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Everything posted by ralphindevon

  1. Yes there’s every chance they’ll go down but even if they turn into a L1 - championship yo-yo club an extra 3k seats would make financial sense with the amount of sell outs they’ve already had. i think there are plans but at the moment they’re concentrating updating their training facilities which is fair enough
  2. Plymouth sold out loads of game's in the 3rd tier, crazy they haven't increased the capacity
  3. Having watched half the Elton concert last night and the other half just now, my own conclusion is... McCartney won the best guest list by a mile but Elton won the the best show by a mile. In general i like the pair of them about the same but didn't enjoy McCartney last year that much. Loved Elton's show though
  4. Good question, is it one of those Taunton pitches that offers zero to the bowlers from day 3 onwards? I’d be happier if we had Jack Leach, no offence to Bashir who I really like but is many games away from being an experienced spinner. With loads of time left in the game I’d like to see us get a 350 lead. But with the way Henry bowled this morning maybe 250 would do!
  5. Well beside the Abell rush of blood to the head, today had gone a great deal better than could have been expected.
  6. True, I'd like to disagree as we're doing so well in it but I'd rather be at the top of the championship. I'm sure Gloucestershire will come good soon, they looked like they were back on track a couple years ago, time to go again
  7. Yeah i presume you'll be able to download his ticket and just swipe across when you're at the gate. I did the same for my wife's Easyjet ticket a few days ago as she was struggling to find her phone in her handbag. As for working perfectly....... it did all go a bit tits up in one cup game recently, can't remember which one.
  8. I’d like to think they would be loaded to your season card if you have one once you’d paid for it but they didn’t seem to be able to do that before. If there is an app I guess it will be loaded to that, failing that it’ll be just like previous years where you buy it and either download it on to your phone, this is what I did for the FA cup last season, or print it.
  9. Over the years we must be one of the worse counties at changing between T20 and championship cricket. I know it’s the same for all countries but I can remember back to Trescothic saying how difficult it is when they chop and change between the two and nothing seems to have changed since.
  10. Early days and my prediction may change before the season starts but atm I’m going for a 6th to 9th finish for us.
  11. Yes the Long Ashton Park and Ride stops at Paxton Drive which is great as long as you don’t have to drive back into Bristol.
  12. Oh dear could have done without that Tom, Notts morning.
  13. Found this under The Hundred playing conditions, so it looks like it’s still the case. I guess places like India, Pakistan, South Africa etc want to be able to look at stats for a player like Smeed when he goes there to play.
  14. I’m guessing the answer would be, that’s why it hasn’t gone up as much as it would have.
  15. That was what was said after the first 100 series and then I noticed it has Smeed’s ton from the 100 on his T20 record. As with most things 100, I pay little attention to it so not sure if that’s still the case, looks like it is.
  16. Cracking game, didn't see it all but Gloucestershire certainly made a good game if it. The most pleasing thing for me was to get Craig and Aldridge a decent bat which they did very well. That'll stand them in good stead
  17. If you're meaning his highest score, unfortunately the 100 stats count as T20 stats. Which makes it even more daft that it exists as a competition
  18. I’m on holiday and thought I’d catch up with all yesterday’s goings on in county cricket via this thread. Brilliant stuff, Middlesex have gone from the worst T20 side ever to world record holders in the space of the two minutes it took me to read the thread. What a cracking tournament the Blast is, imagine if big money was spent promoting it, in the school holidays, on FTA tv, with counties allowed to invite3 or 4 overseas players?
  19. We’re just 2 points shy of last years total which earned us 2nd place.
  20. That’s got the making of a good John Player league game! I remember in them days if you got 200 in your 40 overs you were pretty much home and dry. A par score would be over 300 now I’d expect
  21. There’s never as much to talk about when you keep winning easily. Not complaining though.
  22. First game Ipswich, this is my guess not what I want. Leeds sometime in August Plymouth Boxing Day. Stoke away Good Friday and the usual 3 points. Play off semi final WBA home first Final TBC
  23. Brilliant innings from Cummins, lead by example. Lots of questions before Lords but I fear very few answers. Anyway, what an excellent test, 4 more like that wouldn’t be good for the heart.
  24. Well you don’t often get to past 7 o’clock on day 5 of a test match with either team able to win. What a treat it’s been
  25. When you think of the ages of Broad and Anderson and the injuries to Mo and Stokes we’ve done well to get this close. But how they all fair over 5 tests really will be a test.
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