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Kid in the Riot

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Everything posted by Kid in the Riot

  1. Ah yes I see now. First leg is weekend 8/9/10 April and second leg 15/16/17 April. Then the QF, SF and Final all in May
  2. Do you know whether finishing top 4 secures a home tie in the next round? If so, a couple of bonus pts or more at Scarlets next week would confirm that too
  3. Ah will easily qualify top 8 so that's good news. Agree Stade have put up a decent fight this half but Bears have generally been the better team throughout I think. Big concern at the moment is Semi really isn't firing at all.
  4. Sexy Bristol are back. What are our odds of qualifying for the next round?
  5. Good start for Bears. Could be wrong but Stade don't look massively up for this...
  6. The kind of stat you'd expect if Australia were hosting Bangladesh or the Windies. Not the team representing the second wealthiest cricket board in the world.
  7. Used to work at The Sun, unfortunately.
  8. Whilst the pitch is in Wales, the overall "site" is clearly in both countries, so it's an interesting one.
  9. Problem is he "maintains" clubs by not investing in infrastructure. Lean times for Derby in the coming years if he's in charge. The only hope they should have is that ultimately he'll want to sell the club in a decade at significant profit, and that will mean having to return them to Championship minimum, if not Premier League.
  10. Sounds a similar premise to the excellent Memento? Hope to start watching this evening. Got Four Lives lined up too.
  11. Great footwork and off-load skills from Lloyd for the BP try. We rode our luck a bit with those two disallowed Sale tries though. Very tight decisions, especially the first one.
  12. Regards them being busy, more than 50% of GPs in this country now work part-time. There was a time, no more than 20 years ago, when GPs were expected to work full-time, including weekends and be on night call. It would be helpful if more of these doctors, most of whom are trained in this country, could work full-time and help out what is clearly a stretched service. One GP I know in his thirties worked full-time for a few years but has been on three days a week for many years now. Earns plenty enough on just those three days. The other days gets to spend time with his young children and train for triathlons. Alright for some...
  13. Yep, well aware of all of the above. However, doctors still frequently prescribe antibiotics even if they think somebody is suffering from a virus. And by whatever black magic it is, they often work. The UK doesn't have especially high antibiotic usage though, and it's largely stabilised over the past 20 years. It has however increased globally, mainly due to increased usage in African and Asian countries.
  14. Interesting from Comp Dog, one assunes this story comes from Kirtsen...but still. Shows the ECB cosy club for what it is.
  15. Totally agree. Happened to me three years ago and I did subsequently end up in hospital with pneumonia. I had requested antibiotics at a GP appointment four days earlier and she refused saying "give it another week". Similar to you, I'm asthmatic, and sometimes you just know a virus isn't going to shift without antibiotics. I don't take any chances now. In fact, only last month I was prescribed them for a virus that wouldn't shift. To be perfectly honest with you, my advice would to be slightly embellish the details, if you need to. A GP definitely doesn't always know best, in my experience, and as every patient is different, nor would I expect them to.
  16. The fact you are insinuating that it could have been LJ's decision to sell Ayling for peanuts shows how little you know about what goes on at the club, and what the chain of command was... You probably think the decision to sack SC was LJs fault too.
  17. Lansdown has now spent £214m on City, but is still owed £96m from the club ?
  18. Wow indeed. But wages in the Championship significantly increased across the board over that 2015-2021 period, as did our revenue due to the redevelopment of AG, enabling us to spend a lot more on wages. Also, even with a circa £30m annual wage budget, that was still usually only 12-14th highest in the Championship.
  19. It'll be the year 2038 and you'll still be blaming LJ for the woes of Bristol City. Perhaps you could run your theory past us, of how a man not responsible for negotiating or agreeing wages of new signings nor signing those deals off, is responsible for a £38m business loss? Thanks in advance.
  20. I think it's a case if the tail wagging the dog though, as it's the players that can earn more money through white ball cricket, than first class. I'm guessing white ball cricket is far more popular globally too. You only have to look at the near empty stadiums, which I have seen first hand, in India for example for Tests. The Hundred may not earn money at the moment but the ECB hold exclusive rights to the format, so if it is successful they can sell the rights globally for a fortune. For that reason, it's here to stay for the time being.
  21. This is the elephant in the room. Realistically, how long left has 5 day Test cricket got when there's so much money and interest in white ball cricket? Speaking to a couple of local kids coaches over the summer, and they say that kids turn up to sessions and just want to learn how to smash the ball everywhere. They aren't interesting in learning defence and the more nuanced aspects of batting. They just want to hit the ball out the park as often as possible. This change is mindset and coaching will likely have a profound effect on first class and Test cricket over the next decade. It won't just impact on England but all the other Test sides too. I know purists are fully against it but I think at least a move to 4-day Tests is inevitable at some point.
  22. Because his time as first team coach at the club coincided with, arguably, the worst coached City side ever.
  23. Is that the same Pato that has scored less goals than Weimann this season? And has a slightly inferior 'minutes per goal' ratio too?
  24. 15 of which were as a substitute! He started two league games at Leeds, he'd have started every single one he was available for here. I recall Ian Wright saying at the time he/Arsenal had made the wrong decision.
  25. Correct. You were obviously reading my posts at the time carefully. As it happens, Nketiah definitely made the wrong move, as Bielsa barely played him.
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