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Everything posted by NcnsBcfc

  1. Doesn't it say Swansea have to repay £275m in 2023 on the form? I hope someone saw that typo before signing the agreement?
  2. By first team fold, I meant training with the extended first team squad. I don't doubt for one moment that barring a calamity of injuries/illnesses we will see him starting anytime soon.
  3. After a good start to his loan spell, I think he's been on the bench for the last month due to results/performances I'm sure the loans team have spoken with Grimsby and if he isn't going to be starting regularly then it's best for all parties that he either a) comes back into the first team fold, or b) get him out on another loan to a club that will give him game time.
  4. Whilst people might be drawing comparisons with Huddesfield today on their squad against ours. Let' not forget that:- A) They were awful last season, and were in the bottom six most of the season. B) Were in receipt of Parachute payments that allowed an easier transition from a PL club to a Championship one. C) Were able to get rid of most of the High earners during the summer. We are still lumbered with a majority of ours until Summer 2023. D) Despite their failings last season with a young new manager. They didn't panic, even though they had been a PL for a couple of seasons a few years before; sack him; and try to bring someone new in. Let's not forget, if we had beaten them today we would have been level on points with them in the league. Yes, this season is a real struggle and the football is extremely poor at times. But I fail to see how making a change now would be anything other than a massive gamble that could easily backfire on us again. NP said a 3 year project when he started (probably based on the summer 2023 as mentioned above). The graphs on budgets to turnover, and the earnings from transfer fees show how we've wasted a golden opportunity over the last 4 years to progress. We have to do things differently, and that will require people to understand that there will be good performances, bad performances; and sometimes awful performances. That is City at the moment. The main thing is we need to stay in this division during this financial/team rebuild. It's not going to be pretty; but it is, what it is
  5. I think the thing with Kalas is he often thinks with his heart, rather than his head. When he is playing alongside better players and thus able to focus on his own game, he's an excellent international defender. You don't get the amount of caps he has through being poor. When he played with Webster, collectively they were the best centre back partnership i'd seen at City in the last 40 years. Yes of course, Webster was superb; but Kalas also played a massive part in that combination. Unfortunately when he is around young, inexperienced; or plainly not up to it defenders; he obviously tries too hard to cover their failings; and in the process completely compromises his own performances. He's not a leader of course, however you look at him sometimes and think he should be. He gets emotionally involved in situations when things start going wrong; and his head drops. Looking at Huddersfield's first goal today. It looks to me as if his first movement is to try to help Atkinson out, as if he feels he's going to lose the challenge. In the process he takes his eye off the runner coming through. I think in essence, he doesn't trust the defenders he's playing alongside at the moment to get the job done. Anybody who's played football to a decent level, will know that dreadful feeling when as a defender you line up with players that you can't trust.
  6. Playing there in a couple of years time????? They haven't even put any planning applications in yet; and the Gas would have to sell the memorial ground to the developers for a knockdown price to even be allowed to rent someone else's stadium. I'm guessing that there is no way the developers would build a new stadium for the Gas to rent, until they have planning permission for the Horfield site, that will probably go some way to paying for the aforementioned stadium. Makes you wonder why the Gas don't just sell the Memorial ground themselves for housing; and then buy the fruit Market site; and build their own stadium anyway? Why do they need the developers???
  7. Completely agree that this shouldn't be in the football section anymore. As for the whole covid conversation, it's a bit like the Brexit one now. Whichever way you voted in 2016, is generally the way you feel about the subject now. I've not really met anybody who has changed their initial view of whether to leave or remain. They will continue to look to the media & information/statistics that back up their own views (confirmational bias perhaps, but understandable). The same scenario is being taken now over Covid and vaccines. The two sides are or course polarised, and both unlikely to suddenly start agreeing with one another. I realised years ago to respect other people's views on the above subjects, even if I don't necessarily agree with them. The times we find ourselves in at the moment are unprecedented, and society has probably never felt so divided. It does though feel from my own work, that people seem to be exhausted; and seriously starting to lose whatever mental, and physical strength they have left. The days of collective well being, and "Clap for Carers" are long gone. It's been a long 5 years since that 2016 vote. Will society ever come back together again after all the upheavals we've all been through; I'm not so sure. One thing I do know is, that I go on the Football chat forum to read about Football, and this topic feels a long way away from that at the moment.
