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Kid in the Riot

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Everything posted by Kid in the Riot

  1. They will also advise not to let a new virus, which kills, to go unchecked and tear through societies, including new strains which they still know little about. Hence, the courses of action that have been recommended/taken over the past two years.
  2. My favourite complaint is "but, it's a free country!" Since when? Society is transactional and conditional. It's never been "free". Not even when we were living in caves.
  3. Yep, exactly that. It's become a pointless series, sadly. 1986 ffs
  4. So I reckon the last competitive TEST England won in Australia (2011 aside) was December 1998 in Melbourne.
  5. If people are taking such umbrage at this current set of light touch rules and regs then wait until the climate emergency really bites in the coming decades and when the next inevitable pandemic occurs, involving a strain of a much more deadly virus. Like Ebola, for example, which was successfully combated in West Africa by *checks notes* a track and trace system and lockdowns. Yes, one of the poorest regions in the world (albeit with help from the WHO) eliminated a far more deadly virus than covid 19. Funny what quick and decisive action can achieve, versus having a bumbling leader that brushes his hair with a balloon.
  6. No, mate. No offence but this displays a lack of knowledge of basic epidemiology. You understand that viruses mutate, so by letting them rip through society you increase their ability to, and likelihood of, mutating and potentially becoming more deadly. Why, as a global community, would we take that risk when we have a vaccination proven to reduce severe illness/death + spread? Interestingly, I've just come across this article tweeted by one Jordan Peterson, a man vehemently opposed to mandatory vaccinations and social restrictions (to my knowledge). It suggests the covid vaccine is not just preventing deaths from covid, but from any death (which again, makes scientific sense when you think about it): https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20211025/people-vacccinated-covid-less-likely-die-any-cause-study
  7. Eng in Aus since 2000 exc 2011: 4-1 5-0 5-0 4-0
  8. The fact that Stokes and Buttler are already playing one day shots tells you a fair bit about the quality and suitability of the batting line up.
  9. Could be, however the early evidence (as I've just posted) suggests that this variant has mutated so that it is far more resilient to the initial vaccinations and antibodies people developed naturally to combat the virus. Again, this is entirely unsurprising - it's what the flu does year in, year out. Fortunately, the booster vaccine seems to have much better efficacy and hence why every effort should be made to get that into people's arms.
  10. Fear is a powerful currency, for sure. I wonder if you realise that yours, and others, reaction to these restrictions/laws is also driven by a fundamental fear - as detailed in your post - of a creep of restrictions and "tyranny". A concern of harm to future society comes within the very definition of "fear". Anyway, must give the Omicron report a read, apparently it's got a predicted R number of 3.3-4.4 so far more contagious than the original virus!
  11. The government get next to no credit from me for the furlough scheme for one simple reason; they literally had no choice. The only alternative they had was, like you say, to put thousands of businesses out of business and millions on the dole, which would have cost them considerably more money and also probably seen mass protests and the government collapsing. They had no choice, zero. They have began this process to be fair: The government commissioned National Food Strategy published early this year. 200 pages long and lots of excellent recommendations. It looks like most of it will be adopted as government policy, however Johnson is opposed to one of its key pillars - a tax levy on sugar and salt. It's true to say this is classic Johnson not putting people's health first, and instead being more worried about his popularity ratings. There has already been a sugary drinks tax levy brought in a couple of years ago, which has been successful.
  12. You sound like an evangelical Christian from a flyover state. "Don't come around here with your "science"!"
  13. Polio is close to extinction through vaccination too. We vaccinate babies and infants in this country against it, and that has been rolled out in Africa and most of Asia. Most people that contract polio don't even know they have it as won't display symptoms but in some rare instances it can be fatal. Polio would still be around today in much larger numbers if we listened to some of the "medical experts" on social media.
  14. Personally I got vaccinated because I believed the scientific community over Right Said Fred.
  15. This thread has predictably all gone a bit "Right Said Fred"!
  16. I agree, it's a very strange ditch to die in, given the amount of other information on our lives that we regularly share with governments/tech companies. They already know everything they need to know about you, including whether you have been jabbed or not. So the thought that simply proving this to an uninterested steward to gain entry into a stadium, being the straw that breaks the camel's back, is a bizarre leap of logic to say the least.
  17. Erm it's specifically ICU beds that's the problem and there is nothing like 996 ICU beds in the whole of Bristol. In fact, Southmead only has 48 ICU beds.
  18. Maybe. Though Tyson doesn't seem exactly keen to fight him. Whyte allegedly ko'd Tyson in sparring. I don't massively rate Whyte but he will swing some punches and has ko power, so we shall see. Complacency an enemy to Fury, for sure.
  19. That no ball from Stokesy could be big... Good start from England tho Maybe deserved to have 2 or 3 down...
  20. Given Omicron is predicted to be the predominant covid variant by Christmas/New Year, and as yet there is no evidence that the first two-dose vaccine has a significant impact against it, it feels like another ill-thought out policy. Most likely being introduced to distract us from other matters (can't think what...)
  21. Yes, that's correct. Total deal was worth up to £21m.
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