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Posts posted by steviestevieneville

  1. 16 minutes ago, alexukhc said:

    My brother in law as a neutral(armchair supporting Chelski fan) went with Reading fans, while I went in the away end, I asked what he thought earlier.. said it was the worst games he's ever seen, was about the 2nd games he's seen at an actual real football league ground he also said atleast Chelsea won. Really wound me up, had an argument over dinner :grr:

    Don't you mean tea ? Dinners what posh people have 

  2. Just seen holdens pre match interview. Pisano injured in training yesterday , nothing serious though. Wright , travelling round the world , knackered , gives flint a chance. Didn't hear the reason for pack giving way for brownhill. Personally I'd of gone for pack and brownhill. I know marlon isn't that mobile but would deliver a better ball on the counter attack imo. Anyone with a different view ? 

  3. 30 minutes ago, BCFC11 said:

    Yet more BS from the sags, one of his mates told him LJ was being interviewed and was asked who he'd want in the next round of the cup to which LJ supposedly replied 'someone easy like Rovers'.


    literally believe any old BS they are told.



    They really are thick as **** . Just believe anything one of those belters say and follow like the sheep they are. No one even questions the fact dean holder done the press conferences pre and post match and said he'd like Man U next round :noexp: utter ******** the lot of um 

    • Like 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, 22A said:

    Let's be fair to the Rovers though; An away win at a team in a higher division is worth celebrating (as we are).

    Was it round two last season when City won at Fulham?

    No , let's not. Fulham made 11 changes so they only beat their rezzies. I wouldn't give them the steam off my piss never mind any credit. :)

    • Like 3
  5. 8 hours ago, myol'man said:

    I see they have pulled the  "Fake Sheik" thread on asschat because it was offensive. Offensive to who? The original News of the World fake sheik?  :ph34r:

    Because the closed shop that is asschat won't have a bad word said about the asset stripper . It's ok to racially abuse people though , apparently 

  6. 9 hours ago, Gashead2017 said:

    You say that but your posting on a thread relating to Rovers so clearly you have some interest in the club, personally I feel Bristol would be a worse place, football wise, if we became another Stoke, there must be virtually no banter/rivalry between fans their as all Stoke fans probably have zero interest in a club light years away from them. I fear that could well happen in Bristol now unless Wael  soon starts pulling rabbits out of hats  

    As it's been said plenty of times this thread is a PISS TAKE thread set up when you went into non league . I and loads of other City fans don't want you anywhere near us. On and especially off the pitch we're a million miles apart and that's how I like it. I've got gas mates and these last 16 years have been very enjoyable . 

    • Like 3
  7. 49 minutes ago, Malago said:

    . During 1939 Bristol Rovers F.C negotiated a sale price to the Bristol Greyhound Company, albeit by the chairman, who carried out the deal without the knowledge of his fellow directors. Eastville changed hands for £12,000 and the first General Manager was Lieutenant-Colonel Forsdike who was to become secretary of the National Greyhound Racing Club.[4]

    They also went bust in that year but the outbreak of WW2 and the cancellation of the football league saved them . 

  8. 1 hour ago, Gashead2017 said:

    To be fair to Harleyhas this a fair post rather than a "cracker"? I sense a lot of genuine Gashead feel the same following the news the UWE was dead, the real danger is we become the Port Vale to your Stoke, I think most genuine Bristolian football fans would sooner a bit of rivalry than one totally dominant club like is now the case in the Potteries.

    Sorry but no , I hope we never play you in the league again . Rovers fans want it because you'll be closer to us and to some of you that's all you aspire to. Nobody has a Devine right to play at any given level but I certainly hope we dont drop below the championship for many many years. To be honest,  the way you have been run I'd just be hoping it doesn't collapse like a house of cards. I'd be very worried if I was one of your lot. 

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  9. 3 hours ago, wood_red said:

    They question nothing, some still think he is going to sink his own cash into them. When he says "protecting an investment", they still don't question it. The mem has gone from not being an option to now being the only option, how has that suddenly changed to make them sustainable (will there be a feasibility study that takes 6 months coming up)? Where are the submitted plans for The Colony? A few seem to be starting to see what is really happening, but many are still as deluded as they were 18 months ago.

    That's what I've thought. They say they've submitted plans for the training ground . If so it would be on the council website, available too view. They would be showing off on slagchat and social media but I've seen nothing. 

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