  8. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-59547255 Enough said?
  9. That's policing nowadays. Front line is made up of 80% probationers I reckon.
  10. So when he talks about bigger clubs, is he now talking about the likes of Forest Green Rovers; and Port Vale? Christ, quite how far have the Gas dropped that their manager considered those type of clubs "Bigger". What's the plan for next year Joey when the 5 loans, and 15+ players are either OOC or at the end of their 1 year deals. Go.out and buy another 20 players? They need to build a team, not just employ a group of scousers who used to play for Fleetwood; and are mates with the Manager.
  11. @Fordy62 did you read about that clever Qc question in Cross examination? " So you saw the man you say is Joey Barton from behind?" YES "Did you ever see his face then?" NO "So how do you know for sure that is was Joey Barton?" I JUST ASSUMED. "So you just assumed it was my client, but you can't be sure, as you didn't see his face? YES "No further questions your honour" You can imagine how that was spun in the defences closing speech. " Ladies and Gentleman of the jury how can you be sure, when all the witnesses and the complainant himself isn't?" Everybody knows it was Barton, but what the case need really was CCTV. Without that a clever Silk would always fancy his chances against a prosecution witness. Hence why we try to minimise their use nowadays.
  12. He did like to chop and change unnecessarily didn't he. Mind you some types change of positions work out, just look at Bobby Reid.
  13. Hasn't worked out for the multitude of ex Prem teams down there has it? Quite a tough division to get out of actually. Reminds me of all those years trying to get out of it.......
  14. Missing Kodjia off that list Graham. Always think we got a good deal with him as well. I just remember Burton away, with him and Tammy up front, thinking this pair is going to be great together. Then he downed tools, and the rest if history.
  15. I don't think anyone else in football can quite believe we haven't been in the top flight for over 40 years now. A billionaire owner, with facilities that are comparable to a mid table PL team. Quite how we've never gotten ourselves over the line is a mystery in a way. I think in football, we are quite rightly seen as complete underachievers; and that as a club we are never going to be one of those club that is going to compete. Look at some of the other teams Oldham, Bradford, Barnsley, Portsmouth, Bolton, Hull, Huddersfield, Blackpool, Birmingham, QPR, Stoke, Swansea, Reading (Christ I'm going to stop now, this is getting too depressing), and so many others; all made it for one season at least to the PL. Something has to change. Maybe as NP has identified, it's the culture, and attitude of the club. He's certainly the first manager in a while that has spoken about the failings of the club in these areas When you look at the budget of the club, and the wonderful area in which the majority of us live in; it's always struck me that we've never been seen as a destination of choice for either up and coming players, or seasoned pros. That however is going to take time, and building a team that players will want to come and play in. One that makes the playoffs for the first time in 14 years, and then shows that they are on the way up. Whether NP will be given time to build from the ground up is a moot point. The current mind set of a large group of fans changes their collective minds, on a game by game basis as to his suitability as a manager. I still harbour hope that we will get there in the end. It's a lot easier to get there playing in the Championship that's for sure. In the meantime, this season is a long hard slog of 1 goal wins, and other abject performances; that will come from a non cohesive squad. Let's see what the January window brings. The board seem to be making some noises over some form of backing; and at least our home form has picked up somewhat. As NP quite rightly says "We know where we are as a club", ie nowhere near where we should be, but at least there seems to be some sort of medium to longer term plan. Rather than the short term MA transfer bingo approach.
