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Esmond Million's Bung

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Everything posted by Esmond Million's Bung

  1. Ok, if we don't keep a clean sheet I will have to take a shit in the wife's handbag, it's up to you boys.
  2. I have a confession to make. About the time JET stopped scoring goals for us, I bought a puppy Jack Russell and named him Jethro, JET for short, I have decided that if the real JET fails to score today, I will in the interests of breaking this curse be phoning the nearest Korean restaurant. So JET if you don't score today, Jethro get's it, comprende?. of course I might change his name as an alternative.
  3. Real men, broken legs (but not broken necks) about the only excuse not to play, didn't wear tights or gloves, didn't dive around all over the place and scream like girls and the only male grooming product was coal tar soap and only a couple of players could afford cars. Give me a break he was the only Shrews player I could remember from that era.
  4. Sorry if i'm a bit late but team line up is:- Gibson, Ford, Briggs, Parr, Connor, Low, Derrick, Clark, Atyeo, Williams, Peters Arthur Rowley plays for the Shrews
  5. The problem is the smoking gun discovered in 2011 from Blair's own paperwork, that he and Bush had already agreed to go in to Iraq with or without UN support 5 months earlier than the dodgy UN resolution, they were going in come what may.
  6. Ridiculous, yes Liverpool had a shaky start, but they finished 7th overall FFS, however I doubt very much that LFC would have been so patient with a 2 wins out of 18 games start, which was the question.
  7. I wasn't, I was replying to your referencing of the use of chemical weapons by Saddam Hussein in Iraq as a reasonable reason to invade 15 years after the event and referencing that the same happened in Syria and even a week after the event Labour didn't think it was that important. Anyway earlier you asked for balance and I would say that apart from you and 2 others the balance is there, because most people on this thread believe that given the choices of the 3rd rate, self promoting, shameless ,lying politicians and their parties and their/and their parties recent histories, that the prefix politician means at least a 90% chance of them being as useless and corrupt as the rest of them past or present, the reason that people hate politicians so much and voting numbers are going down, just watch Harman on newsnight last night or the transcript of Blair's advice to Rebecca Brooks or the way that all politicians of whatever persuasion made excuses and are still making excuses over the expenses scandal.
  8. There are plenty of the then decision makers left in this latest version of the labour party and also a plethora of the sheep happy to go along with all of the decisions. The chemical weapons were used in 1988, the 1st gulf war should have dealt with that, it's a bit of stretch for even for the labour party to link the 2.
  9. What I am saying is it shows the mind blowing hypocrisy of labour in power and labour in opposition, must be a new policy shift labour now need evidence to go to war.
  10. I see so Syria fits the bill then?, oh hang on the labour party changed their mind on which way it was going to vote at the last minute on that one.
  11. You left out the 'S' on your last word, hopefully he will remember his/his party's position on trident this time, 3rd time lucky.
  12. Serious question who would stop Mugabe, oh hang on Zimbabwe didn't have anything we wanted like oil and for the record, the Iraqi's are now killing each other in huge numbers pretty much on a daily basis. There are plenty of despots killing their own people and we don't invade any of them.
  13. and now protected by a labour party full of shit bags who went along for the ride and gutless labour voters, to blinkered to able to admit the truth, this is the same labour party who would enter into talks with the Spanish government over sovereignty of Gibraltar and no doubt Argentina over the Falklands, a government who expected support in government but never offer support in opposition.
  14. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, kidnap and torture of one's own subjects is pretty extreme and funnily enough it formed part of Blair's evidence against Saddam Hussein, once he decided there were no weapons of mass destruction and he decided upon a policy of mass distraction to cover his tracks claiming regime change was always part of his strategy anyway and now we even know the enquiry he set up was a whitewash, not that it was ever in doubt but its good to have it confirmed from his own mouth but even now the middle east peace envoy keeps telling us Iraq is safer place today, although not on my holiday list or his I suspect.
  15. I seem to recall a saying in the oval office 'the buck stops here', something Blair wouldn't know if it bit him on the arse, Blair's recent released conversation with Rebecca Brooks tells you all you need to know about how he got away with it and how he hopes she will as well.
  16. What it really sums up is if the choice is Cameron, Clegg, Milliband or Farage by **** we are in trouble, you couldn't make a viable politician out the 4 of them blended and is a worse defence than BCFC's.
  17. indeed on flawed, altered and sexed up intelligence from a pm, who was going to war come what may and who should be properly held to account for his actions.
  18. Nobody voted for the kidnap and torture bit but the then wonderful socialist government (with a small blue 's') decided it was fine and dandy and as for killing them in Afghanistan, I think there is a marine sergeant who might just disagree about that as a policy having been cut adrift by the military and this government.
  19. Yes but no illegal wars, kidnap and torture of UK citizens.
  20. and Farage is a buffoon and a fantasist, who less than a month ago couldn't remember whether he is for or against Trident, didn't know the contents of his party's 2010 manifesto because he never read it and then branded the document he never read as 486 pages of drivel.
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