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Esmond Million's Bung

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Everything posted by Esmond Million's Bung

  1. What if you are religious but the religious blessing given to the dying animal doesn't meet with your beliefs?, surely unknowingly you could be eating contaminated meat. Just imagine the outrage if muslims were sold kosher killed meat and vice versa?. This is allegedly what the supermarkets and Cameron think. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2623805/Our-shoppers-dont-care-meat-halal-claim-supermarkets-Retailers-face-backlash-saying-unnecessary-label-meats.html
  2. What about the Great British tradition of choice? even in high muslim populated areas?.
  3. 3 sides to the ground, they just can't let go of the tent can they? or watch out tax payer, when the begging bowl comes out.
  4. The only winners after these debates will be the big 2 as usual, they must be pissing themselves.
  5. I thought the rule was you could only use initials if it is somebody associated with BCFC, you ******* young un's your modern text speak, changing the rules, without a vote, some of us fought for the right for that vote, nurse.............nurse.............too late...........................that's warm....................................where am I?, whose GH?..................................................................whose Glyn Riley?
  6. For the people with old timers disease, who is GH?
  7. Really?, Strange that, 53% pro EU and 35% anti EU and 47% of the pro EU citing that free trade with the EU would be more beneficial than trade agreements with Russia. That was a poll a couple of weeks before the expected signing.
  8. So as we are clear the Ukraine president (now exposed as an incredibly corrupt man) elected on the promise to his electorate that Ukraine would join the EU as an associate member, 3 weeks before signing the document to join, says actually i've changed my mind citing the incredible pressure from Russia as the main reason, the people protest, he turns the military on his own people and somehow the EU are culpable and provoked Putin, I agree with chipdawg you will have to explain that one.
  9. Oh I see just give into bullies all of the time, brilliant, thank **** Churchill didn't.
  10. What is undisputedly clear cut is that only Putin actually has blood on his hands.
  11. We are currently 13th, if Bradford go 1 down, we will be 12th, in the top half of the league.
  12. Guess what?, it's why we have struggled for the past 4/5 seasons, it's because we lack concentration at times, we have a brittle midfield, we can't defend and today SC has already admitted that the substitutions didn't work, that's football, a week or so ago he was praised for his substitutions, shit happens, not happy but we didn't lose.
  13. Yeah let's sack the bloke who has turned our season around and bring back the last genius, who never put a foot wrong and never left us in the shit, it's disappointing and typical but that's all. Goes to prove that even a defence without El Abd and Flint is not perfect.
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