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Everything posted by spudski

  1. It won't be long before they aren't allowed to define between men's and women's as some minority will kick up a stink and say it's not ' all inclusive ' ???
  2. Watching the WC it dawned on me, that much of ' European' football has reached some sort of pinnacle. It's often laborious. You can read the game and pretty much know where the ball is going to go. Where the players will position themselves. It's become like chess...certain moves ingrained...where they know it's 'safe'. This happens both in defence and offence. The teams playing less predictable football, more intensive, more individuality/ expression, willing to take risk, are often getting rewarded. Lesser skilled players are doing this and outwitting higher skilled players, who are playing to a safe ingrained system. I can see a shift in how football will be played in the not so distant future. What saddens me, is that IMO, we have players in the England set up, that if given more freedom to express themselves, and do something out of the norm, then we could have taken advantage. We played far to safe.
  3. At £27,000 a year, for 37 hours work plus benefits for all the family. ie £6 all day travel on trains etc...you have to ask yourself why there are people who are capable of doing the job sat at home all day doing nothing. I think your last sentence is very valid though Dealing with the public in this country, on the bus...nightmare. https://www.firstgroupcareers.com/vacancy/first-bus-bus-driver-018907-uk-bus---bristol-hengrove/18937/description/
  4. This is why the Argies reacted the way they did.
  5. I did as well for a season. I'll stand by my statement. It was full of inconsiderate people...not all...but when stuck on a bus with them , you can't get away from them. Public transport is a nightmare in this country. Its broken... doesn't work half the time...and when it does, you have no choice on the people you have to share it with. Who wants to be sat next to a bloke eating a rotisserie chicken like an apple, whilst listening to some woman with no social awareness talking on the phone loudly about her fanny problems to some nurse!!! Everytime it's like an episode from little Britain ?
  6. Superb cross and well taken header...pretty much what we try to do. Superb freekick. Thought out, and executed perfectly. Yet they are calling it ' lump it up their football' wtf ??
  7. I think the whole thing is bullshit mate. There are plenty of unemployed people. Low skilled people came across pre Brexit and got jobs driving buses. Yet they keep blaming lack of drivers for a few years now. There are plenty of people that are able to drive buses in this country. In saying that...from a personal perspective...the last thing I'd want to do is spend time on public transport. It's either empty, late, or full beyond capacity. Then you get the idiots you have to share space with. Public transport is like an ambulance...it's the last thing you want to be in.
  8. They said this week that there's a massive shortage of bus drivers around Bristol, and that many routes etc are being cancelled. The laughable thing is, they said it was compounded because the bus drivers they had, couldn't get into work because there were no buses. ??? You literally couldn't make it up. Why the hell do we put up with this shit. ??
  9. I'd favour a break...however I think a break in January would be better. And the January transfer window brought back to December. That way, players get a rest. Players from transfers get a chance to trainand knit with new team. Champions league starts in Feb. Public always find January a tough month re money.
  10. What a great movie...and awesome scene. My head of PE was just like that Im gonna trump you with this scene... ??
  11. Benarous injury is like you say, a worry. Doing the same twice, will really knock his confidence. Hopefully it doesn't become career ending. I disagree with what Matty James and NP agree on, although i understand the sentiment...regarding doing better in both boxes. Defending our own box I agree, but our midfield could do better in helping the defence of the box, and even more so, in quality of delivery into the opponent's box. If the quality was better, the goals would come. We take our chances when the ball is good. It's the quality of delivery that's the problem imo.
  12. A nice detailed report from our win against Palace. Plus a video showing all the goals. Scroll down the link. Some well worked and well taken goals by us. https://www.cpfc.co.uk/news/match-reports/crystal-palace-v-bristol-city-under-21s-in-the-premier-league-cup/2022-12-05/
  13. Prince Henry gone on a month's loan to Tiverton Town.
  14. Great insight by Tins on the rise of young Elijah Morrison. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/elijah-morrison-bristol-city-tinnion-7893961
  15. The term has been used many times before over the years. In various sports. In OZ... aggro- cultural means aggressive and was used in commentary over there. Heard it in cricket and golf mostly. As in stroke/ swing or action was ' aggricultural.
