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Everything posted by ralphindevon

  1. Indeed and his big 100 in last season’s comp in difficult circumstances was a quite brilliant innings
  2. Ben Green is a very useful cricketer. I’m a big fan.
  3. Do you think the lack of info from the Kent twitter feed is to encourage you to pay for the stream? Im not totally against paying for the stream, a reasonable price for a streaming season ticket maybe but the way they are doing it doesn’t seem quite right
  4. To explain it all you need a degree in mathematics and 5000 words. All you need to know is it seems to rarely favour Somerset but is fairer than not having it at all like the old days
  5. Nicely placed atm but I’m never relaxed where rain effected games are concerned. Will they come back out does anyone know?
  6. I’d be glad to see the back of Billings, even out of form you can guarantee he’ll find some against us.
  7. Well first 2 overs and Henry has found his economy bowling. Good start, missing CraigO of course but a good balanced squad this year
  8. Now confirmed it’s because of the pitch renovations that there are no more concerts this year. I was thinking, surely that is the biggest takings for an event at Ashton Gate……ever! Bristol live said it was the biggest attendance of all the concerts and I can’t imagine any of the others were more expensive. Biggest attendance, biggest takings, now off to headline Glastonbury……..again. Are you starting to believe us @Slippin cider these guys are big
  9. Great night and the first time I’ve been in AG with that many fans in for well over 40 years. Thought the stadium was excellent for concerts, really looked the business. @phantom I presume there are no more concerts this summer because we’re laying a new pitch.
  10. My first concert at AG too, I’ve seen cricket, Rugby and even a bit of football so looking forward to this. Just got a packed M5 and a closed Portway to negotiate Does welfare incident mean someone has jumped off the bridge?
  11. He is 68 and deserves his retirement but there have been a few hints that he’s not retiring completely, just from his current job at Sky.
  12. We haven’t missed one for ages!!
  13. Well we certainly don't change our approach once we need less than a run a ball. And with our batting line up why should we? It won't always come off but more times than not
  14. Another great bowling performance. Strangely, after 3 games our overseas signing, Matt Henry has comfortably been the most expensive bowler in all 3 games. But he has taken Important wickets.
  15. The thing I love with this team, if someone doesn’t shine there’s always someone else ready to do the business, wether it batting or bowling. Must be the most balanced T20 side we’ve had and we’re a county that’s been in 8 final days. Of course this is T20 and a defeat for any team is just around the corner.
  16. Keith Curle, Clive Middlemass and of course our very own Nige make up 5 Carlisle managers with City connections.
  17. Yes, my French team is Toulouse so a bit divided yesterday but I think Auxerre have missed their chance. Lens are comfortably the 2nd best team in France and Angers comfortably the worst in L1 so it’s favouring Nantes. But they did ok against PSG last week and Lens may have their flip flops on. I don’t think Han will be there next season, just a hunch not ITK, but he’ll certainly be doing his all to keep them up.
  18. I make that just one save in 22 penalties taken so far, plus one miss. As a country are we getting better at pens?
  19. Nice one Connor Evans, used to love watching him play for Torquay, decent player
  20. Every time I come back to this thread I’m tempted to move back to Bristol. Keep up the good work.
  21. I’m going to the final test at the Oval. For as long as I can remember the Oval has hosted the final showdown of test cricket at the backend of summer, it’s just one of those traditional blue ribbon British sporting events….. Except this year it’s in July because of the hundred. Anyway, despite that it’s a ground I’ve not visited since I saw Somerset play a John Player league game against Surrey in 1981. So looking forward to it.
  22. I like the way Lee says - it was all a bit my dad is bigger than your dad- I’m not sure Lee’s dad can be bigger than many people’s dad’s.
  23. I can remember when the Premier League was starting there were loads of complaints that it would become a closed shop with the same teams participating each season. Luton are now the 51st club to play in the PL. One of those 51, Oldham, aren’t even in the league anymore. It can’t be many more before it’s our turn. Can it?
  24. Lockyer went down with nobody near him, stretchered off but he was moving and raising his arms
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