  16. Unfortunately you are quite correct. If you're privately funded, you get a much much better defence team. With the cuts to legal aid, you'll still get a barrister; who are duty bound to do their best. But if you're paying, you will get the deluxe Solicitor, paralegal, package. There are plenty of firms nowadays that also don't even take on legal aid cases. Depending on the case, people are left scrambling around trying to get a defence team to defend them.
  17. That's why the Qc's earn the big bucks. After a while you get to learn their language, as every barrister that i've ever dealt with is in some way or another a Sociopath.
  18. Anybody who spends anytime in a Courtroom will know the bizarre decisions that come from a Jury. As part of the summing up process. Teh defence always goes second; and comes up usually with the biggest load of rubbish in interpreting the evidence. It is then up to the Judge to correct the wrong impression given by the defence, during his "Route to Verdict" speech to the Jury. I'm guessing that the QC (never mess with them in the box). Would be saying in his closing speech. "Stendal didn't see who pushed him, he just turned around and saw Barton, how can you be sure it was my client". "The assistant saw Barton swerve and do it, but can you be sure as a Jury, he wasn't just sticking up for his boss, plus how do we know there wasn't someone else that could have done it? You have to be 100% sure, can you be?" "There is no CCTV, and no evidence to prove beyond doubt that there wasn't anybody else in the tunnel." It's all nonsense of course, but as someone who's spent 20+ years in courtrooms; and done Jury service. There are some people who take the opportunity to find people Not Guilty just because they A) Like the defendant, more than than the Victim. B) Think they are sticking two fingers up to "The System" by finding anybody not guilty regardless of the evidence or C) Get so confused by the evidence (No IQ needed for a jury), that they rely on someone else to tell them what to do. If you have a strong persuasive foreperson (PC there) on a jury; they can swing anybody anyway. The difference with the next trial is there is no jury, only a district Judge. That'll be an interesting case.
  19. Blimey, I think that is the most Trumpesque post I've seen in a long time. Top work there. So in essence it is only your opinion, but your opinion is right, and on that basis the other poster is wrong?
  20. Really???? Zak has a floated pass that he plays on about 90% of his passes, it's a lazy ball that normally is played over to the left hand side of the penalty area; and easily dealt with. There was a time in the second half at one of our corners, when Zak was left by himself at the back (I thought it was a bit strange, given that he is over 6ft). The ball got hoofed away by Derby. Zak had two options available to him, back to Bentley or pass to Massengo. There was no-one within 10 yards of him from an poosition standpoint. What does he do? Heads it out for a throw in. And that is Vyner unfortunately.... Panics on the ball, switches off positionally, gets beaten in the air far to easily for someone over 6ft; and don't get me started on his abilities on a one on one situation. I can see he's trying to do his best, but playing alongside him must be a nightmare. He's one of those players that you can't trust to do the basics properly.
  21. When we signed four of the under 23s to long term contracts last season, Britton was conspicuous by his absence. He was scoring goals for fun for the team, but there were rumours that he wasn't happy with the terms he'd been offered. We obviously activated his option year; but NP has said that he needs to omprove his fitness before he joins the first team squad. This for me is a little strange, as you would have thought the best place to not only improve his fitness (and sharpness) would have been through training with the first team squad in the first place. It all smacks a bit of other issues as well. It may well be speculation on my part. But from the outside, it appears as if the club/player have a difference of opinion.
  22. Off to Woking for a month then. Followed by a league loan in the January window by the look of it No doubt, followed up by leaving City at the end of his contract in June; with us hoping for some future compensation. A shame, as i think there is something about the lad. But the club and player obviously disagree over either his worth (in salary), or future potential. I'll look forward to seeing where he ends up playing next season.
  23. Joey is in the box. Popcorn time....
  24. They still don't get it with Wael do they? He hasn't written off £18m of debt. Like SL he's just turned it into shares, that anyone buying the club at a later date will have to buy from him. Jesus, they really do think he's some sort of saviour still. Even after 10 years of complete inertia on so many projects.
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