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Everything posted by spudski

  1. I thought the pace of the pitch was perfect for when we were playing fast one touch passes. Hit hard and fast, but it slowed nicely for the players to pass without having to take a touch to control. It was noticeable.
  2. Love it...hopefully they'll do similar with the Cheese Arsenal game shirt design.
  3. If you Google ' are there more injuries on desso pitches ( and similar) compared to grass', there are plenty of articles talking about the increase in injuries on ' artificial ' turf compared to just plain grass. Especially hamstring ( more hamstring torn from bone ) and knee ( ACL ). Worth googling.
  4. Going by the very start of that interview, it sounds like MA is back in the building
  5. Seeing that car of 88 reminds me of how great it used to be. Senna and Prost battling it out. Check this footage out if you haven't already seen it. Oh to go back to that type of car.
  6. ....hope the Club are going to do more like these.
  7. All the info you need to the ' Rights' is on here... https://www.release.org.uk/blog/uk-festivals-sniffer-dogs-their-regulations-your-rights
  8. That should be crayoned on t shirts with club badge on, and sold in shop...or given away with STs
  9. I wonder what's the oldest thing we 'own' related to our Club.
  10. @phantom https://artuk.org/discover/artworks/atyeo-284248 Makes sense...globe, river, sea. It's what historically Bristol did...travelled the globe from up the river to the sea
  11. It represents a globe and flowing water (a river) apparently.
  12. I think a few have said or thought it over the years bud. Museum and a bar playing footage of old games. Another place for club meet ups etc. Would be perfect, especially the connection and history of the land.
  13. Yes definitely...said the same just a while back on here. Great initiative. That pic of Billy Wedlock in high resolution is amazing.
  14. What I find most annoying, is the fact we have the stadium and facilities to get promotion, but we don't have the people in charge to take this club forward on the pitch. Sick of hearing we are a premier team in waiting etc etc blah blah blah. We have done nothing ever in this division to prove on the field we are good enough to go up. Even if we had gone up under GJ through the play offs, we were making such crap decisions back then, we would imo spiralled afterwards. Hate the unjustified expectations. Just become top 10, solid entertaining football, unify the fans, make it more ' our Club' as it feels more plastic again. Get some passion in the ground somehow. Work with the council in making travel, parking etc easier, rather than such a ball ache ( it's the number one reason I stopped my ST) Stop all the bullshit and empty promises. Sometimes I actually look at the Gas and think they have it better. Shit club, no expectations, shit ground...but at least they know that and aren't dieing from hope and bullshit. Since getting promotion to the Championship again, I remember posting at the time, that I hoped we didn't become a middle of the road boring Championship side. To be frank...most games are boring, tedious, not worth the effort. I have more fun these days watching non league footy. Shame.
  15. Last 6 games. I use Who scored stats.
  16. It is statistically the worse way to try and score. I've bleated about it for years on here. Even worse when we are relying on players that can't beat their player or cross well.
  17. I don't think it's the formation that's the problem, more so, the constant use of wide offensive play, and the reliance on crosses to try and score. More infuriating, is that we aren't any good at doing it in the final third. More often than not...hopeful poor crosses easily defended. And even more infuriating, and happening, so often, losing the ball and possession when trying to beat the fullback or not even getting in a cross. Blocked, tackled or headed away. It's a piece of piss to defend against. More worryingly our coach perseveres with it...and Mehmetti, who just has no end product.
  18. What's more depressing, is only us and Blackburn haven't won a game in the last 6. We both sit bottom of the form league, and we have scored the least amount of goals in the last six. Rock bottom. Relegation form.
  19. Country is doomed, as we have taken away any form of discipline and very little consequence for actions. Many people have no social skills and are pretty much ferel. Parents used to parent their children, as well as the schools. That's been lost. Now many parents are a generation that had no up bringing, discipline or proper education. The kids of those are doomed. Add an ever increasing third world mentality coming in, then it's only going to spiral imo.
  20. A great majority of Brits are just as bad imo.
  21. spudski

    Tins on RB

    Tinnion imo...confuses success by creating good players, rather than a good team. These players either come from the pathway he created from the Academy, which he uses to attract young players to sign for us. Then shows them that if they do well, they can use us as a stepping stone to get bigger contracts at better clubs. He's created this, the media and those in football talk about it. We are seen as a club that gives opportunity, are willing to sell when you personally do well, and are happy to continue doing that, whilst everyone says we are a great club to play for, but in the same breath hopeless underachievers. Basically we are now a ' window' for other clubs to come and cherry pick. And that...is seen as success.
  22. Puts our country to shame...it's slowly becoming a dirty filthy shit hole. It's so noticeable to see how everything is clean, tidy, looked after.
  23. It's odd...but as weeks have gone by, it's feeling more and more like LJs Tenure here.. Fans more divided again. More uncertainty. No trust in the top. Questionable tactics etc.
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