the back of their team and to give away a goal in the fashion we did is unforgivable

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Red34 said:
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    Post by puregas on 6 minutes ago
    Just got back. Certainly won't be up there with the one of the great trips!

    To be losing 4-0 and having 'you're just embarrassing' sung to you by about 100 spotty teenagers with a drum, in a stadium that looks like it was contsructed out of corrugated plastic on a wet Sunday morning, was, quite frankly, humiliating.

    Can't believe they've got the cheek to take the p*ss out of someone else's stadium! :rofl2br:

    No matter how shit your own day might be going these ******* idiots brighten it up with comedy gold like this on an hourly basis.

    Tents, scaffolding, wooden B & Q disabled gazebo with discarded patio chairs, Santa's grotto ******* hilarious.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 6
  6. 1 hour ago, 22A said:

    http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/10894/woman-football-punched-police-horse by these posts it "obviously" wasn't a Rovers' fan.

    Oxford fans learning our horse punching ways haha - Surely a mischievous city fan eyewitness?  Who really is brave enough to punch a police horse? - It doesn't say whose fans were punching horses or throwing people against the wall. 

    Being reported that after the incident the equine punching redneck hillbilly female returned inside of the pub and proceeded to finish her drink.

    I think that pretty much put's her firmly in the gashead camp "yer honour, I rest my case".

    The problem is now whether the reasonable A & S  force will deem that because said horse has failed to make a complaint they can deem it as 'reasonable force' by said equine punching redneck hillbilly almost certainly gashead female?.

  7. From the bits I did manage see nothing wrong with the defence, but the overall performance lacked any pace and zero creativity in midfield, free kicks, corners and crosses were poor, everybody in midfield struggled to make an impact and Reid didn't help much forever giving the ball away, Diedhiou is so frustrating I don't know whether he lacks balance but sometimes he really does have to be much stronger than he is at times.

    But hey I had a feeling that this would happen, another clean sheet so we didn't lose.

    The referee was a joke, the Burton goalkeeper was taking the piss out of him from minute one, he had a shocker, but to be honest i'm not sure we did enough to win the game.

    • Like 1
  8. Squeezed home but for me it's 5 years of same old same old, score a lot of points but couldn't defend a jelly fight at a kids birthday party.

    And the problem is you can get away with it to a degree in this division but have no chance in the premiership as we already know to our cost.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Monkeh said:

    I'd say defending down the flanks is what's going to cost us es, we play too narrow at times

    You would think that but, I haven't seen too much evidence of that since Brentford to be fair, but I think our results without Pisano are remarkable and although not the paciest defender in the world Wright has done a really good job.

    • Like 1
  10. 25 minutes ago, JonDolman said:


    I saw a stream of the game, so harder for me to judge than being there. But mainly agree with your ratings. I thought they were all outstanding. Teams just can't cope with our energy levels. Prefer Brownhill to Pack, as a couple of times Brownhill's pace got us out of trouble, just like Smith does. I think that is our best 11 now.

    I only watched a stream but it was a HQ stream on a big screen.

    I agree probably our best 11 but a bench full of talent seemingly wanting to be a part and keeping that 11 on their toes.


  11. Let me start by saying that was an awesome performance, full of spirit and the result was fully deserved, we were by far the better team.

    Good to see the referee eventually seeing Garner for the cheat that he is, his prison haircut sums him up perfectly.

    My only criticisms are the marking for Ipswich’s goal but I am sure LJ will deal with that one and the way we occasionally over complicate when in good attacking positions, ODowda after being beautifully put through early in the 2nd half being a prime example and our free kicks suck.

    But hey we cannot have everything and as I say that was just a great performance, truly proud tonight.

    Fielding 7 again had little to do but did what he had to really well.

    Wright 7 a few stray passes but as ever played his part.

    Flint 7 as usual gave his all and took no shit from Garner.

    Baker 7 Garner got a little more joy from him but once more was strong.

    Bryan 7 his strength these days is impressive, one bad mistake in the first half, but he really looks the part.

    ODowda 8 I am warming to him, should have at least hit the target when put through early in the 2nd half, his most accomplished work is when he pops up on the left IMO.

    Brownhill 8 the pick of the midfield for me, his passing was good and as his goal showed he can be a threat on the edge of the box.

    Smith 7 one bad mistake in the 1st half but once more, never shirks a tackle and always available.

    Patterson 8 his shooting radar was off today but he was always a threat and most of our best stuff came through him and Brownhill.

    Reid 8 his energy is remarkable, his help in midfield is invaluable and his confidence his high and he deserved his goal.

    Diedhiou 9 IMO his best performance in a City shirt, a great goal and looked much stronger all game and his closing down was good today, looks like he’s getting fitter every game.

    LJ 10 team selection, tactics and game plan were spot on again and although his substitutions were made late in the game I believe that he was correct to leave it so late because nobody looked like they were tiring and we were still on top.

    • Like 9
    • Thanks 9
  12. 1 hour ago, Northern Red said:

    Yep. If that bloke goes down and hits his head on the pavement then he's not waking up again. 

    And it looked as though the assault continued whilst the guy was on the floor despite presumably Hales trying desperately to drag him off.

    There is a point where this is no longer self defence and becomes an assault.

    • Like 1
  13. As I said earlier I always thought tonight was going to be about the result and not the performance.

    But that said I don’t think a slow build up type style against the Bolton’s and Millwall’s is the best tactics and i'm sure not what LJ expected, IMO, the Barnsley performance is what is required.

    Fielding 7 not a lot to do.

    Wright 7 improving in the right back role.

    Flint 6 a couple of silly fouls but steady and another goal.

    Baker 9 best defender at the club, if he has an injury free season I can see prem clubs will be knocking on our door?.

    Bryan 9 last season he was the player being knocked off of the ball, this season he is so strong opponents just bounce off of him. MOM.

    O’Dowda 7 the 2 times he turned up on the left in the first half he delivered the cross for the goal and drew the red card tackle, better 2nd half but not a right winger.

    Pack 5 his strengths are his ball winning and he cannot be faulted for that, but he could not possibly have slowed things down any more if he tried and once more please keep him away from free kicks.

    Smith 8 back to his best, always covering both full backs when they are caught upfield, always available and great engine, we need to keep him fit.

    Patterson 5 poor night, achieved very little, caught offside too many times rightly substituted.

    Reid 6 always a nuisance and great at winning the ball back, but needs to cut the little tricks out.

    Diedhiou 7 great position for his goal, had a better 2nd half but I say again he needs to be stronger at times.

    LJ 8 not his fault the slow plodding display, substitutes were about right, I think Patterson needs a rest.

    Eliasson 8 bright little cameo, probably the best crosser at the club.

    Taylor 6 kept their defence busy.

    Woodrow 6 was ok.

    • Like 2
  14. 3 minutes ago, RichardEdd said:

    I think he is probably put on the right to start with as he gives movement up and down that side that we lack with Wright at RB. At least we changed things up and it showed signs of working.

    Well he doesn't look comfortable at all on the right, but the second time he turned up on the left he drew the foul leading to the red card because of his quick feet.

  15. Let me first say I always thought that tonight was always going to be about the result more than performance.

    But that was poor.

    Why is COD playing on the right?, he hasn’t beaten one opponent on the right all half, he goes over to the left immediately beats an opponent for the first time tonight and supplies a great cross for our goal.

    Patterson has been poor again.

    But our biggest problem is the slow delivery from midfield, it couldn’t get any slower.

    And please keep Pack away from free kicks.

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