  16. It's such sad news...so many icons I grew up with are passing away...I guess it comes with age, but it's getting to feel like no one will be left soon. It's certainly an odd feeling. My mother recently went through the same experience. Palliative care and bowel cancer. Such a drawn out horrible disease. You wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy or those associated with them. I can only feel for him and his family. Until you experience it, it just doesn't really hit home how awful it is. You were so lucky to see him play. I had a signed Pele programme from when Santos played Fulham the same year as the Plymouth game you saw in 1973. Wish I hadn't sold it now. Some huge crowds attended to watch Santos and some shenanigans. Nice article here https://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/jul/14/the-forgotten-story-of-pele-and-the-santos-touring-circus
  17. I remember Paul Trevillion the artist, but not his putting method. When it comes to golf, it's so individual. You can ingrain the basics that are proven to work. However, we are all built differently, and those basics need to be tweeted to fit in with your natural body movement, biomechanics etc. Once fully drilled and ingrained, the biggest influence on whether you do well or not is your mind, your mental strength, the ability to block things out. When players start mucking around with different putters, different grips etc, it's invariably their mind playing up. Look at Tiger as an example, pretty much kept the same putter shape and grip throughout his career. In saying that...he has been hypnotised. You need to be able to read the green, have touch and feel...which I've always thought how incredibly amazing our brain and body can work together to such fine margins. Personally I found having a basic grip that was comfortable, natural in feel, that enabled me to hold without moving my wrists, then just rock my shoulders like a pendulum. Less moving parts the better. In saying that...look how Jack Nicklaus putted. More moving parts than a Swiss watch :laugh:
  18. Totally agree. I think Lee Sharpe turned ' Pro' recently, but not Pro in the truest sense. He's even got his own golf clothing range sold at American Golf. I think there is a Pro Celebrity tour he maybe playing on. Not sure. It's 'Pro' by name only...as playing for money, but by invite, rather than your golfing ability and qualifying. Like you say... There are many ' tour players', that struggle to make a living. As a teenager I got offered an Assistant Pros job at a local Club. It's my only regret that I didn't take it, as I know, from later experience, that I could have become a good teaching Pro, rather than a touring Pro. But back then didn't have the internet and knowledge that we have now. Selling kit Kat's all day in the shop for £50 a week didn't seem a good career move at the time :laugh:. Little did I know the opportunities afforded once qualified. Both my cousin's were Pros in Florida. Far better golfers than me, but both gave up because they struggled to make ends meet. I always remember one of them telling me he had a six foot put to pay his mortgage that month...now that's pressure. Like you, I have had the pleasure of playing with some world class tour players in Pro Ams. Their ability is off the scale compared to Amateurs of a low plus handicap. Bale and Tomlin have no chance if they want to qualify and pit there wits in the Seniors tour...but as ' Celebrities' I'm sure there is an opportunity to play for fun.
  19. Exactly that. There are many excellent low/plus figure amateur golfers, that would never make a living playing golf. Best route for a decent player is becoming a Club Pro. Not a tour player. No chance of him ever turning Pro. I think he's keen as mustard, but delusional. To make it in the game, you would need to be young and in the plus handicap range. Perhaps he sees an income from his YouTube channel ? Sadly he hasn't got the personality or the looks of Paige Spiranac You mention Julian Dicks...he wasn't bad, but far from Pro quality. I remember watching him closely when he was playing in the group in front of me during a Pro Am at the Oxfordshire.
  20. Not with that swing ?
  21. Signed as player coach for Ilkeston Town ?
  22. Fantastic...thanks for sharing that. Brought a big smile to my face ? If we had mobile phones back then I'm sure there would be numerous...she was proper ' wench size ' ??
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