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Mendip City

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Everything posted by Mendip City

  1. Favourite colour? In the words of SOD “stupid question”. It’s red.
  2. I need help working out my least favourite from this lot: O’Neills yellow flying cartoon bird o’neills cheap and nasty looking red pin stripe comic sans training wear # hashtag gold and navy for a cup final that David Cotterill thing the “champagne” coloured kit from cotterill’s time. all things TFG I’m sure there are more but what’s clear is our kit design ideas are poor…. Anyone else for big brand templates??
  3. Forgetting the awful badge for a second, in what way is this NOT a template? I’m certain you could go to any major sportswear manufacturer and find a plain yellow shirt with green collar. There’s literally nothing unique about it other than the stupid bird badge….. which if you were mad enough could have been stuck on any generic yellow shirt. We look so bloody tinpot.
  4. Couldn’t rule it out. Remember the hashtag balls up. maybe the football authorities can save us a bit of embarrassment. The kits will still look cheap and nasty but at least with a proper badge they’d be tolerable.
  5. Spot on. People moan about template kits… I’d much rather stick a (proper) City badge on this than the cheap looking rubbish that’s been served up.
  6. George Nurse would also have been here so a massive logjam unfortunately for the lad.
  7. Unless Scudamore is heavily involved with SLs plans to source investment/find a buyer… who better to explain the potential of the club to a foreign invested than a man who used to run the Prem League. All speculation on my part…. I haven’t the foggiest!!
  8. They were “little Bournemouth” in those days. I’m not sure I want to go down this road of horrors but don’t forget Gus Caesar! Gary Stanley…! Blimey if we think long enough the list is never ending!!
  9. Ian Leigh. There’s a blast from the past!!! One appearance for us effectively ended his career!! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Leigh
  10. Great post. Let’s hope SL keeps his moral compass when he decides to sell. I fear that might be a challenge for him as there seems to be very little UK interest in buying any football club.
  11. Let’s hope is as much of a hit there as he was for us!
  12. I heard that Sutton was completely full of praise for Bell. Seemed obvious that Sutton felt Bell has a big future.
  13. It’s frighteningly accurate. The biggest club in the area but is a double-edged sword as it means we’re a bit of an outpost and therefore not geographically attractive to some players (if you’re based up north, London, midlands you can join all manner of clubs without moving/uprooting the family). i think we used to be a graveyard/retirement plan for players but feel that’s slightly less the case now.
  14. Agree. Also he’ll back his own ability (rightly so)… if he makes a bit of an impact, scores a couple of goals but B’mouth get relegated he’ll be straight back in the Prem with someone else… likely on even more money with a sell-on to us. His worse case scenario is ending up at the top end of the Champ with B’mouth… so still a step up from where he is now. Wish we could keep him but good luck to him. We need to get out of this division and turn the cycle of little Bournemouth poaching our best young players!
  15. If Hibs get a move on it’s a perfect job for LJ
  16. He was never as bad as that previous criticism. Really pleased he’s now a regular as nd fan favourite.
  17. And if I remember rightly it was a deliberate decision on his part to get experience elsewhere rather than being part of the furniture here. Obviously it would be good to see him back here, in some capacity, one day.
  18. Thanks mate. I’ve lost track of speedway - I’m sure many have. sad, it’s a good sport but sounds like it’s on its last legs/wheels.
  19. I Remember that Eastville had a covenant on it that it could only be used for sporting purposes. Bristol City Council allowed IKEA and were supposed to be providing a facility for speedway and dog racing….. whatever happened? I’m no still waiting!!!
  20. I didn’t know that! I do remember their Tesco bag phase.
  21. Yes, I said “more professionalism” meaning more of the same - but see that can be read a different way! What he adds is having actually run a club promoted. Also sold a club to new owners.
  22. Neither team appears to be wearing quartered rags. Maybe it was an international match? Did England ever play there??? ?????
  23. I’m trying to remember what they did after the stand to the left burnt down. Was it just left empty? All I can remember of the place was not being able to see anything as soon as the wind picked up, leaving you with sand in your eyes.
  24. You both forgot “thank you to the Lansdown family”. Seriously, I’m hoping we’ll see more professionalism and a vision of what it really takes to get to the prem or sell the club (from someone who has sone both elsewhere).
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