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Esmond Million's Bung

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Everything posted by Esmond Million's Bung

  1. More like SOD hasn't even got a mobile, but still expecting a text.
  2. No it's SOD, says he hasn't received any text saying he's been sacked.
  3. They've had a lot of corners, our keeper came and missed, both teams passing to the opposition a lot or even straight into touch, sounds like another day in the never ending BCFC story of 5 years of mediocrity, but it sounds increasingly like we have dragged them down to our standard.
  4. I predict whatever the result kitr and harry will find a reason not to be happy.
  5. it's sort of beggars can't be choosers i'm afraid, somebody last night was ruing us not giving Mclaren the job when SOD got it, yeah right like he'd want to come here, that's why we end up with the SOD's and SC's of the football world.
  6. no I made my special homemade sweet and sour sauce, usually works
  7. but the good news is I dropped one in the kitchen earlier and was able to convince mrs Bung it was the dog
  8. i've got new jack russell puppy, I changed his diet yesterday, he's sat on my lap and **** he's got foul arse
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