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Everything posted by spudski

  1. It's a shame the mainstream TV show so many of the same clips of him. However...on YouTube there is lots of footage that's generally not shown. Especially from his Santos days in Brazil. As an example...
  2. spudski


    I agree with the sentiment of a few, that we have deserved more points from games. Going by performance. I'd love to know how many goals we've conceded this year, down to what would be considered individual errors. As a whole, we've performed as a team well. Let down often by individual mistakes rather than how the team is performing in general. I'll concede there is an argument that individual errors can be increased/ forced if players are playing out of a preferred position, or the set up isn't right and the more pressure, the more likely an individual is likely to make a mistake. What's frustrating, is that we have the ability to be higher up the table. Yesterday was a prime example. Defensively sound, team balanced, well disciplined and pro active. We created chances...but no quality end finish. On another day...we've been inept at the former, yet clinical when finishing.
  3. Like you say...it's tiresome. I'm all for debate on any subject. The timing just irks and speaks a thousand words.
  4. Great picture of a young Scott Murray meeting Pele.
  5. FFS...you wake up from a decent hard earned point on the road, and your first thought is to post this. ????
  6. Good battling performance. Defended well...just needed quality finish or decision making when given opportunity to score.
  7. Watching on Millwall TV...their commentary has been very positive about us. Saying we've done our work on them...pressing, not allowing them to play. Making them play long balls. That we are energetic and organised.
  8. No worries at all. I thought some might not have seen it before, hence me posting it again. It gives a good insight and some balance. He says his strengths are man management. Motivating people. He's clearly imo, doing a good job at creating a better culture at the club. And he does have a wealth of experience, plus some of the highest coaching credentials. I really do want him to turn it around results wise and continue building for the next successor. I know fans are frustrated and fear relegation. It's understandable to vent spleen. Sadly in the football business, any manager that speaks ' out of turn' is condemned, even if the fans comments are 10 times worse. It is what it is. Fingers crossed we have an upturn in fortune. I've even bet on us getting a penalty tonight :laugh: Knowing our luck we'd miss it ?
  9. The agent also deals with NPs personal website. https://www.nigelpearson.net/#:~:text=I am an experienced professional,more recently%2C in continental Europe.
  10. It's probably a good time to re read this recent interview to get a balanced view. https://www.skysports.com/football/story-telling/11096/12734982/nigel-pearson-interview-bristol-city-manager-on-changing-the-culture-at-the-club
  11. What I ask myself...is...are the Agents posts consented by NP himself? Or did the Agent take it upon himself to post the comments without consulting NP first? Either way...it's an odd one. If consented...you have to ask why? If not...I can imagine NP going bat shit crazy on him.
  12. I'm guessing Bristol City is ... Glande Mammaire Bristol
  13. Vile Cardiff...they got that right ?
  14. I see us as definitely mid table. As we know though, 3 points at the end of the season with GD can have a significant difference on position.
  15. You look at that last chart and you have to ask yourself what happened after the Norwich game.
  16. Without sounding like a nause...and appreciating all the detail...the simple question is...should NP getting more out of the squad at his disposal at this very moment? Do we really need to compare the past with the present? Circumstances and times etc change. What happened in the past really has no significant impact on what NP has at his disposal right now and in this moment. Should he be getting more out of these players now...regardless. IMO yes.
  17. 26 years as Palace CEO. Longest of any CEO in Prem league. Says City have everything in place infrastructure wise to be Prem ready. If we can get the team going in the right direction, you probably couldn't ask for a better CEO to make a push. Will have so much experience and contacts. Put forward as CEO of the year last year as well. A football man with a vast amount of experience at the highest level. You couldn't ask for more really. I guess working with no budget will be the test.
  18. Seeing lots of tweets this morning from fans, showing they have been blocked from following SL because they asked him to get rid of NP.
  19. I agree with your sentiment...they've been awful judges in the past. Fingers crossed it doesn't come to that.
  20. It's frustration coming out. Ground hog day. You could tell by his demeanor in the interview that he was punch drunk. You can only keep saying the same things over and over...you eventually run out of narrative. He may as well have said...' same old shit, different day '.
  21. Yet they appointed NP...so perhaps they've seen the light at last?
  22. Very similar to what NP implied post match against WBA
  23. Quote... Smith publicly questioned the attitude of some fans after the home defeat by Blackburn on 17 December and said playing away was better for his side. "I think a lot of them have been waiting for this period to happen, or wanting it to - I don't know," he told BBC Radio Norfolk at the time. ???must be a Wurzel thing ?
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