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Everything posted by ralphindevon

  1. in the late 70s when I was reader- What famous person would you most like to meet? 9/10 the answer was Muhammad Ali.
  2. The thing is there was a taste of things to come a few days earlier at the semi final. I arrived just after 5pm thinking there would be a few hundred people milling around, there were already tens of thousands, many drunk and not able to hold their drink. That was a weekday, it didn’t take a mastermind to work out how many would turn up 8 hours before the game on Sunday. A 3 o’clock kick off would have been much better, that extra 5 hours of drinking time was an accident waiting to happen.
  3. No he was fine and if he’d be bothered looking up he could easily save it.
  4. I always feel the good times/games/moments are so much more enjoyable when you’ve got a bunch of dreadful games under your belt. As for choosing between going to football or Christmas shopping? Do me a favour. I think all those games behind closed doors taught us it’s not just about the match itself, it’s the mates, drinks, crowd, banter that goes with it and that’s still there.
  5. I must admit against Stoke I didn’t think we were very clever when doing it and thought a few were lucky not to get punished. There are ways of doing it without getting punished but we have been so blatant and open, yesterday wasn’t a surprise. What was a surprise was when they saw Bentley do it and realised the ref wasn’t having it, why they then carried on doing it with no effort to disguise it.
  6. The good news about being one down is we’re unlikely to kick the dead ball away……….aren’t we?
  7. The ref let us get away with similar offences on Wednesday, not today!
  8. Absolutely loved watching him play. Probably only a lack of pace that stopped him playing at a higher level.
  9. A mixed memory from Brammall Lane. One visit there at a time I was living in France saw me arrive at the ground very early for some reason. I asked a steward at the door of the main stand where I could get a drink, telling him I’d travelled a long way to be there hoping he might take pity. Overhearing this was Kevin McCabe, the then chairman who happened to be walking by. We had a quick chat and he invited me in to what was like the director’s bar where he said I could stay until it got very busy. Nice. In the ground I found myself sat next to the injured City player Jamie McCombe. The seats in that stand, once terracing, we’re ridiculously close together and both being tall Jamie and I, sat in a fairly quiet part at the front, both got told off by the steward for putting our feet over the seat in front of us. I explained to the steward that he was an injured professional footballer and squeezing his legs in could set him back. The steward must have thought I’d said I was the footballer as he stared at me and said “yeah right” and we both had to do what we were told. And we lost 3-0. 1-1 today COYR
  10. We’ll it certainly wasn’t on my recommendation. Right from the start of his loan spell you could see he was a player that was unlikely to give you too many solid 90 minute games and so it’s proved.
  11. I think it was a matter of somebody had to go, not sure there was a long queue for Palmer, certainly Swansea wouldn’t want him. So Pato it was.
  12. Agree, I remember reading an interview a couple months ago and it certainly sounded like the way things happened this move has changed his mindset as a player. Good on him and shows what can be achieved by some of these talented players if their head’s in the right place.
  13. £7 I think but just now and again you want something a bit different than a pie. They do a chicken dish too, a nice change for a football stadium
  14. I’ve just watched the Sky coverage, unbelievably biased, especially Goodman. Also plenty of our fans I saw posting on here and social media at half time saying how we should be 4 down, what?? I don’t get it, they didn’t have the players good enough to put the ball in the back of the net, simple. We at that stage had more shots on target. I’m not saying they hadn’t played better than us but as the decent pundit, Glen Murray said at half time, we were one up and deserved it. Some of our fans love to analyse how good our opponents are, our mistakes but ignore the good things we do.
  15. Sat in the lower Lansdown it looked like HNM was preparing to come on when Nige called over Williams, Williams pointed to his hamstring and if my lip reading was right suggested it was a bit tight, to which Nige said right you’re coming off straight away. The good news was as HNM was getting his tracksuit off, Williams happily went back to play until the ball went out of play again.
  16. The last two games have felt the most comfortable from a watching point of view this season. I wasn’t at all worried that Stoke would equalise in the 9 minutes of injury time and the same with Blackburn. Earlier in the season I’d be on my betting app backing the opposition to score. Its starting to feel we’ve something to work with……….finally.
  17. It was the first time since Covid that I’ve had a quiet journey up, Very few holiday makers at last. However the journey back was incredibly busy, Christmas shoppers I presume. Having said that, the Park & Ride was very quick back to Portway.
  18. That was a downer that’s been hard to recover from. It wasn’t Ameobi though. Sidibie scored 2 I think and Ricardo Fuller who also caused us grief all game.
  19. That difficult time of the season for me with myself in the home end and my wife in the away end. For matrimonial peace a draw is always a good result. A thrashing by one team doesn’t lead to arguments but a narrow, maybe underserved win by either team will lead to a difficult journey back down the M5………but if it was in our favour I’d take it COYR
  20. I guess it’ll always be the way on here but time and time again we go from, this time HNM, as “MOM” “brilliant again” “he’ll be premier league bound in January” for many games. To coming back from an injury not at his best, maybe subconsciously thinking about not getting the same injury a 3rd time and now he’s never gonna make a championship midfielder and we should get rid. Im predicting it’ll be Vyner next. Came back after a long time out of the team, got absolutely slaughtered on here. Played ok today, will have a cracking game against Stoke and by Thursday he’ll be off to Chelsea in the summer…..according to OTIB
  21. The cross was like one of those perfect fast bowler disguised slower balls. Kalas initially thought it was coming head height, committed to heading it, then it died and ended up by his ankles but it was too late. A definite clean bowled
  22. It went off with me, she asked what it was I said I don’t know, she said keys probably and told me to move on.
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